I hope this is the start of something amazing!

in #success8 years ago


Hey guys,

Hope all is well.

I wanted to write about something that happened recently.

I believe my 3 month lull is over and I am on the way up again.

Since the day after I had my first tapping experience things started to look up and everyday that has gone by, I have noticed my motivation increase, as well as my drive. I am sleeping less due to my job and have achieved more in the business than ever before, plus I am making time for music.

Things I attribute to this are, starting a new job. Funnily enough, even though I have less time and the job is not where I want to end up, just interacting with people on a daily basis has done me wonders. I feel like I am getting my personality back which is huge for anyone.

I have been meditating twice per day and doing a lot of self-development and now have a steady income which helps the mind a little.

Overall, I am a lot happier and am looking forward to what the future holds!

I also secured a new client today which is great and I can't wait to work with him.

Moral of the story is to persevere when things get tough and things will work out if you keep it up and believe things will work.

AND meditate twice a day.

Hope you have enjoyed this post.

Take lots of care
