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RE: Moving from NYC to San Diego - $ Check In and Succulents. Lots of succulents.

in #succulents7 years ago

Thanks for taking us into your succulent studio, earwigs and all! (Earwigs burrow and gnaw, wonder if they are the culprits rather than the unseen caterpillars?) I am glad you spared us the video because imo the only thing earwigs are good for is feeding chickens.

The crown is adorable. What a novel idea!

There are so many types of succulents, that translucent one mystifies me.



I dont think the earwigs eat into stems though. And it was just this one plant, none of the others showed any damage. The weird thing was that it had given me a baby plant that I put into a different pot and they both got eaten despite being surrounded by handfuls of other succulents. Seems like its just that species the caterpillars like.

I wonder if the larva was able to metamorphose and fly away before you apprehended it? We need Ace Ventura, insect detective!

Glad the plant was able to grow a baby!

hahaha yessss. I was thinking of getting some milkweed to encourage monarchs to stop by my yard but I don't know if they'd be an added pest or not.