The Marriage Ceremony - An Occult Mockery
Marriage has long since been the standard way for people to publicly state their love for one another, as well as celebrate their commitment to one another with their family and friends. Or so it is interpreted in the west. When we take a closer look at the occult rituals and contracts associated with the modern "marriage" ceremony, it becomes quite apparent that there is more communicated here than meets the ego's eye. As with most dogma, occultists have taken esoteric symbolism meant to spur internal development and inverted it into an exoteric doctrine through which many seek physical gratification and through which our ignorance is openly mocked.
Once powerful symbolism used to balance the psyche, and being as a whole, has been obfuscated and hidden from those who do not have the keys to recognize the powerful message contained therein. Our now tainted beliefs overshadowing the potential for True Understanding, even in the midst of Truth being laid at our feet.
Or so it goes for those determined to maintain the status quo through willful ignorance. For others, with the desire for Knowledge and Truth, both shall become apparent. It is in this spirit of Knowledge and Truth I present to you some of the possible roots of the modern marriage ceremony and point you towards some topics that warrant deeper understanding in the part of the average person. I will ask you to set aside your current beliefs and understandings and not to believe me, but do your own research into the topics presented here.
The Contract
The contract, which is really the "legal" basis of marriage, is nothing more than the merging of two corporations in the eyes the government. If you are not aware that your government considers you to be a corporation that it owns, you have some research to do. In Canada it is an offense punishable with prison time to hold a fake marriage ceremony. What classifies as a fraudulent wedding? One that does not have a permit and government contract of course. Does a free human being need to ask and pay for permission (a permit) to wed? Would a free couple be required by law to register (or in other words sign over ownership to the crown) their relationship?
The truth is; the powers that shouldn't be really do think they own you. The terminology and requirements listed above are really all the evidence that is needed to prove this fact. Unfortunately this Truth is prevalent in every aspect of our lives, not just in marriage.
At this time I should note: As a detailed description of the symbolism contained within the occult teachings described in this post would take a lifetime, and for the reason that I am just beginning my path in this knowledge, I will only be including a brief overview of some of the more obvious symbolism and how this ties in with the marriage ceremony. In-depth research on the readers part is recommended.
Light Freemasonry

Let us now compare the symbolism in the western marriage ceremony to the symbolism on the First Degree Tracing Board of Freemasonry. Many people have discounted Freemasonry as a tainted ideology due to it's recent abuse by some who have obtained positions of power. It needs to be recognized that this is no different than the attempted high-jacking and manipulation of every esoteric teaching on Earth, from Christianity to Islam. Murder and manipulation by so-called authority has been committed in the name of every god and belief system on the planet. That does not discount the Truths contained within these teachings, nor does it make these Truths less relevant to the human race as a whole.
Working from the ground of the Tracing Board up, we start with the black and white checker board floor. Black and white is synonymous with: light & dark, good & evil, right & wrong and truth & lies. Depicted in the checkerboard format, black and white are used to symbolize ignorance and the lack of being able to distinguish between the polar opposite just mentioned above. You will notice that the checkerboard is the lowest point on the Tracing Board. This part of the tracing board is reflected within the marriage ceremony by the white dress of the bride and the black suit of the groom. You will also notice that in most traditional wedding ceremonies the bride & groom will typically be a level lower than the official presiding over the wedding, further emphasizing the ignorance and lack of knowledge of the participants.
Image Source
Let us now look to the 3 pillars depicted on the tracing board. The 2 pillars in the foreground represent the hemispheres of the brain as well as lunar and solar energies: lunar symbolizing the sacred feminine, reflected by the bride and solar symbolizing the sacred masculine, reflected by the groom. The 3rd pillar represents the unification of masculine and feminine, which allows one to begin up the ladder of True Knowledge. This is represented by the official presiding. The three pillars also represent Thought, Emotion and Action: Emotion symbolized by the lunar/feminine, Action symbolized by the solar/masculine and Higher Level Thought, which requires the balancing of the masculine and feminine / right and left hemispheres of the brain, symbolized by the 3rd pillar in the center. With this knowledge it is plainly apparent that the structure of the ceremony represents the couple acting out of emotion with no Higher Level Thought.
As the bride and groom (still dressed in black and white and still a level lower than True Thought) exit after the ceremony, True Thought and the balanced masculine and feminine/hemispheres of the brain is symbolically left behind at the alter.
The Alchemical Wedding

The practice of Alchemy, which many have heard involves the transformation of base metals into gold and silver, is actually an ancient form of psychology and natural science which allows the practitioner to balance the elements within him/herself. Balancing of your positive and negative, masculine and feminine and right/left hemispheres of the brain allows for the for the transmutation of base characteristics and traits into more desirable higher-level expressions: in other words transmuting base metals into gold. Although it is debatable whether this may be achieved in the gross physical form, it is commonly agreed that this ability to actually transform invaluable metals to more valuable forms of gold and silver would be subject to true balance and full potential achieved within the practitioner. This balance and attainment of your full potential is known as the Alchemical Wedding.
The terminology and symbolic correlations between The Alchemical Wedding and the wedding ceremony are many. Once again it is important to note that in Alchemy, this wedding is an internal process or achievement and in the wedding ceremony this symbolism has been subverted and made external. Just as the Alchemist who enters the practice for physical wealth is soon deterred from his path, so too are the married couples surprised that their "marriage" has not induced the dream-state-life they were programmed as children to believe it would.
The practice of The Hermetic Philosophy is attributed to, and named for, Hermes Trismigistus - The Thrice Great one. Similar to Alchemy in many aspects, Hermeticism maintains a distinct focus on Natural Laws and traits as well as balance and transmutation. Again we have an ancient philosophy focused on the balance of the masculine and feminine, of Thought Emotion and Action and of Mind, Body and Spirit and the unification of all mentioned. The wedding ceremony has again taken this sacred esoteric symbolism and mad it exoteric, or external.
A subject I will not really cover here that you may want to look into is the origins of the ring and how it ties into Saturn worship.
These symbols are meant to be studied by the individual to stimulate deeper thought and internal mental and spiritual development, which in turn can positively effect the physical world around us. A solid foundation of occult symbolism is required to decipher the keys hidden within and to recognize intended manipulation by those who would use these symbols for personal gain at the expense of others.
Me Speak No Symbolicano
Symbolism is an ancient and occulted language that predates any forms of modern communication. Many symbols are archetypal in nature, meaning they induce subconscious psychological responses due to an inherent genetic memory that all humans possess, as determined in the research of Jung and many others.
Wikipedia describes an archetype as such:
a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present, in individual psyches, as in Jungian psychology.
Some examples of this are the circle, square, star, pole or pillar, colors (especially red, blue and green) - etc. If you were to take a group of people and ask them to do word association with these shapes/symbols/colors, you would be surprised with the number of common responses. This also applies to highly complex symbolism such as the images shown above. Although many may not even be able to articulate it, a psychological response will inevitably be induced.
Due to a lack of education we have, as a society, become illiterate in the language of symbols. Our psyches, as well as the learned among us in positions of power, have not forgotten this long lost language. It is used to this day in our ignorance, to manipulate us mentally and emotionally and in turn control us physically. Political symbolism and colors, advertising, education and entertainment, all containing complex symbolism never taught to the every-person.
Notice any common shape/color/themes going on? How about in politics?
Let's compare to religious symbolism.

... Maybe it's all just a coincidence. (Heavy sarcasm) Let's get symbol literate folks!This will in turn give us the power to use these symbols to our advantage.