Discomfort Is Mandatory If You Have Big Dreams!
The last 1.5 years of my life can be summed up in one word: DISCOMFORT. 😫 Every single step has been a move outside of my comfort zone.
- Posting my first video. And every video after that
- Starting my Facebook Page
- Building my website
- Writing blogs and putting them out there
- Quitting my corporate career
- Applying for the New voice of 2016 competition with Hay House and Psychologies Magazine (I got in the top 5!)
- Waking up every day knowing that I have to make my own business
- Learning about accounts and taxes
- Learning about social media and advertising
- Living without an income
- Learning about sales and marketing and funnels
- Dealing with feeling lost and confused for prolonged periods
- Putting my cartoons out there. On t-shirts and other bits and bobs
- Working totally alone, knowing it's ultimately all on me
- Facing rejection by strangers
- Getting trolled online
- Facing my own insecurities and fears
- Healing my own past pains and traumas
- Running my first workshop
- Teaching at domestic abuse charities
- Building my email list
- Creating my own products and services
- Starting my child abuse support Facebook Group
- Choosing to specialise in the resilience after abuse area
- Posting content to support vulnerable people
- Selling my own work
- and probably some other stuff but that's all that comes to mind right now!
And I've hardly scratched the surface yet. There are much greater depths ahead. MUCH more to do. MUCH more discomfort!
But that is the decision we must make:
👉Do you want to grow?
👉Do you want to achieve something new? Something great?
👉Do you want to live a magical life?
Well then, you must be willing to get uncomfortable. There is no other way.

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Thank you! :) xx
Great post, simple, to the point, and spot on!
Thank you! xx