The Pieces Of The Puzzle Are Coming Together, The More You Know You - Episode 1637b

in #strzok-fired7 years ago

Peter Strzok has been fired. Omarosa says she has recordings of Trump saying the N word but this story is starting to fall apart. This entire show that we are watching might be a plan to trap the deep state and the MSM. A 2011 report from FB shows that they believe they can change public opinion during elections, so maybe it really wasn't the Russians that alters elections. Most of the illegal children that come to America do not have parents that came with them so they were never separated from their parents. Senior Taliban leader says the peace talks are going very well. The explosive device in Yemen was American made. Q drops more breadcrumbs and the pieces to the puzzle are coming together. The deep state is panic mode and they are being setup right now. Enjoy the show, the more you know.


Thanks again, for the X22Report, Dave.

He better hurry up , because the natives are getting restless 😬 .

Chic article. I learned a lot of new things. I signed up and voted. I will be glad to mutual subscription))))