How To Get More Done In 3 Hours Than Most Do In 3 Days

in #success7 years ago

If you want to achieve success or anything worthwhile in life, then there's a few things that you must focus on.

So without any further ado, here's 2 strategies I highly recommend you adapt in order to hit that bulls eye of yours much faster.

1) ToDoTomo

This is my coined phrase which stands for "To Do Tomorrow".

What you need to do is before you go to bed, write down EVERYTHING important that you need to complete in order to help you hit your goals.

This is obviously going to be dependent on what your goals are, but allow me to give you an example for someone who is looking to build an online business:

  • Create landing page.
  • Buy traffic to send to that landing page.
  • Send an email to customers.
  • Start working on creating new webinar presentation.

Notice how I didn't include any mundane or non important activities (like talking to friends on Facebook)?

Let's talk about that more in strategy 2.

2) P.M.G.

P.M.G. is a tactic I got from my friend Ken, which stands for Personal, Maintenance, and Growth.

Whenever you create your ToDoTomo list, you want to run through each activity and either put a P, M, or G next to it.

You might be wondering why you'd want to do that, and that's a great question. The reason is because you want AT LEAST 75% of your activities to be based on growth.

Growth is what gets us closer to our goals.

NOT personal activities, and definitely NOT maintenance activities.

Here is an example of a list someone might create who is looking to lose weight.

  • Find a meal plan that would be ideal for weight loss.
  • Go to the grocery store and buy enough food for one month.
  • Start cooking the meals so that they will be prepared ahead of time.
  • Get to the gym and do 45 minutes of focused weight training.
  • Create a blog post about fitness.
  • Eat 5 meals evenly throughout the day.

Now let's go back and assess how important each activity is with P, M, or G.

  • Go to the grocery store and buy enough food for one month (G).
  • Start cooking the meals so that they will be prepared ahead of time (G).
  • Get to the gym and do 45 minutes of focused weight training (G).
  • Create a blog post about fitness (M or P).
  • Eat 5 meals evenly throughout the day (G).

Weight loss or anything fitness is pretty easy when it comes to P.M.G.

Just about anything related to buying, cooking, or eating meals in a calculated way is going to be growth, alongside getting in exercise.

Then of course we had creating a blog post, which has next to very little growth when you compare it to the most important activities (eating and exercising).

Pretty simple stuff, right?

These are the strategies I personally use not only to help build my online business faster, but also get the correct activities done quickly.

No wasted time. No wasted energy. Just results.

Give these strategies a shot and pretty soon people are going to be wondering how you are achieving results so damn fast.

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