Steemit Vision Quest -night flight- "Up Owl the time"

in #svq7 years ago

Night owl.jpg

Hey dear team, I came across a post by @cabelindsay, calling to express oneself around the theme "night flight". This work I made in 2015 came to mind instantly.

I've been quite a nocturnal creature most of my life, and I really I Identify with the owl. Like in most of my works, the element of self reflection is central here. I made this by piece by mixing an acrylic painting I did in 2008 with a photo through digital post production.

Often times my call to sleep would be the sun rising, although I still sleep quite late, it's usually before sun rise nowadays. This piece does remind me of the many (often solo) night flights I've taken throughout my life though...

I'm not good at keeping progress images of my works, but I hope you can still get the impression.

Thank you for viewing, reading, commenting and supporting!

Love and a big hug,

Salgado tree house at night circle with signature.png


love you images posting!!!

Great post🤙🏾

Thank you Brethrin'

I very much appreciate the support!

I love it how the owl fly's out at you, and the tree house is awesome, it should have been used in peter pan.

Bonjour @artzanolino. Alors comme ça tu voles la nuit? ahahah . Ce hibou t'as bien inspiré, encore une fois c'est très beau.

Bonjour @ofilfdutemps, c'est vrai, de fois le nuit je me trouve dans la forêt de l'ésprit... Deja comme petit gamin, au lit, je pensait pendant des heures pourqoui existons nous avant de s'endormir... Chouette... 😅 Merci beaucoup pour la soutien! Interacting with you has been wonderul 🙏🏽

Thank you, moi aussi j'aime bien nos petites discussions.
C'est très joli comme définition : "la forêt de l'esprit", très poétique. Ta forêt a gagné beaucoup de clarté et d'ouverture cela se voit dans tes oeuvres.

What an extraordinary work of art, full of mystery. Thank you for this hauntingly beautiful entry in the Steemit Vision Quest.

Wishing you a brilliant and beautiful future.

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 2.40% vote... I was summoned by @artzanolino! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh