Your Soul Whispers...Nov 20-22

in #tarot4 years ago

On Nov 20-22, your soul whispers...

Continuing the theme from yesterday, this weekend is about going on the within and spending time getting to know yourself and your Inner Divine more deeply. As things move along in your outside world, these energies request you to stay inside of your world. There is a need to pay more attention to the whispers of your own soul than to the external chatter, in order to stay in balance, and keep your equilibrium (or regain it). 3 Major Arcana cards represent the Universe blowing a loud horn to say this is necessary, for your sake. The High Priestess | The Hermit | and Justice bring strong admonition to focus more within, and get closer to your Divine Self. They give you the opportunity to form a strategy for dealing with all the change going on everywhere, and help you become better acquainted with your True Self, your deeper layers, and with the voice of your intuition, your own personal radar which guides you. Such an alignment forwards your personal and spiritual growth, and keeps things balanced on the inside of you, and fair for you in your external world dealings.

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