Censorship of the animated satire "Så att det blir Rätt!"

in #sweden7 years ago (edited)

Shortly before the swedish election in september 2018, Jens Ganman and Magnus Carlsson made a satirical animated movie critizising the policies of the government.

The movie was initially uploaded to youtube but was quickly removed. A short time previuosly Morgan Johansson had had a meeting with Google threatening them to censor "hate" and "threats" or else there would be laws forcing them to censor more.


The movie has been reuploaded to youtube and other platforms - the original upload was removed from youtube because of "hate speech":

Here are some links to the movie, the movie unfortunately do not have english subtitles.

Reupload1 at youtube
Reupload2 at youtube

Here is a quick recap of the Morgan Johansson - Google debacle:

Morgan Johansson, Swedish justice-minister

The 23 march 2018 the Swedish justice-minister Morgan Johansson (social-democrat) announced that he wanted to have a private meeting with social media companies Google and Facebook in order to compel them to "stop hate and violence that is being spread by them". If they did not comply he would push for legislation forcing them to censor more Source The meeting between Morgan Johansson, Peter Eriksson and Google took place friday the 13 april 2018. Facebook did not attend. Source

The goal of the meeting seems to be to modify the Swedish version of Google and the Swedish version of Youtube and make them more adapted to censoring according to Swedish needs. In practice, of you visit Google or Youtube from a Swedish IP-address many videos and search results will be censored compared to for example IP-addresses from other countries.

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