How Do We Continue to Stay Motivated?

in #success7 years ago

Having the persistence to keep going in our daily objectives is how true success can be attained. But what should we do when we run out of 'steem' to keep going? We can all have down days when we feel discouraged or have little energy to do the same things we have been doing for months or even years.

With most achievements it comes down to your continued effort to have resiliency and push yourself after many failures. This is how we get it right finally, figuring out what to do and not to do. Sometimes we will have to completely get nowhere for a long time before the light bulb is turned on and it all clicks.

Can you stick to your goal you set out to accomplish? This is why it is very important to have a passion for what you do, enjoy what you work on and a meaningful purpose because that is what will keep you in the game day after day.

Good Goals

The right goals will drive us towards our achievements as it acts as the force of our motivation. When you have the right destination you want to travel to, it will give you the daily push to keep going because that passion will always build and stay in you.

This is what gets us excited and passionate as we work diligently towards our goals. We will always have a ton of enthusiasm and energy in the beginning of doing almost anything new but the things that spark your passion and heart will be able to ignite that motivation at anytime.

Have goals that are important and personally mean something to yourself. If we are not consistently motivated we will suffer from burning out by trying to achieve meaningless goals.


Once you have your planned goals it is beneficial to write them down and hang them somewhere you can easily access them everyday. It will always remind you of your goal and push yourself to focus on them more.

It is important to take action immediately or as often as you can. Why many people are successful in the world today is because of work ethic, how much they put into what they want to accomplish. The hardest part of anything is to start working on it or continue to do so.

Imagining yourself completing an important goal is another way to keep yourself strongly motivated. How does it make you feel knowing that you accomplished your goal? The feeling should jolt you and energize you to do whatever it takes to complete your daily tasks. It is a great way to tackle procrastination.


Motivation is like fire that will come down unless you keep the wood coming. Self-Discipline is the fan that keeps the fire going and therefore you must practice this skill to keep it going everyday!

Strength your will power by starting the day with the most important tasks the moment you wake up. You will be more productive and effective in completing your goals with much better results.

Self-Discipline is a choice that you stick to by doing whatever it takes whether you feel like it or not. You must encourage yourself to get out of the comfort zone and into the game you need to play. This will ultimately push you towards success and victory!

Ignore the Naysayers

There may be haters along the way with a negative attitude telling you to move onto something else and basically give up. This is only there way of thinking, they are not strong willed and just give up themselves in these circumstances and why they would want you to do the same.

You must have tremendous trust in yourself that you will make it no matter what the challenges are. Your emotions should not be affected by setbacks or unavoidable problems in your daily life.

Find certain activities that encourage you when times are dismal. Such as a small pep talk, meditation, laughing out loud at your situation or whatever you want, looking for all the optimistic reasons in where you are and why you are doing it. One thing that has always got me back to being super motivated is reading biographies or others who have had gone through such struggles to create achievements. There are a ton of these as the world was much tougher than the one we live in today.

Self-Affirmation is a powerful way in overcoming your feelings of doubt or fear. Attitude is everything and by developing a positive mental attitude you will be able to develop personal and professional success and happiness!

Pressure Yourself

Diamonds are made under high pressure and the same is in order to your success. To unleash your maximum potential you must pressure yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you.

Raise your own standards, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. Decide and commit to mastery! Make your priorities a MUST and not a should or try.

You will always feel satisfied about yourself when you push yourself to perform at your very best. With whatever you are doing always tell yourself..."I am the BEST _________!" fill in the blank. This will put your brain into high productivity mode to perform the best at what you are doing.

Whatever is the first thing that came to your mind that you must complete today, get out there and do it!!


Steemit Writer

My recent trip to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala


Ah motivation!

Writers struggle with this topic all the time. As do would-be athletes. Artists. Bloggers. And even entrepreneurs.

Take me:

I’m a little obsessed with productive artists.

I discovered famous novelist Ernest Hemingway knew the value of measuring his progress.

He rose at first light to write for several hours before anyone could disturb him.

Hemingway tracked what he wrote on a board next to where worked so as “not to kid myself”.

Even if you don't write, I recommend tracking your daily output each day: it could be sales calls, reps in the gym, miles on the track, time spent practising or even posts right here on Steemit.


Well, sometimes the hours you put in the chair are as important as the words you lay out on the page.

What gets measured, gets managed, and what gets managed, gets done.

Like @bitdollar writes, cultivate self-discipline!

Great examples and tips here @bryancollins. I am going to track more of my progress to help see how much is getting done each day.

What gets measured, gets managed, and what gets managed, gets done.

Fantastic quote!!!

Great article Matt like always! For me having a passion for what I do is key. Here with my blog on steemit is the first time I ever really had that. Keep up the great work! -Dan

So true and that is so great that you have found that on Steemit. The same with me, I am doing here what I love. Connecting with others on the topics that interest me the most. Appreciate your comment Dan.

Have a great day my friend!

@bitdollar, you have written another article full of encouragement and insight for success!

Self-Discipline is a choice that you stick to by doing whatever it takes whether you feel like it or not.

This is a key concept. There are a lot of things that can get in the way of achieving a goal, and this is one of the biggest.

I've upvoted and resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 20 FEB 2018.


Yes I believe it is. A mentor told me once, I do what I need to do, not what I want to do. This is very important to keep on track of our most important priorities. Thanks as always @mitneb!!!

As always love your motivational words brother. I love people who write about encouraging others and giving them tips on how to achieve their goals.

One of the best things you can do is BELIEVE in yourself and ignore all who say you CAN'T do something. Just because they CAN'T do it, it doesn't mean you CAN'T do it as well. We all create our own CAN'T and CAN'S. :)

Great post as always brother. Keep motivating and keep encouraging. :)

Yes self confidence helps so much and what can't be done can be done!!! Love your words of inspiration!!!

Thanks so much @awakentolife! Have a wonderful day.

The feeling is a mutual brother. Love your words as well. Keep inspiring and you will find yourself even more inspired :)

I agree. Thanks :D

wow - another amazing write @bitdollar - I really appreciate your positive attitude and inspirational blog posts. It's like brain candy .

hehe I appreciate the kind comments @jorlauski! It is everything I am learning each day, trying to be the best I can in life! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Raise your own standards, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. Decide and commit to mastery! Make your priorities a MUST and not a should or try.

Pressure is one of the harder things to add to our rutine. But it is necessary for growing up. There is no excellence without pain, there is no maturity without pressure.

And i actually enjoy the pressure. When you overcome this things, it feels so good...

I can agree with that. Makes it that much more satisfying! :D

I saw your post in resteem request channel, you have so many valid points here, especially when you said pressure yourself.

there can be external pressures that try to weight us down, so it has to be balanced by internal pressure to succeed or else we crumble like a deflated ballon. Good read, upvoted and resteemed.

That is a great point @abmakko! We need that balance to keep us in a great state. Thanks for sharing!

Now I have to finally award this post as the best post of the day.
Great motivation and inspiration
You are making 100% sensible fact here. Thanks for sharing

Whooo! Thanks for that!! :)

Have a great day @steemdiva!

You're welcome dear

I think it's also important for people to realise that your true passion in life may be something you do aside from your main job. While your job shouldn't be something you hate, it may simply be something you enjoy doing while you dedicate yourself to your true passion elsewhere.

Yea I agree your job could very well just be a tool or stepping stone into what your purpose or interests are. Thanks @holothewise!

Great post! One thing that I always make sure to do when it comes to motivation is simply doing it. Once you get started on a task, you'll find more often than not you'll be working on it extensively. Motivation is a fickle creature. In time, this develops discipline and long lasting habits. Cheers!

Yes that first step is everything. Like you said once you start doing it, your doing it extensively. Perfectly put @ctbutters!