Rosebushes, thorns and blood - spending the day with Venus

in #tarot7 years ago


Venus Doesn't Fuck Around so Neither Should We.

Today being Friday, we're heavily influenced and presided over by the most fair and lovely Lady Venus, who leads every yearning in the hearts of men and women. Venus has the potential to be a kind lover or a cruel mistress depending on your perspective or position in the stars.

Keeping that in mind, we can look and listen to her speaking to us today, often subtly but sometimes in not-so-subtle ways.
Today is a beautiful time to see one's relatives, meeting eunuchs (if you're into that sort of thing), prostitutes and musicians (either/or...), buying sheep and precious stones or for marrying. However, it's not advisable for planting, sowing, or laying foundations.

The perplexing thing about using planetary attributions and timings for working magic or just daily scheduling is how you can twist words around. In an example, it's a good day for marriage but not so much for laying foundations - which, one could argue is a difference between the literal and metaphorical, and when it comes to magic so much is in our words and intention.


Moving onto the Tarot card that I drew this morning, the Nine of Wands - this is an image that depicts a person recovering from a fight or a struggle, exhausted but not beaten. Looking at this picture metaphorically we can think about how we may be at a point in time in which we have been struggling and fighting and have won the battle or found a moment of respite. Realizing this, we understand that the war isn't over just yet and to slow down, recover and prepare ourselves for the pivot needed to overcome our looming obstacle(s). Continuing with my ongoing theme of personal redemption and growth - the Nine of Wands reminds me to hold fast to my willpower, prepare for the worst and keep moving towards my goals.

However, in my case, I drew this card in reverse and depending on your worldview regarding the upright vs. reversed cards - the meaning is inverted. In which case, it may symbolize building a cage around myself, retreating from the battle and being afraid to move forward in life. I'm not sure I take one side or the other regarding reversed cards, it seems to me that if a card is in reverse, it would be beneficial to look at the card from both perspectives and see how it relates to your life.

That said, we are influenced by the lunar mansion, Al-Simak - who's essence is that of movement, improvement, and transition. Al-Simak is suitable for romantic love, friendship, moving house, leaving a job or a relationship, healing, traveling by sea, and gardening. However, marriage and traveling by land should be avoided - see how Al-Simak and the planetary attribution clash here around the idea of Marriage? If I were considering getting married today, I'd probably just avoid it or at the very least consult another oracle or maybe have someone else read my cards for me.

In addition to Al-Simak, Venus and the Nine of Wands, each day has a series of angels and demons who preside over every hour of the day, but for brevity, I'm only listing the angel Agathoēl and demon Gouriel, who preside over the entire day. The use of these two are for "causing love" in yourself, others or both, which can be romantic or a little rapey, so always err on the side of consent (magic can be a dirty business).

Thanks for reading and please, leave some feedback below - comments, upvotes, and resteems are always greatly appreciated!

I always took "reversed" to mean not astronomically dignified or right card, wrong day.

That totally makes sense, depending on how you're using the cards. Depending on what you're seeking, I suppose. I like 1 card spreads (for lack of a better word) for daily forecasting, and given it's only one card in reverse I don't know how I would apply the idea of right card wrong day.

I suppose that's why I like the idea of it being a skewed version of it's "original" meaning - which is subjective to say the least.

Also the story of the good sumarian or samaritan.....not that that is a whole fringe degree or anything😲

I don't follow the context of this reply

If you are robbed, beaten, and stripped anyone who helps you might be viewed as a friend or "neighbor." Look to help that beaten person, be they a black, white, brown, friend, enemy, or your own tortured soul. This particular card usually means redemption for me, as much as a disk.