Letters4Myself: Lifelong Learning.

in #study25 days ago

Greetings, learning travelers!

I first learned about Life-long learners through a past boss of mine, that liked the term a lot. He never talked directly about it to me, but as I searched and learned more about it, I discovered that I also am one.

Lifelong Learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout an individual’s life. Rather than being limited to the years spent in formal schooling, it encompasses learning in a variety of contexts—formal, non‐formal, and informal—that occur at work, at home, in community settings, and online.

via Wikipedia

Hey, if you read this part, leave a comment about which of these books you've read, or want to!!

It's clear if you browse throughout my blog that I have a lot of interests and that one of the most fulfilling activities for me is to research and learn more about the concepts that amuse me. From programming and mathematics to slay the spire and Corinthians, reading and discovering new information has always been a necessity for my agitated and anxious mind.

And I have to add, with the addition of AI tools being able to search the web, and even the just launched Deep Research mode on ChatGPT Pro (that I haven't tried yet but am eager to when it gets available for us mortals) have been facilitating a lot our personal interest in finding and organizing information.

Sometimes life is dauntingly scary and it demands a lot of our effort and energy. Because of that, it's easy to give less importance to interests that "don't generate wealth" or that are not deemed as "important" by the status quo. But life's an individual's collection of experiences, and the only one who can truly decide what is worth is the one who is experiencing it from their point of view. Ao validate yourself, take control of your actions, and never stop learning. Knowledge is power. Learning is pleasure. Take care🖤