10 People Who Survived Eating Rat Poison


Rat poison is one of the most lethal substances available, deliberately intended to kill rodents but mistakenly or sometimes intentionally ingested by human beings. The toxic effects cause internal bleeding, organ failure, or severe neurological injuries. Despite being extremely fatal, remarkable stories abound of those who overdosed on rat poison and at least managed to survive against all odds. Either because of prompt medical treatment, good fortune, or uncommon fortitude, these ten people tell astounding tales about surviving after taking rat poison.

  1. The Toddler Who Mistook Her for Candy

In Texas, a two-year-old boy played in his backyard and inadvertently ingested rat poison. With the strange blue-green substance on his lips, his parents quickly took him to the hospital. The doctors administered vitamin K therapy immediately to counteract the anticoagulant effects of the poison and monitored him for a few days until he finally recovered completely.

  1. The Man Who Attempted Suicide but Survived

After consuming a large quantity of rat poison in a suicide attempt, a 45-year-old man in India was found unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital, where doctors gave him very aggressive treatment with activated charcoal and blood transfusions. Miraculously, in spite of serious internal bleeding, he survived; afterward, he was treated for psychiatric problems.

  1. The Prisoner Who Wanted an Escape

A prisoner in Russia drank rat poison with his plan to get transferred to a hospital and then attempt an escape but failed miserably when the medical staff spotted the vermicide early and noted it down for treatment. Few weeks later, he recovered but without being able to escape as he had hoped.

  1. The Woman Who Was Poisoned by Her Husband

In South Africa, a woman unknowingly ingested rat poison that her husband had added to her food. She was gravely ill but managed to call for help before collapsing. Doctors recognized the telltale signs of poisoning and gave the necessary treatment. She survived and later testified against her husband.

  1. The Child Who Drank Poisoned Water

In Brazil, a five-year-old girl accidentally drank water that had been contaminated with rat poison. She vomited immediately and started seizing. Running neighbors brought her to the hospital, where she was treated. After a couple of days on a ventilator, she survived.

  1. The Man Who Ate Contaminated Food

In China, a 60-year-old man unknowingly ate rat poison mixed into his meal at a restaurant, possibly due to an accident in food contamination. He was in great stomach pain with internal bleeding, but he made it to the hospital just in time. He was treated and got back to normal health.

  1. The Farmer Who Inhaled Poison While Handling It

A farmer from the U. S. inhaled rat poison dust while tossing it around his barn and developed vertigo, and nausea. Fortunately, he sought medical attention quite quickly and was given an antidote that kept him alive.

  1. The Woman Who Mistook It for Medicine

An elderly woman in Vietnam had taken rat poison, which she mistook for her medication. She developed extreme symptoms; she would have died had she not been in the hospital in time for emergency treatment. Because of the swift action of antidotes and IV fluids, she got off the hook.

  1. The Teen Who Drank Poisoned Soda

A teenager in the Philippines drank a soda that had been put in with rat poison as part of a prank. He started to convulse from stomach pain almost immediately, then he fell ill. Luckily, doctors managed to neutralize the poison in time. He lived on without permanent damages.

  1. The Homeless Man Who Was Targeted

An unidentified person fed a homeless man in New York City with rat poison-laced food. He fell down in the street but paramedics found him just in time. He survived through extensive medical treatment with police investigation opening on the attempted poisoning.ConclusionSurvival among these characters is nothing less than miraculous. Designed to kill, they were thought to never have counted on yet through medical science, quick action, and sometimes luck; these people took all odds. Theirs is a sad reminder of how important it is to be aware of potentially toxic substances, attend to them with immediate medical interventions, and exercise caution in their handling. Thus they surely survived but not so with many making the treatment of such poisons swift and ensuring all responsibility the only remedy that stands for them.


Survival must have been a miracle for these people. This rat poison, anyway, is deadly; yet, there is medical science, fast work, and often just luck helping see them through. Their stories illustrate how critical it is to be aware of hazards, to act immediately if one is concerned, and to observe all the signs of danger in dealing with putatively toxic agents. Some of these went on to survive; for others, though, a much darker fate awaited them, which places them under constant threat of danger and always in need of a careful and responsible approach.

DALL·E 2025-03-14 11.31.43 - A realistic depiction of a person holding a small box labeled 'Rat Poison.' The person looks concerned and hesitant, examining the box closely. The ba.jpg