Here are ten secrets to success in lifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #succes8 years ago


Secret No. 1:
If your life is miserable, then you are wrong. Success begins when you take full and absolute responsibility for your life and when you stop blaming officials, politicians, luck, the weather, and so on. How many times have you heard from others how the bad situation is always due to some or some of them ?! Your success or failure starts with you.
Secret No. 2:
Throw out those complicated books called organized agendas. "Use a small riyal or reel book sold in the grocery store next to your house. These agendas do nothing but waste your time filling in spaces and knowing how to use them, so you need a course to learn. How to deal with it Use this little book and write in it what you have to do and then scrap it after it is achieved.
Secret 3:
Close the TV, it is the biggest anesthetic of the senses and muscles, the average time that the TV is open in the ordinary home is 8 hours a day !!! You will not increase your wealth by one riyal, but it will save time to achieve your goals, research, learn, develop, or apply ideas. One of the most compelling reasons for many is that there is not enough time to achieve the goals. Nonsense, God who created you knows that this time is enough and more to achieve his worship and achieve the succession in the land. Do not fear God.
Secret No. 4:
If you take your advice or go along with the losers, you will become one of them as well. You are the product of the environment that surrounds you. How many times have you experienced yourself not to be with those people who have high goals and lofty ambition, but to sit with those who give you the greatest pleasure and pleasure ?! The good news is that when you surround yourself with the successful and the great, you become one of them. What is needed is that if you want success, you have to be an environment of success first.
Secret No. 5:
You can not sit in the mosque and ask for wealth from God, the sky does not rain gold or silver, prayer is required and resorting to God is required, one of the pillars of the Islamic faith, but after making the reasons and make the effort to achieve on the ground.
Secret No. 6:
You must be the first cheerleader for you, do not go to the shop now and buy a drum and a flute. I mean that success needs self-confidence, faith in your abilities and respect for yourself. If this is selfishness, it is true. It is about you, your abilities and your qualities. Great in yourself, praise yourself as much as you can even respect them.
Secret No. 7:
Personality is important, you do not care what you hear from people but you have to do the right thing at the right time, I know that this is one of the basics and beginnings but it is strange that many do not believe so. Be an example to others until people follow you.
Secret 8:
I do not know how you taught me success better than to form a personal relationship with a successful one. Positive influence, guidance, education, encouragement and focus, such as laser, are the building blocks of success. Determine what you want to do or do at the end of your life, then look for someone who has achieved what you want or what you want to be and have a relationship with him, do not start from scratch and reinvent the wheel while you can live the life you want tomorrow with Naseem Amin.
Secret No. 9:
Be a guide! The pleasure you find in changing others' lives for the better is greatness in itself, the feeling of changing your life because of a guide that guides you towards the best and then changing someone else's life for the better is a feeling that can only be described by his experience.
Secret No. 10:
You now have everything you need to succeed, you have all the raw materials that make you like that person you admire, the only thing is finding your pleasure and discovering your greatness and following it constantly, many are convinced of mediocrity in everything on the basis that they are the right measure while they are able to achieve more Much.