in #success7 years ago

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The greatest enemy a person can have is fear. I know some of you are afraid to listen to the truth. You have been raised on fear and lies but I am going to preach to you the truth until you are free of that fear… Malcolm X

Fear is the strongest emotion known to man, something that wired in our bodies and subconscious mind. I used to think that very courageous people never experienced any kind of fear! I mean, people who perform on stage in front of thousands of fans, or doctors who perform very delicate life & death surgeries; I just assumed they were immune to fear and nervousness. But guess what I discovered?

EVERYBODY experiences fear on some level each day.
Media companies, global institutions and almost anyone attempting to sell you anything uses fear to grab you’re attention and focus on your weaknesses. They sell us on , crime waves, medical outbreaks, and things to make us feel unprotected and in need of a their solutions. But when we buy into the solution or products they offer why does the fear not leave us? Why does this fear carry over into us being afraid to face the “RISK” of living our dreams and leave us focusing on the adversity over the opportunities all around us?

Did you know the only thing that makes the us dollar valuable is simply you believing it is valuable. If just one ethnic group was afraid to spend money and stop spending money for a month the entire economy would crash? My point is we are trained from birth to be fearful as a method to fulfill other people’s agendas but I am digressing from my main point.

We all DEAL WITH FEAR in many different ways.
Some people have learned to feel the fear in a given situation, yet boldly move forward in spite of that fear.

Other see fear as a muscle and exercise that muscle by starving their doubts while feeding their faith. Taking bold actions and attacking problems with energy and boldness are great ways to build your courage. Bold people see problems and crisis as challenges and opportunities to grow their character while making their mark on history.

And that is exactly how I aim to I'll always be --- bold and courageous, and viewing challenges as an adventure to the edge of everything possible! Not passively ignoring the obstacles or complaining about pain, but confronting reality and overcome situations instead of submitting to the downward pull of fear. And more than anything else, attack with urgency, being creative while feeling the FEARS that will surely come in my life.

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Very nice thoughts!
I hope you live by it and not only preaching it:)

Sometimes i write to motivate myself.lol, I teach things that I need the most help with in an effort to learn faster. I don't always practice what i preach but i am a work in progress.

There is a saying: "The best way to learn is to teach" ;)

Wow, this is like Twitter. I didn't know we could resteem. Awesome!