🔥 Steemit Vision Quest - Invitation To Co-Create A New Community ChallengesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #svq7 years ago (edited)

Steemit encourages us to visualize a brighter, more colorful world. Artists appreciate Steemit as the stage, the spotlight, and the amplifier for the Creative Age, assisting us as we bring new ideas to the masses. What if we join forces to bring our Visions into focus, like stars joining their rays into one potent light beam?

Visualizing people healing from the inside-out by being in harmony with Nature.

Steemit Vision Quest

The Steemit Vision Quest doesn't exist yet. I feel it coming! It's a rush of energy, rolling into my field of awareness, pulsing through my heart, and resonating. I am inspired by the belief that we can access the wisdom of our higher selves when we ask for it, reach for it, and embrace it. This is the divine design of a Vision Quest.

Traditionally, a Vision Quest is a sacred rite of passage designed to guide Vision Seekers with new views that will help us to: (1) find purpose in life; (2) discover our roles in community; and (3) navigate through transitions. Truly, the act of visioning is a key step in realizing the changes we wish to see in the world.

Visualizing people being peaceful, being peacemakers and peacekeepers, being peace.

The Vision

I Am Envisioning A Brighter, More Colorful World.

I see at least three ways the Steemit Vision Quest will benefit us all. First, it will create a new space for art in everyday life, and this creative space will be designated specifically to bring more love and lightness into the world. Second, it will show future generations the value of creative thinking. And third, it will encourage others to find and foster their own unique visions, working together as a whole to achieve the collective vision.

1. I Am Creating Space For Art In Everyday Life.

Because practice makes perfect, it is immediately beneficial to tap into the creative flow on a daily basis. Recently, I started dedicating time and energy into art every single day, through journaling, and sketching, and singing with my kids. This is making a positive difference in myself, and I'm seeing breakthroughs in the kids too. One advantage is the progress we see in our artistry, and another is the joy of expressing from the heart in our thoughts, words, and actions.

My belief is that the Creator created us with the natural talents to create the world we wish to live in. This is our duty as co-creators. I believe we are all artists, currently living in a world where creative thinking is essential for survival, it seems. Some of us may downplay the art in us, as if it is useless and we are unworthy, but the truth is that creative expression gives us many levels of gifts. Creative expression provides an outlet for the emotions, for example. For some of us, creative expression gives life meaning.

2. I Am Confirming The Value Of Creative Thinking.

For children, creative thinking is valued at school and at home, hopefully. Public schools still include mandatory art and music classes, you know, and this shows that tax payers still value the arts, even after all the cutbacks and mandates. Private schools continue to offer programs that focus on music, performance arts, and new media arts such as computer programming and computer-assisted drafting and design. Creative thinking is valued greatly as a whole, in our society. It "pays" to be an artist, in many ways.

A vibrant future is possible when today's children step up to be the next-level creative thinkers they're designed to be. Parents understand: We want our kids to be independent thinkers, able to make their own choices in life, guided by their hearts. We parents are the first people our kids look to for teaching, and modeling, and at the same time they may also look to the Guide Inside. We can help them to exercise their creative thinking ability by giving them choices, honoring their viewpoints, and appreciating their support in the decisions we make as families, growing together.

3. I Am Encouraging Others To Join The Collective Vision.

Steemit Vision Quest may help us to understand the universal appeal of a collective vision. It is wonderful to see the love ripples that originate with a Maya Angelou poem, or a Jackson Pollock painting, or an Elvis Presley song, or an Ansel Adams photograph, or a Martin Luther King Jr. speech. More and more love ripples are forming here and now, thanks to our freedoms of speech and our outlets for creative expression and our embrace of new solutions, new ideas, and new artworks.

We all feel the paradigm shift occurring in the world today. The brilliance and beauty of this moment is epitomized by the bright and shiny stars we see emerging in the arts. For example, here in the "Live Music Capital of the World," everyone is a musician and we all benefit from this. Music moves us all! Music strums our heartstrings. Music draws us closer to others, making harmony happen. And the same is true of all varieties of artistic expression.

Visualizing people uplifted by community support.

The Call

Will you help to co-create the Steemit Vision Quest with me? I see it as an open-invitation community challenge, inviting people to share their uplifting visions for the future. These visions may be illustrated, photographed, written, video recorded, or shared in another publishable form. Ideally, every participant will win: enthusiastic upvotes, heartfelt replies, and [possibly] valuable Steem rewards. A selection of inspiring entries will be spotlighted in a curated list. This is what I see. What do you see? Will you bring it to life with me?

This post contains 100% original content by @cabelindsay.


This is a brilliant idea. Don't forget people getting in touch with their power animals/pets.......perhaps nominating an elder......celebrating the completion of a personal challenge.....sharing spiritual experience......(steeming in a Steem Sweat Lodge).....wow. Reclaiming the nearly-lost art of initiation.

For sure, yes!!! I'm your instant friend–you had me at "power animals." :) All terrific ideas, and so very relevant. Your note here means so much to me. Thank you.

Interesting concept. Are you Ndn?

Nope. I am indigo, and a member of NAC.

Oops sorry I was talking to @healingherb considering the suggestion to make it Native tribe-like.
But I did ask you in my old post so thank you for answering @cabelindsay! lol
I find it interesting that the age range of Indigo has expanded. When I looked about 5 years ago it was only the late 80s, no I just looked it up and it includes the 1950s. The classifications just make me giggle. Is NAC the Apostolic Church? Can I ask is the ceremony you are attending Native 100 percent?

My mistake–I butted in. NAC is the Native American Church, and there are elements of Christianity yeah, along with traditional beliefs. I just returned from Thunder Ranch, where there was an NAC ceremony called a Devotional. For four days, we celebrated the life of Mary Elizabeth Thunder with chiefs in their headdresses and visitors from all across the world and an invisible force that was mighty and mysterious.

Ahhh okay so if you had told me the Peyote church I’d have known that @cabelindsay. lol
Excellent and thank you so much for sharing. Big hugs! xx

I wish I were Ndn. No, I'm a (white Caucasian) Londoner. But Vision Quests and other varieties of these ceremonies/initiations fascinate me.Studying them used to be my hobby! I'm not into the painful variety (there are many of those) but there are so many more e.g. the (extremely valuable) Vision Quest.

Yes, that is a sad hobby indeed, not least because so many types of initiation have been wiped out. The US retains a few thanks to the Ndns, but in Europe, they are nearly all gone. A few remain e.g. in Serbia and some have been revived recently but the idea of marking these very important transitions e.g. into man or womanhood (or, indeed, proving spiritual mettle - see among others Malidoma Some of Burkina Faso) is alas being lost.

I'm not sure how close my interpretation is to @cabelindsay's - that would be for him to decide. But when I saw his post, as I'm sure you will understand, I HAD to comment :)

It’s not sad at all. I’m half NdN and that’s the acronym many of us use. It is not a term used by many people. I’m not sure I would name people of a N8ive tribe in a steemit group, but that’s just me. If you were NdN I was interested to know if you’d thinming in that. Most of my people I know are very cautious about sharing our ways. Fortunately my people are trying to thrive, not allow other cultures effect our and educate the children with our stories verbally in order for things not to be lost.

No worries, regarding your post. It is an interesting thought and it is up to Cabe ultimately.

I just wanted to add that I've watched with dismay (while I was studying these topics) how western academics and anthropologists have plundered yours and other cultures. They have destroyed the ancient wisdom. I believe that in some cases this was the aim. It's just my belief but cultures like NdN hold (and to an extent still hold) some of the secrets to spiritual growth. So yes, it's very important to keep those and pass them down mouth to ear. You are very fortunate to have this heritage and I find it heartening that people are starting to understand. If I'd been in the States, I would have been at Standing Rock :)

This is correct. I mention that in a blog post I did on Mesa Verde about a three weeks ago. We all have a beautiful lineage, where are your roots? I do feel fortunate and not as sad anymore about what happened to my people. We are strong and there has been meaning and sacrifice by many. I’m not an activist nor raised on a Rez.

I'm not sure about my roots. One reason for that is the destruction of many of Europe's indigenous cultures. I know very little about specifics, though - I'm pretty ignorant on the microcosm......I generally look at the overview.

I was able to trace back 1/4 of my ancestry to the Celts. Have you tried? If not, it’s always a personal choice anyway. I have many friends who have special abilities trace their euro lineage far back. It is easier when one can talk to Spirit. Best wishes.

This is beautiful! I love it, should I say it’s RAD? 🤘🏼😬
I look forward to working with you on this new adventure. Can I sneak into your bag during the upcoming ceremony? 🦅

Yay, how fun! How radical!! Yes you can sneak into there–happy you'll accompany me.

LoL too funny and how I wish!!!

Hey sister, good morning. I put together a Steemit Vision Quest Worksheet, so we can sync up and put our hearts together. Feel free to edit as you see fit, and let's launch this! So grateful for your encouragement, @eaglespirit. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.

Brother!! How are you?? @cabelindsay.
Let’s do this, I can’t wait! A’oo. 🦅
Are you on Discord?

In light of what is happening now with all the drama, this is beautiful and what Steemit needs to rally around.

Thank you so much. Really feels good to have the backing of my @ocd brother.

Very cool idea @cabelindsay

It will be interesting to see how it manifests, and if I can share some music as part of the vision quest quilt, I would love to do so.

I also took you up on your idea of resubmitting my introduction, thanks for the tip!

Thanks so much for offering to share some music for this mission. What a beautiful idea. Happy to hear you're re-introducing yourself. I'll look for that.

I am glad that I found steemit and have been a member of it. I see many positive people in here that could inspire you.