I Trust My Higher Self

in #success8 years ago

I have this affirmation from 2015 that I still like and have to admit I haven't been concentrating on this affirmation as a mantra for quite awhile. I realized as I re-read it today in my iPages, I have been concentrating on the affirmation by another way and that way is by "letting go of all elaborations and thought formations."

"I trust myself." This is the affirmation I've forgotten.

Today when I read this, another affirmation like it arose in my mind which I think is better.

"I trust in my higher self, my true and pure mind now guides me through my life and bringing me into an area of greater prosperity."

As a side note I love this one also: "I now open myself to receive all of the wealth and prosperity the Universe is giving me."

You might have read something like these in other books about positive thinking and the law of attraction or any other type of "change your thinking to change your life" type books. What struck me most about these today is that when I think of the terms "greater prosperity" or "wealth and prosperity", many times we dictate to the energy of the Universe exactly HOW we want to see these coming to us. But what if they are trying to come to us in ways we haven't imagined?


I believe the trick is to imagine a life we really want as the final outcome and not worry about all the details of how we'll get there. Often, I think we also imagine "the how" or "the way" as those should look also but in reality we really don't know how that final outcome will be shaped and if we keep trying to dictate the way to get there then perhaps that is how we are getting in our own way toward what we really want in life.

Another reason I was reminded of this affirmation was because I ran across my written description from last year of my ideal final vision of how I really want my life.

Many times I get so caught up with the visions of what I think is the way there, the way I think will get me to that final vision of what I really want as the final outcome, I forget what the final vision was supposed to be.

Like the opening line of the first verse of "Riding with the King" by B.B. King and Eric Clapton on their album by the same title sang, "I dreamed I had a good job and I got well paid, I blew it all at the Penny Arcade!"

Often we think we need to have a certain kind of job or we have tried our hand at self employment in something we convinced ourselves we would love to do for work. But sometimes what we're doing is thinking and worrying about the means and not about the end. Meanwhile, when an opportunity comes our way which doesn't look like the vision of the means we have in mind, we say no to it. What if that was what the Universe was trying to give us and if we had said yes to it then we would be on our way to that final vision?

I think the best way to come to this realization is that sometimes we allow ourselves to overthink things and we allow ourselves to be ruled somewhat by what we "like" or don't "like" as we go along on our life's journey. Sometimes the thing we don't like might also be something the Universe is trying to give us to help us to get to our final outcome but we try to save ourselves from what we don't like and end up getting in our own way in the process. I say, stop thinking about it and just do it. If it needs to be done then do it. Don't allow yourself to be stopped because for a few moments in your life you feel uncomfortable. You will get through it and when the job or task is done then you will be in a clearer space.

For me the best way to trust in my higher self, my true and pure mind is to sit and meditate and just breathe in and out and say to myself, "I let go of all elaborations of past perceptions and notions." And when a worry or a fear or any other thought comes up just keep saying this to myself. Or one like it. Such as "I let go of all thought formations even this one." And eventually I become aware of this quietness between thoughts when I am truly not having any thoughts except maybe this mantra. And then an idea pops into my head which is a solution to a problem or an idea I can use in my next marketing ad. I wasn't thinking about it earlier and was being quiet and actually was trying to get other thoughts of worry and fear to quiet down. And when this idea comes it is accompanied with a feeling of gladness or joy. This is how I know it came from my higher self.


Nice post, alot of good words.
I realy like to read this kind of post. Hope all others also like it aswel.
Keep up the good work, and i see forwoard to more of this kin of bloging :)

Thank you @nippel66 , I will definitely share more then about my meditations and reflections. I'm glad they could be of interest to you. :)

Cute and interesting post already. Or who knows?)

You're welcome @burmik123. I get a big kick out of Ajahn Brahm's stories. He has a bunch of them on Youtube! He loves to tell jokes too. :) Of course, they are all geared to teach some Buddhist teaching about how to escape suffering. :)

If u dont believe in yourself and what u do, it's pretty much pointless to even try, because u most likely will fail.

Actually the monks from tibet and that region are the best example what you can do just by believing and concentrating.

Thanks @wung. I agree with you that it's pointless to try if you don't believe in yourself. I'm not sure however about the failing part. Many folks have started a new business being 100% confident they would smash it and they didn't achieve what they had hoped from it. I guess in the eyes of many others you could say they failed. However, the point of my article was that sometimes something else comes along as an opportunity and it's unexpected to us because as things sometimes do they fell into our laps. It may pay more or be more profitable but because it didn't fit into our original ideas on what we thought we wanted to do when we started, we need to be careful not to reject other opportunities out of hand without first reflecting on it or at least giving it a try.

Agreed man ... well I mainly wanted to say: thats its pointless to do something where u dont believe in. Its fine to try ofc ... we had to try everything when we did first time.

And yes sometimes things just go another way then anybody could have expected. Thats what makes the life more interesting.

Im not sure I believe in any higher power or destiny. I don't believe theres a plan for everyone. I really wish I did though. I want to believe I want to buy into it. Anyway great post though.

@calaber24p , I can appreciate your sentiment. Even if there is no higher self I do believe in the power of meditating and just relaxing the mind and not thinking for a few minutes to an hour each day. The power of a brain that is not burdened with too many thoughts can still serve you if you try it out. No belief in anything is really required when you just sit and enjoy your breathing. :)

Thanks Brenda, $387.09 says it's not bad. :) Glad you enjoyed Ajahn Brahm. :) He's one of my favorite's to listen to...he always makes me laugh. :)

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Thank you ramil21 , I agree my friend, Faith helps us to live! :)