Here are 3 Reasons Why You Need to Celebrate Failure

in #success7 years ago (edited)

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“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” Bill Gates

Failure. The word which scares the heck out of the majority of people. Why are we so afraid to fail? If you think about it, what are you losing by failing? Money, prestige, being cool?

All my life I was trying to do one thing as best as I could, avoid failure. It took me a while to understand that, as corny as it sounds, failure is part of success. Every bad thing we ever experienced was meant to happen in order for us to become who we are today.

Since I know how difficult and challenging is to celebrate our missteps or temporary defeat, I have for you 3 awesome things which failure bring into your life and why you need to celebrate it each and every time.

1# A valuable lesson is the one that hurt

Failure may hurt. It frustrates you or disappoints you, most of the time it doesn’t deliver the feeling you wish to have. How many times you’ve failed in life and learned the best lesson you could? Be honest with yourself. If you look back, how faster you understood something because you failed at it. Once you overcame the pain, you moved on smarter and more intelligently.

The next time things don’t go the way you wanted, or you fail, and you are going through the pain, stop for a second. Think about everything you just learned and how efficiently you can use it for future success. Knowledge and experience are the most worthy treasure you can possess.

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2# It changes your perspective and takes away the fear

If you look at the failure as something positive, something to cherish, will you be afraid to fail? Not anymore. By changing your perspective on failure, you will get rid of the fear, at least bigger part of it. Fear of failure doesn’t stop you any more to take the next step. I believe that this is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Recently, I was reading a great book for personal development where the author gave me an entirely different perspective on the word “NO.” He said that anytime someone tells you NO, hug them. Because for every NO, there is going to be a YES. How amazing would it be to celebrate every NO, every rejection or every failure in life?

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3# Experiencing failure creates the greatest strength

Do you remember the last time when you failed? At first, it hurt. But what happened after you passed this negative feeling? Did you feel stronger, did you feel more courageous? I bet you did. Once you overcome downfalls, you always gain more strength and knowledge which moves you up and give you the right support.

People often ask one of the most disempowering questions we can hear: “Why it has to happen to me?” Well, there is more than enough reasons. It happened to build you up, it happened for you to understand something; it happened to teach you a lesson; it happened so you can become a better person. Never tease your mind with "why". Ask yourself HOW you can use it to your advantage.

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