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No, of course I agree with you in some part. We're not all friendly by nature but if we're talking just about school systems you can't say it's good to learn non important stuff which you don't know what's about. Although just repeating what you've read without comprehension is also retarded and doesn't develop the brain. I was saying that system should be slightly changed and removing the grades for children sounds the best for me.
Of course, I following you, you are talking more in details and I'm talking more about the bigger picture. And you are totally right, that Is the way it is not sure where are you from exactly but here where I'm from, Croatia, the school system is not good at all! Just take Scandinavian countries school system and try to compare it with ours, you will at the first moment see a huge difference!
That's what I initiated (or at least tried to haha). Iz Zagreba sam rodo :D
U tom slucaju se razumijemo! ;) pozz iz Istre!
Sramota me rec al jos nisam bio tamo. Koji grad? Ako budem isao, ko zna da neku kavu popijemo
Haha, evo ljeto te uskoro ceka u Istri, nema bolje vrijeme za posjetu! Nije istra velika, samo se ti javi kada budes tu negdje! ;)