Social, Survival, and Emotional

in #survival4 months ago

How many of us ever thought that we should try to get rid of our emotions? How many of us thought that we are tired of being emotional? How many of us have ever thought about what our emotions tell us? Have ever considered that emotions are a normal, human condition?

American Paleolithic Archaeologist Heaold Dibble, doing a talk on PBS in 2002, titled ‘Neanderthals on Trial’ discussed about recent evidence during that time on ancient bones in Europe. Carbon dating showed the bones were about 25,000 years old. Long story short, what scientists found in the grave & on the bones were that the bones were broken but had been healed for at least 20 years. The individual was not able to defend her or himself & had to rely on their social group due to their physical limitations. Injuries were taken care of during their generations. Scientists also found evidence of flower pollen in the grave. This evidence alone demonstrates the existence of compassion on part of the Neanderthals.

This shows that when we are in groups of people & we truly practice not judging others & look at how we can help someone, we can experience compassion. Compassion is considered the empathic distress perspective, also known as our emotional response to someone else’s suffering.

This ties in well with the reading on looking at someone’s history & the journey that we all take as we trudge this road called life. My challenge to you reading or watching this is ask yourself what kind of journey do you want?

Peace & love to all

~ KO

