It Just Happened, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 1599b
Strzok has been subpoenaed to appear before congress. McCain at the root of the IRS scandal and Henry Kerner controlled the investigations. US Afghan forces eliminate the IS. Putin and Moon Jae In meet and agree on denuclearization. Russia and Syria mount an offensive in the South Of Syria. The US retreats from their threats against Russia and will no longer back the paid mercenary forces. The plan is in motion, the push to get the troops out of Syria is moving forward.
Thanks again, Dave. Thank you, for all your hard work. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Dave. A trade war to bring jobs back sound like a much better "diversion" or "reason" for a collapse if all else fails....
Been listening on youtube. Just found you here. Uv resteem
If Kim de-nukes he'll definitely be taken down just like Libya. I sure hope he doesn't do that 'cause if he does he's just opening up more fertile ground for the American/Zombie marauders to lust after.
If they don’t have military tribunals and a firing squad to put the offenders down , then it won’t mean SHIT .
Those are great news Dave. Let's hope the best for the world.