Survival Tip 88

in #survival7 years ago

Build your Survival Skills
There are a lot of basic things that people need to learn, not just for WSHTF, but just out of basic life. Things like building a fire, Basic first aid, sewing, gardening, and things of that manner but right now ill just hit on a few of the basics that should be a priority for both situations.

Reading a map. Dont just rely on a GPS. There are a lot of things that could go wrong and you wont have that at all times. Know your way around a real map on paper. Learn how to find where you are and how to get where you need to be. Knowing how to read a compass is a must for this skill. there are other things to learn like how to read the stars, the sun and moon positioning, direction of moss, but those you can learn later. Map and compass for a must NOW!!!

Building a fire is essential for survival. This is one of humanities oldest and most important skills ever. Even if you have matches or a lighter, you should learn how to start a fire with out them. In an older post i noted things that you should have on you for this reason and skill building. This is a skill that can and will determine if you survive out there.

Swim. It always surprises me to know how many people out there dont actually know how to swim, or they are now confident in their skill. The fact that the earth of covered in over 70% water, this should be a skill you have. At the very least know how to doggy paddle or float on your back.

Riding a horse is not something that everyone can do but should be something that you should all learn. It sounds really easy and looks really easy but getting up on top of a horse is a whole different story. Knowing how to saddle up and ride, how to direct and guide a horse is great knowledge. It can save you a lot of energy if you know how to do this and come across a horse while trying to evade someone or traveling long distances. After you master the basics, test yourself out and learn bareback.

Learning basic first aid. Knowing this basic skill can save a lot of lives when the right or wrong situation emerges. Learning CPR and the Heimlich maneuver and basic first aid are some of the most fundamental things to learn in any and all medical situations. It is amazing how some of the smallest cuts or scrapes can lead to death or near death incidences.

Knowing how to take a hit or throw a punch. Knowing how to fight and knowing how to take a hit are 2 very different things. Everyone should always how to to defend themselves but learning to take a hit is just as important on how to throw that hit.

Lastly every one should know how to handle a gun. Firearms are both a tool for good and bad. Plenty of people are unreasonably afraid of guns simply because they dont know very much about them. Even if you've never hunted or dont expect to have to defend yourself take a basic firearms course wherever you can. Knowing how to handle a gun is not the only part of this that you need to know. I am a firm believer that if you know how to use it you should also know how to provide basic maintenance for said items . A $5k sniper rifle (hunting rifle) means nothing to anyone if the barrel is rusted and sites are off.

hope you enjoyed this tip and stay tuned for more.

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