Sustainable, Ecologically Responsible Economics / Everyday is Earth Day on the Bitcoin Blockchain

RBF "the secret to change is build a new model that makes the old model obsolete" / RBF "Earth is a spaceship that cannot be resupplied"
WHAT IF EVERYDAY IS SPACESHIP EARTH DAY ? What if we formed economic trade federations incentivizing environment friendly business practices leveraging Bitcoin's micro-payment capabilities supporting the TERRA Trade Reference Currency TRC demurrage resource handling charges and pledged our fealty to Spaceship Earth ?

Imagine if #Cloud, #IoT, #Blockchain Service Level Agreements SLA incentivized Eco friendly transactions leveraging bitcoin’s micro payment function supporting the TERRA Trade Reference Currency TRC by economist Lietaer? For example, closer = cheaper, closer = less fuel ? Globalization involves multi-national corporate entities vying for control of regional resources. It follows that a proven strategy to identify, track, and monitor resources regionally within the global economic matrix is needed. The Heart Beacon Cycle Time - Space meter describes universal geo-spatial econometrics and meters and includes distance location services such as IDMaps - SonarHops.

Thomas Edison and Henry Ford proposed a currency based on a commodity basket index circa 1921. Now there is Bitcoin programmable money and the internet's heartbeat, heartbeat messages. All things internet are formed by code formed by time cycles used / not used to process, parse {“syntax”}. Therefore, time cycles and a Rosetta Stone syntax lexicon library are the two main building blocks to reshape our world and provide the building blocks for Governance 2.0. LINK:

Project: form trade federations of autonomous communities, states / sovereign nations following a procedural template checklist promoting synchronization among geo-spatially dispersed groups. Federated groups follow a procedural template guiding group activities across time - space to achieve synergy, synchronicity and inter community cooperation where activities are orchestrated from grassroots to capitals, from micro to macro economic cycles. Satoshi Nakamoto: "#Bitcoin is intended to be paired with a market place" "the blockchain stores references to market indexes" The Particl system combines a Bitmessage-style network with anonymous payment schemes to create a privacy-centric marketplace. Particl White Paper LINK We propose that Organizational ID's {Org_ID"} be sent in the clear while individual account ID's reside encapsulated within NIST's Quantum Random Number generator encoded message payload to ensure non-repudiation at any point in the future. LINK

Scientists marching is awesome. So is sustained, systemic action instead of protesting whoever is selected to read teleprompters. In addition to protesting the lack of ecological protective actions, why not also focus on forming local and regional equitable, sustainable trade federations where closer is cheaper (geo-spatial econometrics) re-using NATO procedures that maintain host nation agreements for food, water, energy.. swords to plowshare style? Swords to plowshares: Battlefield digitization Distributed Autonomous Organization process to form Trade Federations.

A statistical mean commodity / currency price index derived from firefly algorithm / closest heartbeat is needed to adjust for the myriad Bitcoin variations i.e., fork splits, coin counts, proof of work Vs proof of stake age, velocity, voting assignment methods, coins pegged to precious metals, or to a currency index of 22 other currencies (VEN) that pose an issue to Bitcoin's fungibility 1 to 1 substitution among coins. A coin pegged to a commodity basket index would follow in Thomas Edison’s 1921 footsteps. A composite Bitcoin price is published by many different sources daily. A service based on a method to valuate Bitcoin types among a variety of metaphors / memes is needed. Swords_Plowshares.jpg

A worldcoin would be facilitated if a universal meme / metaphor were selected to describe Bitcoin blockchain functionality and guide coders -- one that is Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank compliant "claims may not direct towards abstract ideas". Physical is the opposite of abstract hence the Heart Beacon Cycle's Little League Baseball tournament meme.build_new_model.jpg