How To Be Your Own Cheerleader

in #sweetsssj7 years ago

“Wake up knowing that you are a boss, powerful enough to tackle anything coming your way,” she tells HuffPost UK.

“Knowing this has always put a smile on my face. Affirming all of the fantastic traits that we hold inside, definitely does change the way we think about ourselves, therefore changing the way our day goes.”


Jayne Hardy, founder of The Burt Foundation and author of ‘The Self-Care Project: How to let go of frazzle and make time for you’ also recommends being kinder to yourself.

“Quite often, we beat ourselves up for things. It’s a knee-jerk reaction whichcements any negative thought patterns we have. It lends itself to any feelings ofunworthiness or ‘I’m not enough-ness’ and can be more damaging than we realise,” she tells HuffPost UK.


“To bloom, we need to nurture and nourish ourselves. We can do this by becoming more mindful of how we talk to ourselves and by choosing self-kindness.”