Suburban Addict - Challenges vs. Opportunities


It's critical that we're brought up to view challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles that we must drag ourselves through to completion. Often our natural tendency is to worry more about the negative outcomes of a situation, rather than draw excitement from the thought of success we're bound to achieve. As much as I love my parents and am grateful for the life they provided me, I can always remember a time or situation that was presented to me in the manner of "If you don't do X, then it will result in Y". I recall a time in the 3rd grade when I received a poor report card , my father hit me and explained how bad life would turn out if I didn't do well in school. As much as I don't doubt his intentions were good, I specifically recall this putting knots in my stomach and just an overall feeling of worry and fear.

To this day those same knots build in my stomach when a challenge arises...and while my natural response system is not that of excitement, it's not too late to start developing new habits (and in this case a very constructive one).

This goes a little deeper than just a change in perspective, though. While it’s important to see the opportunity in every challenge, the absence of this "ideal" take on life often goes hand-in-hand with a lack of motivation. We all can relate to a time or situation where no matter how hard we tried, we simply could not muster up an ounce of it algebra class, a school paper, yard work (pick your poison).

The important point to highlight here is that we all have our trigger - a sweet spot that if touched, opens the doors to a world of natural talent and ability. Somewhere along the lines though we lose site of this, and our natural talents are buried under a pile of "unchecked boxes" society has so conveniently laid out for us. Now I'm not knocking society, because it's society that provides outlets to millions of people in need of a better life. However I can't help but feel as though I've been duped into believing that (College Major X) + (Career Path Y) = (Salary & Stability Z), with (Z) representing a lifetime of happiness, or enough to keep me at bay until I reach "the golden years".

There is no doubt that I'm thankful for this life and would not trade it for the world, but up until about a couple months ago the only footsteps I could see were the ones I took in the wrong direction. As more time passes, I'm now beginning to see those steps are part of a cause to turn my life into something much greater.

What kind of path are you on right now? Are you happy with the person you're growing into?

It's no where near too late for change. Treat life as though it will never end. Just a on-going cycle where opportunity meets determination. If not tomorrow, then the next day. If not the next day, then next week. As Jim Carrey once said, "Things will happen if just put yourself out there, because things are always happening".

You're time will come, it's inevitable…it's just a question of how soon you want it to.