Tarot Wyzdom with Love: A Steemit-y Tarot Collection
If you love Steemit and are interested
in the infinite aspects of Tarot then check out this blog.

Tarot has been a passion of mine for nearly 20 years.
All aspects of the tarot fascinate me.
Before getting too deeply into writing my own series
of tarot blogs I did a little Steemit tarot research.
I have discovered many very good to pretty good
tarot minds lingering around the tarot topic
here in the Steemit community.

I've gone through many posts here on our beloved
Steemit written by Steemians on the topic of tarot.
Here, today I am listing
my favorite tarot articles on
Steemit and a complete list of
my own tarot articles, so far.
I see that the tarot posts in general, do not do well.
I would like to challenge
the tarot community here at Steemit
to submit quality material,
beyond the basics and daily readings, but deep into
the symbols,
card games,
uses beyond tarot readings,
psychology, and
personal development
and so much more.
There is still an outdated belief among the
masses that tarot is nothing but silly fortune telling.

Tarot is an infinite tool.
The blogs below were all chosen because I could tell
that the author has a real interest in the tarot and is actively
getting to know the mysteries of the cards.
Then, the articles were either well written,
well organized,
demonstrated uses of tarot outside of tarot readings,
and/or possibly has a series of blogs with
obvious knowledge and introspection.

Favorite Steemit Tarot articles,
so far: (in no particular order)
- Tarot Cards vs. Playing Cards by @jeremycrow
- The Fool: Major Arcana Card Zero by @t-a-r-o-t
- Medicine Cards Or Tarot Cards - What's the Difference? by @eaglespirit
- Alphabet of Desire, Tarot and the Tree of Life by @doriyan
- The Economist Cover for 2017 Part II: Deep Analyze of the Cards by @pollux.one
- 7 Tarot Archetypes on Awakening’s Path by @awakedev
- Sidewalk Tarot by @kimberlylane)
- Tarot Tuesday Weekly Wednesday Wrap-up Will Return Next Week by @steemittarot
- The Alchemical Wedding, part 2: Yellow by @in2itiveart
My own tarot blogs so far:
Journey Through the Constellations of the Tarot: Love's Tarot Basics
Journey Through the Tarot's Constellations: Love's Daily Card
I am currently in the process of putting together a series of tarot blogs,
explaining the constellations discovered by the late Angeles Arrien
while upgrading and setting a higher standard of my personal content.I invite you to write high quality material then
submit it to me through Steemit Chat.
When I receive 8 - 10 quality articles/blogs I will create a Tarot Volume
then submit another blog with the list of new tarot articles/blogs.
I am willing to give you feedback on your writing and content.
Comment down below if this is something you will like.
I am also interested in blogs of related topics such as:
- crystal medicine
- astrology
- numerology
- The Golden Dawn and Secret Societies
- plant medicine
- Tree of Life and Flower of Life
- Chakras and color theory
- anything else you can convince me is related
Join me in shifting the outdated ideas of tarot in being only for fortune telling but a tool for exploring the infinite possibilities.
I'm excited about the future and the possibilities.
I invite you to join me.
To view my tarot services please visit my Tarot Page
Tarot Wyzdom with Love
Keep Following.
I got many more quality tarot content posts coming
and amazing new insights.
I'm serious!
My content is continuously evolving as
I continue my unique journey through the Tarot.
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