Lessons on Success you can Learn from Walt Disney

in #success7 years ago

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Walt Disney was the creator of one of the most famous brands in the world. More than that, he created a place for imagination, for intangible creations mean to engage the mind and the heart. And he and his creations were incredible successes.

But it wasn’t always this way. Walt Disney didn’t have a privileged upbringing, and his success happened only after years of failed business and near disasters. When he got the idea for Mickey Mouse, one of his most famous creations, he was literally at one of the lowest points of his life.

What lessons can you take from Walt Disney’s life, his successes, and his failures?

Have a vision

Walt Disney wasn’t an animator and he didn’t draw well. All he had was a vision, and the drive to see it through. His vision led him through failed businesses, betrayal, and doubt. And it led him to the creation of some of the world’s most iconic cartoon characters, and a theme park that is now found all over the world.

Having a strong vision is essential if you want to succeed in business. Whether you want to be the boss of a big company, or run your own small one, studies show that a vision gives you motivation and drive towards your dreams. It can also inspire others to invest in you and your vision, whether that’s by buying your products, or working alongside you.

Delegate when necessary

Walt Disney wasn’t very good at drawing, and yet his most famous products were cartoons. He had the vision, and he hired other people to draw and animate them. Because of this, he was able to overcome his weaknesses and still create the characters and stories that made him famous.

Too often in business we think we have to do everything by ourselves. But letting other people help can offer amazing benefits to our work, and allow us to focus on the things we really love to do. Delegation also helps to create a team that is built on trust and focused on development and improvement. And this is definitely the type of team that creators want in their corner.

Keep dreaming

Walt Disney created Disney world, a place for children and for the imagination. He created a place that is quite literally directly associated with making dreams come true. One of the most famous Walt Disney quotes claims that: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

To contemporaries and rivals of Walt Disney, his dream might have seemed ridiculous. He wanted to create cartoons in a time of movies that were silent and black and white. His first two attempts at this failed miserably. But when sound was added to movies, he created the iconic Steamboat Mickey, and created a legend. Sometimes, when you keep dreaming and trying, the universe answers at just the right time.

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Never give up

Walt Disney survived through several failed businesses. His first cartoon was actually a duck, but the distributor fired him and took the designs, and he had to start all over again. Despite all the obstacles and problems he faced, he never lost faith in his vision and in himself.

In his own words he claimed: “All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

This can be hard advice, especially when it seems as if the only thing the world does is kick you in the teeth. But it’s also vital advice. Things will go wrong, and you will fail. There is no shame in that. The only shame is if you fail to get back up again.

Solve problems

It’s said that Walt Disney got the inspiration for this theme park by going to another theme park with his daughter. He claimed that the dirty rides and rude attendants gave him the drive to create a place where adults and children would be happy to go. The result was an extremely popular business that gave enjoyment to generations of children and adults, and probably will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Walt Disney understood one vital lesson that many people miss. To create a successful business, you have to know your audience, and give them something they want or need. Too often people get caught up in their own needs or wants, and then question why their businesses fail. Having a vision is essential to success, but the vision must be tempered by the demands of reality and other people.

Keep learning

Walt Disney’s brilliance brought about amazing advances in animation technology. And this was because of his determination to keep learning, to keep trying to do better, and to be curious about new things.

Or, as one of Walt Disney’s quotes claims “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

Lifelong learning benefits more than your career. According to sources, it boosts your health, your brain function, gives you the opportunity to earn more money, and enhances your social life. Learning doesn’t and shouldn’t end when you’re out of school. There are always new things you can learn about your business, and about how to live a better life. Create a new habit that brings learning, and all the benefits it can give you, into your life.

The number one thing you should take from this

At his heart, Walt Disney was a creator. Where he didn’t have the technical skills, he worked with people who did, but his primary purpose was to dream. And his dreams have guided the dreams of children and adults alike ever since. Don’t you be afraid to dream, and use this example to remind yourself of what’s possible.