Sheriffs Along the U.S. Border Helping Build Biometric Police State
The American Civil Liberties Union has filed open records requests with all the sheriffs along the U.S.-Mexico border in search of information about iris-scanning technology.

I previously reported that the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have announced plans to scan the faces of all flyers exiting the United States. Another recent media report should give all Americans pause about the mass implementation of invasive surveillance measures.
“Thirty-one sheriffs, representing every county along the U.S.-Mexico border, voted unanimously on April 3 to adopt tools that will capture, catalogue, and compare individuals’ iris data, for use both in jails and out on patrol. Biometric Intelligence and Identification Technologies, the company behind the push, has offered the sheriffs a free three-year trial, citing law enforcement’s difficulties in identifying unauthorized immigrants whose fingerprints can be disfigured through manual labor or self-inflicted wounds,” The Intercept reports.
This project is being envisioned as a digital or a “biometric wall,” one of the latest examples of the integration of surveillance technology and biometrics. The Department of Homeland Security wants Border Patrol to operate facial recognition cameras at the airports. The FBI is building a secret biometrics database. And soon the United States will have its very own biometric wall from which to watch all traffic, entering and exiting.
In response to the aggressive threat to privacy and liberty, the American Civil Liberties Union chapters in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have sent public records requests to every sheriff along the U.S.-Mexico border demanding records of their plans to purchase and test iris-recognition technology.
“As mobile iris-scanning apps and tools become available, racial profiling by law enforcement could lead to Latinos and people of color having their eyes scanned simply because they speak Spanish or have brown skin,” the ACLU writes.
The Intercept reports that Biometric Intelligence and Identification Technologies, also known as BI2, already has an existing national iris database which is expected to rapidly expand with information on undocumented immigrants. BI2’s tech works by taking a high-resolution image of a person’s iris using a special infrared camera. The program creates a template based on that image and cross references it against fingerprints to eliminate false matches. Finally, the program compares the images against more than 987,000 iris scans currently held in BI2’s database. This database contains images from more than 180 law enforcement agencies nationwide.
The ACLU says the potential for “field-based collection” of iris scans raises significant privacy and civil rights concerns.
If sheriffs start using a mobile iris-recognition app, under what circumstances exactly would deputies subject residents to scanning? Will probable cause always be required? Do sheriffs intend to scan people at checkpoints and during routine stops? Border residents deserve to know.
Historically, sheriffs had the ultimate authority in the county. These border sheriffs could choose to stand up for the people and oppose the federal plan. However, this seems highly unlikely in the face of overwhelming pressure and coercion from the federal government. Where does that leave us as individuals? Are there any steps we can take to rid ourselves of this horrid situation?
We cannot shirk away from our present situation. We must stand strong and oppose these invasions of or our basic freedoms at every opportunity. The time has come to opt-out, unplug, and decentralize from this system.
I am an investigative journalist and liberty activist; a Lead Investigative Reporter for and the founder of the & The Houston Free Thinkers. I have also co-authored three books with @johnvibes: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2
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This is the next step in the control of human movement. It started with block chips on credit cards, now it is going to be biometrics on identification cards. Obviously the end game is going to be placing chips directly into people. We have already seen business's role out this idea and the mindless masses accept microchips without reservations. From their the government will look to attach data from chips/ microchips to social media accounts. They already do this in China. People who are not politically correct receive negative scores and are unable to secure jobs as easily (I would have a very low score).
Finally, the government will attempt to make all money digital; attached to your chip. Anyone can have their chip demonetized at any time and will be left helpless without paper versions of money (which we all know are themselves a fiat scam). The upside is that blockchain is changing the world. It has created money systems that can not be tracked or devalued artificially, social media accounts that are decentralized, and might one day create a new internet all together. We are in a technological/ information war. Will centrally controlled AI win? or will decentralized blockchain technology win? Time will tell. We know who won simply by if we are still allowed to talk about these things a few decades from now.
They'll never take me! I'll be in the woods looking after myself & community with no participation in their schemes. Bless the blockchain may it win in the end!
Part of the reason I follow Derek is he promotes grass roots change with no apologies. The advent of the welfare state has destroyed American communities. Whereas people used to rely on their local community/ church (or other religious institution) when they hit hard times, they now rely on government theft of others. Relying on community created need and led to people being closer with their neighbors. Wouldn't it be nice if neighbors actually knew one another.
Never underestimate how much you can change the world by reaching out to people who live near you.
You may have already seen this video, it came out last July but it is telling indeed. One might say that part of the US has already succeeded from the US with this 100 mile border that does not recognize the US Constitution, but few realize the impact and importance that nearly 67% of the population lives within that 100 mile corridor.
I like this eye image hopefully always many people love yes
If Bio-metric Iris scanner + Artificial Intelligence works together, this will certainly going to help solve a lot of issues like unauthorized immigrants and terrorism. The combine system will have no match.
These tools are put in place in order to strengthen the control of the nation-states, not to solve any problems (unless you see freedom of humans as a problem).
Since terrorism is commited almost exclusively by governments and their agents, they're definitely not trying to stop it.
The idea that some humans aren't allowed to travel to parts of the Earth because some violent gang claims it as their territory is laughable at best.
Nice facebrak link you posing dickwipe
COME SEE THE ANARCHIST WHO LIKES FACEBRK, you'd be like a circus freak if you were real lol.
BUT HE HAS TATOOOOOOOOOS so he's legit(lololololololol)
Authority stupidly thinks that biometrics will make the world safer. Exactly the opposite will be the case. The direct use of biometrics will eventually render the technology that it is based upon useless. The reason is that once that biometric has been compromised (as Equifax magnitude data breaches are created by giant centralized honeypots), that data can no longer be used reliably for ID information. It creates a situation of permanent compromise for the victims of ID theft because that information cannot be revoked.
The only solution (in the rare case where identity info is even needed or desired) is to use biocryptics in place of biometrics, which uses a biometric input for a hashing algorithm such as SHA256. Then if it needs to be revoked due to compromise (in the same way PGP keys can be revoked), you can revoke the biocryptic and issue a new one with a special SALT added.
The way authority currently handles such data breaches is to create more firewalls (2FA to 3FA, etc) by requiring more information. Andreas Antonopoulos explains why this is a race that can't be won...
We should stand up against these tyrannical measures and laws. If we as America are so proud of our freedoms we should take a strong stand against all forms of tyranny. It doesn't matter if you have something to hide or not.
This is a crime. Subverting peoples right to travel is unlawful & should be opposed with vigor.
uh oh the dbroze/tcr psy op bot farm circle j*(k is in full force today!
Better get out to a protest and film a bunch of people and give all the data to whatever stratfor-like agency pays you full time salaries to pretend to be anarchists.
Go home you disgusting slugs. I know what you are up to, 95% truth with 5% lies is waaaay more dangerous to legitimate movements against tyranny than something that is 100% lies(like sean hannity or cnn)
GTFO, give up, your shit will not fly here. Anarchists happen to know what anarchy looks like and this is Not Even Close.