SXSW Decentralized Art Show Austin March 9-18: IT’S A CRYPTO PARTY! Call For Artists!
View this post on Hive: SXSW Decentralized Art Show Austin March 9-18: IT’S A CRYPTO PARTY! Call For Artists!
View this post on Hive: SXSW Decentralized Art Show Austin March 9-18: IT’S A CRYPTO PARTY! Call For Artists!
I find it ironic, and even hilarious that I just spent 7 months in Houston, but have now moved back to Denver! LOL, my sense of timing is so murphy's law...
this is hilarious!!!!!!
Upvoted and resteeemed, its important since Steemit Inc is in Austin Texas as are @ned @richadcrill (Altcoin jesus0 @ajaxalot many other Austinite Steemians and we MUST reprsent Steem at South by South West with all the Biutcoin Peope... In fact with MUST find ALL the bitcoin events and make urselves known as the ULTAMITE altoin, the REAL altrnative to Bitcoin the REAL decentralized network of Business people on our 3rd gen Blockchain, with EOS and HF20 soon to make us a 4++ and 5th gen blokchain with EOS, yes steem will get a OT of new features when EOS comes out....
We MUS start gatherig the BEST artists on steem AND bringing NEW amazing artists to Steem to make Steem related Art
I want steem to commission some art to promote steem, imagine finding great artists and having them sprinkle in steem logos.. Imagine we present a list of possible artists on reddit and Instagram and we VOTE to see WHICH ones will be given the Post Rewards of this post, the SBD will be handed off to the artists we post about, we nominate artists n Instagram and reddit and basically raise money in a Post to pay them to come to steem.. With enough Bitcoin/Money we can convince Anyone to come to steem and post everyday for a Month, and they will stay for the Steem knowing they can save their Steempower but spend al their Steemdollars and use that liquid pay to make better art!
It's a decentralized movement, power to the people! :) #pioneers
Epic. This is going to be epic. Art and literature can make in roads for crypto into previously uncharted territories. Society has very unique way of responding to art. It would be beyond epic to see how crypto and art mix.
Waiting with bated breath.......
Thanks for this upload
#epic #cryptoart
Undoubtedly, this will be a great event, an exorordinary way to promote art.
the cryptocurrency and the virtual world is overcoming many barriers, more and more professionals are accepting them. in less than what is thought will be a means of payment ccurrent.
I wish you a prosperous week dear friend @ stellabelle /
I wonder if #GooglyEyes would be considered art?! :P
but maybe the world isn't ready for this yet.
yeah, i think so!
ummm... which one? that it could be considered art or the world not being ready for it? probably both, though, right?! :P
Johny dollar was one of the best artist man & best writer in the world. he is my legand.
i submitted something:

look closely, hes hodling a bitcoin
Yesss! I love this, thank you!! - - - ANY & ALL types of artists, performers, entertainers and creatives are welcome - - Whether you're spray painting a mural, building code for a new VR game, recording a music album, writing a book - - if it's creative & amazing - - we want to support you!
The picture artwork was amazing there’s so much to say just by little at the whole picture . I think it’s great that we are in a time where we can use crypto as a form of payment from anyone all around the world
Yess, that's the goal! Thanks for being a part of this decentralized movement! #cryptoart
A crypto party it is!
cryptocurrency is indeed like the perfect matrimony with who we ARE
Great one @stellabelle