Get Moving!

in #success6 years ago (edited)

          Motivation is the driving force behind achievement. Any action to be completed be it getting out of bed in the morning, brushing your teeth, fixing things around the house, building your own business, etc. all require you to initially get your ass in gear. Yet, many of us can’t seem to get moving in the direction we want regardless of how positive the outcome would be. For example, how many of us have declared that we will lose weight, get in shape, get that promotion, or so on and so on, yet when the time comes we might instead say things like, I’ll get started on Monday, or I need this thing in order to get started, or worse, I have plenty of time.  

            Let’s start with the latter excuse of I have plenty of time. Do you? How do you know how much time you have? Because you had that time yesterday or the day before that, or the day before that? Well guess what? You did have that time yesterday and you didn’t do a damn thing with it. Here’s the simple truth regarding the time you have: You already spent yesterday, tomorrow hasn’t been deposited yet, so all you really have, time wise, is today. This day right here right now as you’re reading this, is the only guaranteed time you have. Now that in itself should be enough to motivate one to get off their ass and start moving towards what they want to accomplish, so why doesn’t it?  

             My theory in regard to this question is, you don’t even know what you want, so how could you possibly know how to get started? There is no shortage of motivational tips swimming around the internet and various other places, however, while some of those tips are excellent, I feel many simply aren’t or are missing some key elements, so this post here is designed to be direct and geared toward getting you off on the path to personal success with just a few foundational tips. Let’s get started.  

              First, Know what you want. How can anyone expect to achieve their goals or advance in their life without knowing what hell they want to achieve? The very first thing you should do when setting out to accomplish a goal whether it’s a work project, weight loss goal, financial goal, fitness goal, whatever, is to see that shit in your mind. Sit down with a notebook and write down every single aspect of that achievement with as much detail as possible. Feel that shit. Paint yourself a picture so clear you actually believe you’ve already encountered it. Without this step you’re simply lost in the woods. Not having a clear idea of what you want could lead to you being pulled in different directions and losing focus on what it is you’re trying to achieve. No matter how far fetched your goals may seem in your mind, if you can see them clearly you can achieve them and anyone who tells you differently doesn’t deserve a space in your life.  

              Second, Get the fuck out of your own way! One of the biggest hindrances in achieving what you want can be you yourself. Through negative self-speak, feelings of inadequacy, disbelief that you can accomplish what you’re setting out to do because it’s too big, too hard, etc. will put you on your ass before you even get started. Anytime these negative thoughts pop into your mind I want you to stop what you’re doing and remember this: You are a fucking legend in the making. You are the only you to have ever existed and you are without a doubt, out-fucking- standing. Who the hell is anyone, especially you, to say you can’t accomplish all you set out to do? The time you have on this beautiful blue rock is your time to realize how utterly magnificent you can be. Never speak negatively about yourself, even jokingly. Never hesitate or change your dreams because you feel they may be too big or too unattainable. Never doubt the astonishing capabilities you possess even if you haven’t discovered them yet. You are fucking incredible, never think differently.  

              Third, Cut them loose! Anyone standing in your way, anyone saying you can’t accomplish something, anyone who laughs or makes fun of your dreams, anyone who casts doubt on your potential does not deserve a second of your time or an inch of space in your life. Sadly, there are no shortage of negative, cynical, depressing ass people you will encounter in your life. What you need to remember whenever you encounter one of these people is that you are not here for them. Even worse, some of these people may be someone you care very deeply for. But again, you need to remember, You are not here for them! This is your life, your ride to steer whichever direction makes you the happiest and their happiness is not your responsibility. If you have these dream leeches in your life you need to cut them off immediately. I understand fully that, for some, this may be much easier said then done. I understand that some of these negative people may be husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, maybe even sons and daughters, and in these situations, I understand you may not be able to cut them off completely. However, in terms of your goals and what you do to achieve them, they must have no part in the process. You must keep them separate from what you strive for. Make it very clear to them what you are setting out to accomplish something and let them know that if they can’t assist or support you, they need to step aside because you’re about to take the fuck off.  

                There are a number of additional ways to get to where you want to go (if you want some more just hit me up, let me know, and I’ll do another article like this), but these are what I feel, are the foundation to getting you started. Most of us are told as children that we can be anything we want. Somewhere along the way those little princesses and superheroes we used to be get swallowed up by so much bullshit, so much distraction, so much misinformation as to what’s expected of us (i.e. graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, get married, have kids, buy a house, blah, blah, blah). The simple truth is that we only get to be the person we are now, once. Throughout all of time and existence this is the only time you get to be this person. So make that motherfucker shine as bright as you possibly can. Hit the world head on every single day with a big ass smile on your face and a raging fucking fire in your soul. There is nothing you can’t do, only things you haven’t done yet. Now, go show the world who the fuck you are.   

                 Be well.