suicide of "Aziza : Flash male babies " from her kidnapped 's house !

in #suicide7 years ago (edited)

 suicide  of "Aziza : Flash male babies " from her  kidnapped 's house  ! 



 The closure of the curtain on the life of one of the most dangerous kidnappers of children in the eighties .. It is "dear" .. "Zuzo" .. His son Abelis Bakri as they were called by the intensity of the end in evil .. And its ability to plan the crimes of kidnapping of male infants from their mothers !! I have given her a lot of money to repent but she did not .. Vtnb slaves not to forgive God only forgiving slaves to some of them ..

 "Islam" - her abductors, who raised him until 11 years of age - sought it a lot to tell him of his mother and who are his family and where did it come from ?? Once again, at the time Mahayla and another .. But it is a hiatus, never to speak of a secret that no one else knows after God, to the knowledge of Islam, its mysteries !! Aziza refused to be a child. She insisted on being a "mother" even at the expense of the pain of other mothers by abducting their children and selling one male infant for 5000 pounds in the 1980s. 

 And keep them three to raise them at home and work birth certificates for them in her name as mother and her husband's name Saeed Salama as a father !! And they were the three who challenged them, they are the cause of the Nakba and illusion in life !! They are Islam, Hisham and Mohammed. Mohammed was the reason for her arrest and imprisonment for nine and a half years at a rate of about three years for each child !!

 And imprisoned her husband Saeed ten years on charges of forgery in official papers !! Both Hisham and Muhammad returned to their families where Aziza recognized Hisham's parents while Abt died until she recognized the people of Islam. Now 33-year-old Islam is still looking for his family !!  

 • As the eye light ============= In her last interview with me .. In three video recordings were made at Beit Islam days before her suicide .. Aziza admitted that she kidnapped Islam from Shatby Hospital and that his family from Manshiyet al-Nozha in Mahmudiya, Alexandria And that his father is a simple man, often a vegetable or fruit that you always see in the market !! And it appeared in the video of Islam Islam in the face similar to his son as it passed on the seventh joy at the time .. and I Aziza to portray !!! This tape was among the highlights of the case in 1993. 

 Aziza stressed that she was deeply afraid when she saw the true father of Islam in that week. Which made her decide to leave from Alexandria to El Arish in the dawn !! .. And helped her sister Fatima to resort to one of their neighbors, called "Ramadan Farkash," who does not know the truth at all .. And lived there and lived there in Arish until his primary school ..

 Aziza said about her sense of Umma, which I have created with Islam: (Islam is the light of my eyes, and I lived my life as it .. And can be extended for now until I brought him to his real people !! I suffered a lot for Islam .. Was happy my husband treated me worse treatment and you I bear him for Islam until beating .. As he was beating Islam and he bore the most I am as his mother .. As I was watching the nights on his memory and teaching .. Islam has not deprived me of the word of my mother so far) !! 

 • Revealed hidden  ================ Islam is the other face of dirty dirty criminal operations. Aziz was abducted as a baby, as I was told by video from Shatby Hospital in Alexandria, where his parents, according to Aziza, often lied, carry him a sick sick baby and they want Medical disclosure on it .. The mother left the baby on the sister of a dear sister called "Fatima" .. Fatima went out of the hospital and gave to Aziz after it was about a month and a half !! 

 Although Aziza herself is the one who said this information recorded voice and video, but they broke by saying that it did a work "great" as the joy of Islam so that everyone understands that she bore and gave birth ..

 Before the abduction of Islam .. She claimed to be pregnant ... And actually saw the people and her belly large ... But God wanted to reveal once her play .. The "pillow" fell from her stomach in the street in 1983 !!!!!!!!!  

 • Before her death 


Before her death, she was lost in speech. She remained alive for about an hour and a half at Tukh General Hospital after throwing herself from the reception balcony in the fourth floor of Beit Islam. The same room where she sat with her and recorded three videos with her voice and picture. 

 Islam himself arrested under the jurisdiction of the current case No. 14513 for the year 2016 Administrative Took .. Aziz said to him when he asked: "Min father" .. "his name er" ?? 

 She replied, "Mohammed Faraj Allah Muhammad" .. But Islam is not sure of her consciousness at that moment .. Or at least from her sincerity because it was a lot wrongly wronged on his family !!

 During the period of her stay in the hospital, Aziza did not say that Islam dropped her from the balcony. On the contrary, she was always asked to help her sit down or moderate her sleep on the bed. No charges were brought to him either after she fell or while in hospital. 

 • The moment of suicide ===============  The people of Islam said that there were children playing ball in the street below the balcony, which fell dear .. And then they heard her voice says to them: "Ohaybiby Oyhim throw my soul !!!! " 

 And dropped Aziz herself .. And to collide with a wire of solid electricity .. I said the speed of landing to the ground .. It was not directly .. But fell by her body adjacent to the house! Islam was then eating his food in the hall .. He heard the sound of screaming from the street .. Look at the net .. If it sees Aziz lying on the ground and people around .. Down came to her and sat in tears and said to her: Why so, my mother, why .. Yourself as well. "

 Then the ambulance was called and they were transferred to the General Hospital of Tukh and remained alive for an hour and a half.

 It is worth mentioning that Aziza did not turn to Islam any accusation thrown from the fourth floor in his home, but was only asking others to help her to do or sit or the like .. They had a radiation on the body did not find fractures, but they found a wound in the foot as a result of falling and impacting with wires in the first !!

 • Right certificate ========== And myself writer of those lines .. I testify that I was follow-up step by step journey of Islam search for his family with Aziz .. And Islam's statements to me that he feared her death before her confession to his family !! It is not in the interest of Islam to kill dear .. 

 And before her death a day .. Islam was in Alexandria, searching for the people mentioned Azizah his address .. And came to her medicine to complete the treatment of her room in one of the houses in the Hadra area of

Alexandria !!

 Islam went at the end of his journey to the people of Aziza itself .. !!! Asking them to come to Cairo to convince her to recognize his family ....

 But she ended her life before meeting her people a day .. Refered to meet them !!

 Islam is still lost so far and is being tried accusing him of killing Aziz in his home .. Although Islam cares about the life of dear kidnapped


It is the only one with the secret of his family ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Hala Mohamed Omar