The 5 Laws To Personal Success: The Road to Freedom

in #success8 years ago

There are thousand of books talking about how to be free, rich and powerful, but none of these tell you the real truth about the matter we are really interested in.

The reason is simple but hard to accept and understand. If you have a way to reach your goals and finanncial freedom, what would be the reason for you to share it with others? Love, compassion? Maybe charity? Here I leave the questions, now it’s your turn to investigate and get the answers.

The reason why I publish this information is because I constantly see people writing tones of books about the same topic not saying anything relevant to what they indeed are proposing.

After visiting many diverse countries such as Poland, Germany, Italy and England, all I can say is that there is a huge amount of evil people hyping others to make them feel there are many ways and strategies to get them richer, more powerful and happier than they are, just by simply following what they are telling them to do.

Now, do you really want to get out the Matrix they got you into and clearly see the Road to Freedom? The process is not as simple as they usually make you think it is, but you can do it.

However, are you prepared for the Great Change and the Great Steps you would need to take to achieve it?

There are 5 Laws that will get you on your way to Freedom and therefore, to Success in all aspects of your current life.

All of them are really important and need to be readed carefully before you apply or follow them, as they will not really work if you do not do so.

The First Law: Ordering The Idea of What you Want

Starting by the beginning is realizing who is moving your tongue when you are talking about something, as Buddah said once to his intimate followers.

The idea of what you want is really different to what you indeed want. The system has educated us to have our poweful minds disconnected and kaotic, as it is the world we live in nowadays. A bipolar world, a black and white game.

So now that you know this and after applying the little tricks I am going to show you along the 5 Laws, let’s put a practical case or example where you will see the relevance of knowing perfectly what we really want to get what we want as soon as possible:

Mariah was an art student in Germany. She graduated and after some time looking for a boyfriend, as she felt so alone as to come to think that solitude was one of the worst things in the world, not being able to cope with it anymore.

She met a spanish guy and after some dates, they fell in love so instantly that everybody was thinking about how strange it was as they were very different from each other. Their interests and purposes in life differed from each other too.

Jacob, the spanish guy, and Mariah, from Germany, decided to stop living a long distance relationship (Mariah had come back to Germany), as they met each other in France, where Mariah was given a private grant for her postgraduate studies and Jacob was working at that time.

They decided to go to England with the dream of making a family together, however, not everything was so ideally perfect as they thought as Mariah always dreamt about living In US and buying a house out there.

When they established in England, everything was going perfectly good for Jacob, as the international enterprise he was working in France had a branch in England and he had the opportunity to keep his job, not the same happened to Mariah, a recently postgraduated student of Arts dreaming about something totally contradictory.

You see it? Jacob didn’t have any dreams or ambitions. He only wanted not to lose his job and continue living with his now fiance without having to leave again another country. Opposite interests equal fights. In this way, the impossible will keep being impossible.

Now, Mariah got some calls from US as she uploaded a lot of pictures of her lifetime paintings to Internet and there were two people from US very interested in them and told her if she could visit New York to expose some of her paintings in a very small place that could launch her to the dream she dreamt. But she didn’t get it. Why?

Problems started emerging in her relationship with Jacob as she wanted one thing and Jacob another totally different. She told him that she was invited with all expenses paid to expose her art and then have the opportunity to give a step ahead on her way to get what she always wanted, to live and have an house in US.

They argued a lot until she decided to stay by him, as he did not accept to keep a long distance relationship again, because he thought he couldn’t bare it anymore. But the thought was terribly wrong in both parts.

She could have visited US, expose her art and with a bit of Luck she could have given a really great step ahead in her career and dream, as when you destroy a brick, the path is clearer than before. Instead, she decided to stay by him and Jacob didn’t do anything for her fiance’s dreams. Something really egoistic.

They could have done something extrange for you but that it’s called The Bifasic Way in Magic.

Explained would be something like: She could have gone to US, expose her art and sell it. Once that is done, she could have probably be given the opportunity to repeat the process again and again until she got what she wanted and Jacob could have stayed working in England until they could go together to US. That’s one possibility.

If he’s so egoistic, she could have realized that her fiance was not convenient to her and stop the relationship at that precise moment, as she was never going to fullfill her dream until the moment she cut off that bounderies. The opportunity was given by God, don’t you realize? But she didn’t take it. It was her own responsibility and fault.

Now that you know this case, we can follow with the next little steps we need to give.

The Second Law: Doing What You Feel Is Good

The very first thing I realized of during my life is that you should always do what you really want with your life, of course, taking into consideration the poweful meaning hidden in the sentence that said ‘my freedom finishes when yours begins’ and we all know what that means.

Me, for instance, at the age of 19, decided to travel to Poland, as I fell in love with a polish girl, even when all the people around me were telling me not to do that journey as I was still a young kid givng the very first steps in life as to leave my family and my country just for love.

However, if I had followed the path they had for me, I would have never had such incredible experiences I lived there and all said, I would have never fallen from so high as to realize that my family was doing everything they could to avoid me the great fallen they predicted.

But after that, I turned myself into a man. I was able to go to England with the woman I loved most and lived certain experiences I won’t ever forget. If I had followed the steps my family told me to take, I would have never learnt how to mature by myself.

By telling you do what you want I am precisely saying that, do what you want with your life whilst you do not interfere with the lives of the rest of the people around you.

For example, let’s put a practical case where you will learn a lot about freedom so you will be on your way to get everything you dreamt about: just by simply throwing away all your fears and prejudices, lay on the street for just 30 seconds. People will start staring at you but, what if they look at you? People will always look at you when you do something out of the normality they are used to.

By this, you will learn that nothing bad happens when you give a step ahead and start doing things out of the normality, such as entering an expensive shop and asking for a really nice watch, they will tell you the price, you will look at the watch and as it nothing happens, because the truth is that nothing happens, you say that after all you are not interested and leave the shop using the same door you used to get in. Was it so difficult?

After all, life is a game, your life, from my humble viewpoint will turn into a great thing if you start doing things out of the normality, if you give a step ahead and say today is my day, today I reach the goals I been trying to get so far. However, that takes a little bit of effort, self-confidence and a powerful use of ‘magic’, which is not another thing that the proper use of all the resources that we have in handy to get everything we wish.

Caesar, Napoleon, Alexander The Great…Didn’t they do what they wanted? Or did they followed the path other people had marked for them? Just think about it, please.

The Third Law: Hiding Intentions To Evil People

Hiding intentions to get what you want is of great importance if you really want to be on your way to success and personal freedom.Intentions can be used against you at every moment, so never reveal them to anyone, keep them to yourself. It will be better for you. Trust me.

The reality is that our world is full of evil people that will try to use you as a puppet for their own purposes, as getting more money from you selling you the newest product in the market of the autobinary options so that they can get richer and buy the newest yatch.

It’s your fault to fall in the trap of the Evil once you are advised. And we all are advised since we are kids giving our first steps in this planet but we usually forget what our parents and closer family taught us and that’s the main problem most people have.

If you are constantly telling to people what your intentions are, they will know a lot about you and even more if they are prepared with psicological weapons. You are opening them a door where they can enter, get everything they want from you and leave you without anything left. They will use your emotions and feelings to make you believe you are succeding in getting what you want while they are getting richer and more powerful because of you letting yourself being used by them. Don’t ever let them do that. The evil is clearly acting through them. Indeed, they are the evil itself.

I am going to give you an example so you can understand better the reach of the piece of advise I am humbly triying to make you apply in your life so you do not fall in the trap anymore:

A guy in internet, whose name I am not going to reveal for now, is known by one of the best scammers all around the world but nobody is doing anything to stop him as they are getting a piece of the cake by phishing people and scamming them to death until all their savings and money are gone, but not dissapeared, as that money you lost is going to his account and the accounts of the people his working with, such as Banks and Binary Options Platforms all around the world.

He will promise you a lot of money just by buying his magical product. Don’t you see it or we all blind? He used you as a puppet using your dreams of getting rich to get rich himself. Sick and tricky, the evil itself as I said before.

Sometimes you will make some money using his product by scamming people just like you making a piramidal system working pretty badly for you and perfectly for the people on the top of it.

So stop it right there, please, and think about it one more time. Do you want to give your money to people you do not know at all? Do you really wish to expose your intentions and dreams so that they can be used against you to squeeze you to the limit until you do not have anything left in your pocket? It’s your decision.

However, if you really wish to get what you want for the rest of your life, just keep reading, learn and apply the Laws. You will the results as soon as you put them into practise!

The Fourth Law: Learning from experienced people

When it comes to be on your way to get what you truly want is foundamental to learn from experienced people as they have passed through similar experiences that will make you realize you are not the first one in doing what you are doing, preparing yourself to make your dreams come true. That’s the main reason why reading is so important

As I have been travelling all around the world since I was eighteen yeard old, I can tell you I have learnt quite a few valuable lessons I would like to share with you. One of those is to learn humbly from experienced people.

Once I had a master that taught me the value and true meaning of humbleness, which is the key to learning from our own mistakes and the mistakes other people made during the evolution of mankind.
This master told me: ‘You should never open the doors of your house to a stranger’. At that time, I did not realize the powerful meaning hidden in that short but full of significance sentence.

So when I was in England, I was invited to an interview for a field marketer position, selling products door to door. Firstly, I must say I have been always a very opened person so I was telling anyone almost everything about my own and private life.

As I said before, they used it againts me to get in my own ‘house’, my heart, but I never let them do that. Fortunately, I learnt from my master to defend myself against all that shadowy people.

There was a guy in the company that asked me once if I had a couple. We started chatting, eveything was going good until the moment I realized I was talking too much and he was saying anything of relevance about his own life. That was the key for me to realize that he was trying to do something bad as he was hiding his intentions for wrong purposes. The evil is hidden in all we know.

One week after, the same guy defied me in front of all my coworkers laughing while he was asking retorically if the polish people (my couple at that time was polish) usually eat cats for dinner. I could respond to his attack, however, if I had not had the weapons to do that, what would have been the situation? Everybody would be laughing at me and he would have obtained what he truly wanted: gaining a social position by destroying me.

You can trip over the same rock twice, but if the third time it happens the same thing and you fall over the floor, it’s your fault.

Being able to defend myself against that attack allowed me to do what I had to, leaving that company, a company working under the ”Snakes Group”, where manipulation and blackmailing is totally permitted. After all, I was living in London. What else could I expect?

Please, never let a stranger get in your house. It’s your house after all, you decide who gets in and who not, I cannot take participation in that important decision

The Fifth Law: Sayin No Is Needed

My family taught me to say no in so many different ways, however, until I started living on my own, I did not realize how powerful was the message they were trying to send me so that I could apply it on a daily basis during all my life.

You can never be productive if you take on too many commitments as will not be able to get anything done, at least not really well or on time.
However, requests for your time will come in all the time — through phone, email, IM or in person so to stay productive and try to minimize the stress derived from it, you have to learn how to say no at the proper time which is an art that not many people have learnt so far.

Is it so hard to saying no? Well, not at all, but to start with, we can say it can hurt, anger or disappoint the person you’re saying “no” to, and that’s not usually a fun task. Second, if you expect that person to work with you in the future , you will wish to continue to have a nice relationship with that person, and saying “no” in the wrong way can really jeopardize that.

As it is quite a difficult task for you to say NO in order to get what you want, I will give you some pieces of advice I have been taking out from different places and times so that you finally reach your personal freedom without affecting a third party. Here I leave them for you and it is your exercise to put them in practise or not:

Value your time and Know your commitments, so you learn to recognise how valuable your precious time is. Then, when someone asks you to dedicate some of your time to a new commitment, you’ll know that you cannot do it. And tell them that: No, I cannot do it right now for you.

Know your priorities and wonder when you do have some extra time if this new commitment is the way you want to spend that time. For myself, I know that more commitments means less time with myself, which is an extremely important thing for me.

Practice saying no. Practice makes perfect, do not forget it. When you go on the street and someone stops right in front of you asking for charity and you not have even a dhime, why would you say No, thank you? It sounds absolutely ridiculous. Instead, you can say No and leave them there. I know it is egoistic, but sometimes they just want you to subscribe to a new charity organization so that they can get a commission for your subscription. No, No and No. If you want and wish to do that, say yes, after all it is your decision. However, if you do not want, why would you feel guilty? Why would you say I am sorry but…?
Do not apologize when you say no to people or to yourself. A really common way to start out is “I’m sorry but …” as people think that it sounds quite a bit more polite than saying No itself. While politeness is important, apologizing just makes it sound weaker. You need to be firm at saying no, otherwise you will never get what you want.

Say no to your bosses. We feel from time to time that we have to say yes to our bosses and that is a totally wrong idea if what we are looking for is to get what we want in our lives. It may seem strange or contradictory, as by saying no to your boss, yoy may look like you do not want to make the work or you are not even able to do it, but that is not the point, the point is that you will need to explain to your boss that by taking on too many commitments, you are weakening your productivity and jeopardizing your existing commitments. If your boss insists that you take on the project, go over your project or task list and ask him/her to re-prioritize, explaining that there’s only so much you can take on at one time. This is the quickest way to make your boss realize you are a firm person with a clear mindframework prepared to take on commitments in order to get what you want. But well, if you do not like your boss, just say No and Sayonara.

I am totally sure there are enough people around the whole world that will be able to value your hard work, presence and commitment.

As well as saying Yes in the proper time is also needed, however, you need to be intelligent at what precise moment you say yes or not.

For many years, I had a groups of fellows with who I had a lot of fun and went through different experiences, both good and bad. However, everytime we went out we did not know what to appart from smoking marijuana. There was a moment I realized that was no good for myself and decided to split from that group of people.

If they are rue friends, they will repect your personal decision of saying No to a certain kind of things and you should never worry about what other people will think if you are taking a different path.

Maybe you feel alone, maybe not. But you must be strong not to fall in the tramp of the evil and continuen doing what you feel is bad for yourself as it won’t let you advance on your way to get what you truly want in your life.


thanks robok, i will continue writing high quality posts for everyone ;)
Greetings !!

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