Suburban Addict - Values

The desire for more, what makes us all tick, what keeps us going. What would life be to know that what you have now is all you’ll ever have? That no matter how hard you work, this will never change. Fortunate or not, this is not a reality for many of us. Fortunate because of the environment we were brought up, with every day tales of success as a result of hard work. Unfortunate, perhaps because we may never be satisfied.

How many of us can truthfully say that our daily mentality is to simply keep and appreciate what we have, with no thought of wanting more? What would a day’s emotions or thoughts consist of with the absence of desire? Such a practice might leave one feeling empty, or without a driving force to continue on. You may even begin to contemplate the source of your actions, what turns them into habits. Surely they must have served you in a past moment of need, what would be the use of such a pattern otherwise?

We work for reward, an effective mindset for our competitive nature in a world of free enterprise. Rightfully so, we should be rewarded for the work that we put in. Without such an influence, nothing would be left to separate superior from average. How often though in a given day, do we work to simply…work? Like a carpenter who enjoys the craft of refinishing wood surfaces, he works only to improve. He enjoys the process more than the end result.

Often we give with a subconscious or unrealized expectation to get back. We may not know or realize it at the time, but the intention of giving usually is either to express or reciprocate the expression of another. The balance of most relationships; family, friendship, love, all boil down to a record of expression. In the absence of said relationship, does the expression still hold the same intent, realized or not? Like buying a meal for the homeless, or providing shelter for those in need. How often do we give, just to give?

We love to be loved, what more is there to life without such a connection? To know that you are needed, by someone or something, for either a lifetime or even one small vibrational moment. It’s the greatest and most unexplainable gift we all possess, yet does not exist without connection for most. As one, we hold the solution to many challenges. Divided, and the opportunity is sacrificed for hate. Between the lines of hatred, we experience moments of attachment. Mistaken for love, in time the memories once defined as genuine seem to blend in with all others. True selfless act of love however, will always remain undiluted. The sacrifice of self, for the better of another. How many of our experiences, both given or received, can be defined as such?

It’s with guilt that I admit my life has not stood testament to these virtues. I do believe whole-heartedly though that it is never too late to change, and that to experience life in such a way is not an on/off switch. Rather we must practice and implement over time, not just for the betterment of ourselves, but to lead by example to promote change in the eyes of others.