
in #surgery6 years ago

I generally blog in my personal blog. This one is just if I am bored, and I feel like writing other stuff.

I had a complete thymus gland removal on June 29th, 2018. They cut my sternum open, took the gland, sewed me shut right?

I am at 14 days post-surgery. So far so good. Pain level is tolerable, as in I only lean on the meds if absolutely necessary. I haven't really spoken about this process, because to be honest? Those who I want to speak to have their own lives.

Still kind of bummed about this procedure in the first place, I'll be honest. I mean I have hardly heard of any 40 year olds needing their sternum cut open.

By the way, medical shows are bullshit. Showing the "Life and Death in the ER" one as an example. "Oh we need to crack her open?" ...where's the fucking cut? At least make it somewhat realistic? I mean how can you say you are cutting a person open, then don't do it.

Today I have to run up to Walmart, but because of me worrying about stupid people on the buses, I am taking a cab up.


Glad you at least are feeling better!