Syria, Iraq and the Invasion of The Middle East - when will we learn?

in #syria7 years ago (edited)

 Politicians lie to give them an excuse to go to war, because war makes money. They lied about Iraq. They’re probably lying now.
War has ALWAYS been about money. Every time.
War makes money. Media, politicians, oil, banking and the military industrial complex all make money from sending troops to die for oil. All of the above lie to send people to war. 

Some people believe Trump is an activist, anti-globalist superhero who wants to “drain the swamp in Wall Street.”  People are saying things like “he’s playing the long game, it’s like chess.”

So far Trump has incited war and made money for the elite like just about every president before him (including Obama.) I’m not a Democrat either, I’m not an American and I am certainly no fan of Hillary. The good candidates for the Presidency or Prime Minister usually get no press, or negative press. The successful ones are usually corporate puppets, I will not be a puppets puppet.

I hope Trump is an amazing actor and activist playing the long chess game. But that might be stretching positive thinking to incredulous levels, I shall probably have more luck placing my hopes in other ”white hat” activists behind the scenes.Read between the lines. The deep state is still running things, still telling the same lies, the economic hit men are either creating regime change by arming rebels or by getting the media to justify invasion on moral grounds. Iraq allegedly gassed the Kurds. Syria allegedly poisoned children. The West turns a blind eye to human rights abuses LITERALLY every day, arming and supporting abuse everywhere from Saudi Arabia to Palestine but when they want your oil, gas, opium, fresh water etc all of a sudden the leader is labelled a ‘psychotic dictator’ and we have to bomb democracy into them. What that means is we will kill women and children until we own everything, have installed a central bank, and control the natural resources. It’s sssooo formulaic it’s become easy to PREDICT! 

Some might say “protest”. And in a way, I agree, but only if that protest is going to educate people or cost the people you’re protesting against money. Any other form of protest is just a loud echo chamber preaching to the converted that the politicians and corporations ignore, including the mainstream media who routinely either ignore a protest or play-down the number of people who attended. Follow these facts – The biggest protest this country ever had was against the Iraq war. They ignored us and killed thousands of people. Then we had the Chilcott Inquiry that proved the protestors right, they were lying to us about the reasons for war. And all the people that lied to us are out of jail, Tony Blair was the middle East peace envoy ffs. So tell me, exactly what does protesting achieve if the biggest one ever had no effect? No, direct action that costs the people you’re protesting against works, boycott or blockade. But they don’t give a shit if ten thousand people wave placards, if it doesn’t cost them anything. If protesting makes you feel better I understand that. It unites people face to face and people can talk about issues face to face. We all have different paths. I personally get depressed at protests now. I rant to alleviate my depression.

Some might “say stop paying tax to governments you don’t support.” But that will only work if ALOT of people did that en masse at the same time. And for alot of people to do that alot of people need too know why.

In a way I agree, and in my own way I tried that already. But I think we need to educate people first or they’ll never understand. I tried to quit paying tax in my own way. Squatted, dropped out of a “society” that supported the invasion of Iraq and the slow invasion of Palestine etc etc. I was poor, the rich got richer, and I felt like I was being laughed at for being cold and poor. Was not effective without educating people en masse about why and how they should stop paying taxes. To me it boils down to education. Most people don’t even know that the Chilcott Inquiry came to the conclusion that we were misled about the Iraq war let alone come to the realisation that we’re probably lied to about most wars and therefore it would not occur to them that our entire political system is corrupt from the top down and inside out.

It may be a shame that so many people STILL believe mainstream media AND politicians BUT alot of people see the similarities between Iraq, which the Chilcott Inquiry concluded we were led to war under inaccurate data (alleged LIES), and the current’attacks in Syria.Everybody thinks they’re doing the right thing, we just don’t all have all the dinformation. I don’t know if all the info I have is accurate or important, but I’ll share what I know until or unless that becomes too dangerous (or annoying), then I’ll see how brave or stubborn I am. Kind of bored of ranting about the same thing though but innocent lives are lost for money, can’t shut me up about it. Meh, zoom out enough and it’s just accelerating the reincarnation process. Hard to keep your perspective that zoomed out all the time though, if you even believe in such things.I don’t know how or when the power of love will overtake the love of power but I still have hope.More love, more positivity. 


ps   When setting up and running a small independent business, there are many unexpected legal considerations and responsibilities that go with it. These could be legal, financial, relate to employment, health and safety, licensing, environmental and a great many other areas. The list of laws and regulations that a business must ensure it meets, therefore, is long and demanding. Realising the size of this task is a good starting point, but meeting the challenges are important if the business is not to get into trouble.    I will ensure I am fully up to date with the latest Health and Safety issues as set out in the tranche of laws covering this issue, including what to do in the event of a fire and the procedure for reporting and dealing with accidents. Legislation on this area includes:   · Health and Safety at Work Act 1974; · Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1992; · Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations; · The Provision and Use of Work Equipment at Work Regulations; · The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH); · The Electricity at Work Regulations; · Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations; · Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.   I will ensure all customers are aware of and understand the terms and conditions of my services, and agree to these terms each time they make a booking. Consequently, I will ensure compliance with the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and the Trade Descriptions 1968, as well as the Consumer Protection Act.   I will ensure I have all the insurance cover appropriate for my business, including,    · Public Liability Insurance to cover against accidents (injury and death), e.g. if a client visiting the treatment room fell down stairs, or for harm done to the property as a result of any of your business activities; · As I will be offering a mobile service, I will need to update my car insurance to cover the additional costs of using the car for business purposes;  · Home contents Insurance to be updated to include additional business-related equipment listed among my valuable items; plus payment of an extra premium to cover any loss of business income, resulting from damage to my home; and · Professional Indemnity Insurance to cover me for legal representation and legal fees in the event that a customer makes a claim against me for a mistake or negligence.     Having created and set up my new enterprise, I need to be clear to carry out a patent search and trademark search to avoid possible conflict with an existing products or patents. This will avoid having to rename or re-launch my service.   Tax – I will need to register as a sole-trader with the Inland Revenue. Having already registered with them less than 12 months ago, I am familiar with this process. However, as I do not envisage my 12 month turnover to exceed £73,000 there is no need to register with HMRC regarding VAT.   To comply with the requirements regarding the obtaining and storing of personal data on clients, under the Data Protection Act, I will register with the Information Commissioner’s Office and comply with the eight data protection principles.   I will work with the Environmental Health Department at Brighton and Hove council, to maintain I comply with the Local Government Miscellaneous Act 1982 associated with certain complementary therapists services, including massage therapist.