What is the key to success in life?

in #success8 years ago

Each person has different priorities in life. For some of us family is in the first place, for others it’s successful business, for someone it is traveling, and so on. Regardless of the goals and desires, we are often faced with the inability to implement all of this, at least at this moment.We find it difficult to understand and accept the fact that something just doesn’t work for us because there are a couple of people in our neighborhood who live exactly like you want to live.
How to start thinking positive:
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  1. Try to smile and laugh as often as possible. Many scientists from all over the world agree that simple smile can make human feel better and get rid of depression.
  2. Find something that you like doing and do it. Doing things that you enjoy will help you to stay positive!
  3. Keep in touch with positive people.
  4. Take care of your health; do sports and eat healthy.
  5. Daily schedule and routine in lives of successful people are very important. Even if you don’t have any specific tasks for the upcoming day, try to wake up as early as possible. Biologist Christoph Randler in his interview for Harvard Business Review confirms that the early bird really does get the worm.
  6. Early rise stimulates the better performance of human’s brain; it helps us to understand better essence of certain problems and find fresh and reasonable solutions for them. But don’t forget that you need to get enough of sleep, so try to go to bed early. In addition to the utility of an early rise, it also gives you extra time, which you can usefully spend on anything you like.
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No song, no supper. Try to avoid spending too much time at home. The majority of your ideas are still not implemented, only because that you had to raise simply your ass off the couch, but didn’t. Numerous studies of world’s top scientists prove the importance of being social and its positive impact on person’s life. So try to visit different events, communicate with people and make new acquaintances. If you don’t do this, then at some point you’ll realize that you simply are at an impasse.
If you’re looking for that edge, that secret to success, the answers might already be available to you.
While you may think these tips are closely guarded, the truth is that many of the worlds most wealthy and successful people have openly shared their secrets to success. And who better is there to learn from than the world’s most successful?
Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities alike have all given credit to the influence that these books have had on their lifestyles. Whether it’s explaining how to properly invest your money or teaching you the principles of self-management, these books break down the small tweaks and changes you need to make to achieve your goals, be they professional or personal.
"Think and Grow Rich"
Originally published in 1937, Napoleon Hill's book is old, but not outdated. The messages in it are not exclusively financial, because Hill does not limit wealth to the confines of monetary worth. With stories from the top businessmen of the time, Hill finds that success is derived as much from personal satisfaction as it is from financial flair.
Success does not belong to a select few; success belongs to “you,” if you’re willing to go after it.
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Success is never handed out, you must take it, but you don’t take it by force. You take success by becoming a successful person internally. When you succeed on the inside, by taking on the thoughts of a successful person, the results will show on the outside.
Today I want to talk about seven life changing keys to success; these concepts will alter your life if you implement them.


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