Technological philosophy

in #t6 years ago (edited)

I have been technologist for more than ten years now writing all kinds of software applications - Desktop, Web, Enterprise, Mobile, had/have even have some inclination in Voice Solutions - because of the speed increase of in the interaction. I have seen several different technologies come and go, rise and fall, with some I have created tools for others or for me, with others I have only experience with trying it, exploring it, seeing if it has true benefits. As one song says "In the End, it doesn't even matter".

Technologies in themselves are just another abstraction, another tool created by the human mind to theoretically increase productivity, effectiveness, minimize cast and time of execution, solve some particular, specific problem and so on. At least that is their purpose from philosophical point of view. The human mind needs to be certain, to be in the comfort zone to not worry. Like money holding humanly disillusioned value, the measuring of time, giving more importance to the words that describe things than the things themselves. How is technology used in practice is another story - It is all just another slave that is - dependent to the human mind, psychology and behavior. The human mind "gives life", gives human-like characteristics to all that surrounds him - nature, the universe, technology, society, God and so on.

Although most of my career I have been developing with Java Programming Language, but I have never been evangelist. I have seen several different technology battles - Linux vs Windows vs Mac, Java vs C#, Android vs iOS, Flash vs HTML5, Google vs Microsoft, open source vs closed source and so on, and so on.Well, as I quoted before - "it doesn't matter".

In the end of the day, like the money, like the fame, like the Ego, like the technology, what matters is how you improved your life, and the people's life - at least from humanitarian point of view - if you think beyond the short term personal gains, that will last even after your death.

If you are thinking in short terms - there are two options - think of very short - short terms, or short terms but long enough to last several years - 10 - even 20 or years or more.

If you think in very short terms - you will want put big margins on the prices and will want money now, will want power and influence now, but this may be to the expense of control or scale. Expensive stuff means less reach and prices. In the human society fame, influence, reach is potentially more valuable in economic terms and money, because the first could be sold for the second - Google, Facebook, Entertainment artists, personal development "gurus", even spiritual leaders, politicians and son on. Every person or organization with some reach converts it to money. But how long and how big the conversion is if you squeeze too much on the audience?

Here comes the second long term thinking - creating Brand, creating reach, putting money into the business instead of getting it out of it - that is how to play the game long term - You can see it for example with Amazon's success - putting minimal margins on the items.

Another key component for achieving long term success is having actual control over the thing that brings you out money. Google controls the keywords you search, the videos you upload to YouTube, it controls the Android Operating system and it's improvement, also the marketplace, the chrome browser. Facebook controls the content you share and sells it, Microsoft controls the development of Windows, they copied the software marketplace idea, because they saw how it is successful in Android and iOS.

Even the article I'm writing right know will end up property of and my only reason to write is because it is free and improves my brand.

The key is creating something - tools or platforms that other will use to create their own stuff and something not exactly the same, but very similar is what I'm partially doing with some of my personal software products in my personal small scale.