#Strictly Secret: The Creation of Strictly Come Dancing

in #strictlycomedancing6 years ago (edited)

How would you feel and what would you do if someone stole your Intellectual Property for years and you were able to prove this in court, win a landmark victory, yet spend 15 years being targeted, harassed, stalked and worse whilst waiting for the defendants to pay your compensation and return your Intellectual Property back to you?

This is a real case of how some of your favourite shows like Strictly Come Dancing, Dancing on Ice, 10 years Younger, Dancing with the Stars and more were stolen from Seven @soulutionaries and how she won a landmark victory against multiple TV networks working in a Global Crime Ring who committed Intellectual Property Theft of her work.
Seven's court evidence can be found here http://thefarrellreport.net with an introduction provided by Tony Farrell - here is a small excerpt of his intro:

My name is Tony Farrell, I am a former Principal Intelligence Analyst within the police service and this website will provide an opportunity for viewers to download utterly damning information exposing what must be one of the most monstrous cover ups in the history of the British Judicial system. The case material freely on offer here concerns corruption and racketeering within the media and the entertainment industry extending into circles of the judiciary and the police service."

Here is a recent video of Seven explaining some of her court evidence and continued targeting of organized harassment and stalking to prevent Seven from receiving any compensation or justice and cover-up her court case win as well as the exposure of the Global Crime Ring whose crimes extend further than just the abuse, harassment, stalking, and Intellectual Property Theft of Seven:

Seven's latest video

exposes Richard J Hannah who was one of the many people Seven successfully sued in her court case, and other paid trolls on Twitter and other social media platforms who abuse and defame Seven in a lame and desperate bid to convince people not to believe Seven and her court case evidence and win. It is a pointless attempt when the evidence speaks for itself. Seven not only has released all her court evidence where she outright won her case whilst the other side could not even put together a defense in response where many of the defendants went into hiding afterwards, one even faked their own death, Seven has also released court tapes so you can hear for yourself what happened:

Here is an example of the depths of desperation and how sick and twisted Richard J Hannah is in trying to defame Seven because of her court case win and the millions upon millions of pounds she is owed for all her globally syndicated shows that were stolen from her and are Seven's Intellectual Property: https://www.prlog.org/12730488-sevengate-the-15-year-fake-news-story-exposed.html

Not coincidentally, Seven is also the relative of Majorie Vital and Ernie Vital who were murdered in the Grenfell Towers fire which Richard J Hannah in all his vexatious malice wants to pretend that she is lying about having relatives that lived and were murdered in Grenfell Towers when there is evidence. Out of all the people who were murdered in Grenfell Towers, Seven's two relatives were purposefully chosen to be written about in the newspapers as having lost their lives in the tragic fire. Furthermore Seven has been fighting for justice to get her own report she has written be investigated by the Grenfell Inquiry: https://everydayconcerned.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/detailed-crime-report-proposed-terms-of-reference-grenfell-fire-public-inquiry.pdf

Tangible Action to Help

  1. Please read and share the Grenfell report with all your friends, colleagues, and on all your social media platforms. Please request that the Grenfell Inquiry investigate Seven's report independently and honestly. Here it is again: https://everydayconcerned.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/detailed-crime-report-proposed-terms-of-reference-grenfell-fire-public-inquiry.pdf

Seven has also conducted many interviews online discussing what happened at Grenfell Towers which you can find on You Tube with Ramola D @EccEveryday and also Alfred Webre @alfredwebre. Here is a suggestion for you to watch and share but please search for her other interviews:

  1. Seven has done the hard work and she has won a landmark victory in court against a plethora of TV networks for Intellectual Property Theft - but it is you the public who en masse can help enforce that she gets paid compensation & her intellectual property given back to her as well as expose it everywhere. Here it is again Seven's court case evidence: http://thefarrellreport.net Please read and share this evidence everywhere.

Please write to all the newspapers and magazines and ask them to report on Seven's case. Please contact all the dancers, participants past and present, every one who works on Strictly Come Dancing, and fans of the show and ask them to speak out - would they like it if they received no credit or payment for their work on Strictly? Let's face it the celebrities do Strictly for the money and career enhancement - make sure they know about Seven's case and if they do not speak out about it - ask them why they are ok with working on a show that steals someone's Intellectual Property and are covering-up these crimes in spite of a landmark court case victory in Seven's favour.

Seven is more likely to get justice if the public speak out en masse - it will also help to expose more than just the crimes experienced by Seven - it will create shock waves around the world and expose heinous crimes against humanity by a Global Crime Ring.

Watch Seven's You Tube channel to see all her evidence and help in exposing these crimes for each other: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGNN62IJtGSBb7B6MLZGyBQ/videos

And now that you know about Seven's case if you stay silent - your silence is complicity.

  1. Please help in exposing Richard J Hannah who is abusing and defaming Seven on Twitter as well as cyberstalking Seven and threatening people who interview her. Such is the case for recent interviews Seven has given with Ramola D where Seven has come up with a hashtag campaign for #NoMoreAbuse for all people seeking justice and suing their perpetrators to support each other. One of the videos is here:
It is underneath this video that Richard J Hannah has left a threatening letter to Ramola D for reporting on facts and giving a voice to victims of crime who are being illegally and criminally silenced and threatened.

Here is Richard J Hannah's letter to Ramola D left underneath one of Seven's videos:

Dear Ramola,

It has been brought to my attention that you have published malicious communications and content regarding me and eight other individuals related to a matter called ‘Sevengate’. Video content has been published on a site (or sites) that you manage under the ownership of Social Media Companies. You also have a number of websites. Our issues are not with you . I am requesting that you remove this content within 14 days of this date - it is defamatory. Should you choose not to I will serve an injunction on the Social Media Companies concerned who will be forced to remove content and be forced to pursue you for spreading malicious content on the sites you own - and it is important, I explain why.

Sevengate is predicated on Charles Seven winning a high court case in the UK in 2016. This claim is repeated across numerous sites and hours of video. It is the basis for her claims to have been gangstalked. In fact, the case was struck out and this has been a matter of public record for 12 years. The official record has been forward to appropriate parties. She did not lose, she could not win - the courts decided there was no case to answer.

This is not a matter of free speech, opinion or conspiracy – Charles Seven has simply chosen to mislead her followers. Be aware, that we will also be talking to the Metropolitan Police in London, because we do not know where Ms Seven resides, but we are reporting her incitement to do us harm and falsely accusing us of criminal acts and threats against her person.
I was not aware as to the length of time and complexity woven in to the Sevengate hoax, nor the intensity of her fabrication until this year and so it must stop. For myself and my family, the 8 others wrongly accused and the late Judge Pumphrey. It is considered there may be some mental health issues with Charles and although we are not qualified to help, we do believe if we can remove this fixation she will be in a better place to get the help she needs.

Please confirm that you are happy to cooperate and put right a wrong perpetrated over 15 years.

Kind regards
Richard J Hannah​

Here is Ramola D's brillant reply to Richard J Hannah's desperate attempts at trying to silence an investigative journalist for reporting on facts:

Mr. Richard Hannah:

My interest as an investigative Truth-Focused Reporter in covering an issue of great public-interest derives from publicly available material on Writer, Musician, and Media Concept-Creator and Innovator Charles Seven's public-interest court case, which draws attention to Extreme Theft by wealthy media groups in the news and entertainment media world of her personal, copyrighted, intellectual property and creative work, an issue of continuing and deep concern to all artists, writers, and intellectuals everywhere.

For all concerned viewers and yourself, including any social media companies you may wish to serve injunctions to:

  1. Please be aware that neither Seven nor I are misrepresenting the facts in our video interviews and discussions, which continue as we strive to put the very important and tragic story of her intellectual property theft and subsequent targeting before the public. It is defamatory to suggest otherwise.

  2. The full details of Seven's court case, including Court Audio Recordings wherein Judge Pumphrey stated he “must rule in Seven's favor” and where I understand a group of defendants including yourself lost the case by default and inability to defend may be found online at htpp://www.thefarrellreport.net.

  3. I advise that all listen to the Court Audio Recordings-

and read Mr. Farrell's and Seven's Joint Report. Judge Pumphrey stated “There is no doubt there is copyright” and that the case would go to trial “despite the certain unhappy consequences for the participants" asking “Has Mr. Hannah ever been to court?” and stating, on Seven's response in the negative, “Well, apply for summary judgement against him.”

  • Subsequent to Judge Pumphrey's untimely death shortly afterward, and the lack of court enforcement of the summary judgment, Principal Intelligence Analyst Tony Farrell of the South Yorkshire Police reported the details of both police and court corruption in Seven's case as “a state cover-up of monstrous proportions, a story that involves gangstalking, in what I would classify as Domestic Terror, and a monstrous cover up in the Judiciary and in the police service,” a case, also, he said, that provided “insight into the events of the (7/7) London Bombings and the Terror Fear-Mongering tactics perpetrated throughout July 2005 and all the subsequent Cover-up of those monstrous atrocities”:

  • For further information, please see: THE MONSTROUS STATE COVER UP OF MS SEVEN VERSUS GOSSAGE AND NINE OTHERS/by Tony Farrell: http://thefarrellreport.net/report_1__introduction.html

  • The tremendous wrong perpetrated here has been against Seven and her family for over 15 years, as per all court documents, witness statements, affidavits, testimonials, and analyses.

  • Contrary to the wrongful content of your comment suggesting “mental health” issues, Seven's superior mental acuity and profound intellect continue to assist and support thousands of others who have been wrongfully targeted by a corrupt and criminal bureaucracy concealing racketeering crimes, as evident in her presentation of her paper, the 'Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights' at the 'International Conference for Jurists and Writers' on 23rd June 2014, “covering the urgent need for protection of Targeted Creative Individuals, protection of Individual's Property Ownership Rights, and protection for the wider public at large from organised IP crime cartels involved in Domestic Terrorism”:

  • .

    I will not be removing any of my videos or articles reporting the injustice and tremendous criminal targeting Seven has faced—a subject of central interest to my reporting, which covers targeting crimes against many—and I advise that anyone interested in understanding the wide-reaching import of this very critical case of Intellectual Property Theft and criminal targeting kindly first peruse all documents, affidavits, court proceedings, rulings, recordings, and reports posted. It is extremely concerning that Seven currently reports online stalking by you:

    . I will indeed be covering this case further.

    I do not appreciate being threatened, Mr. Hannah, and I welcome the involvement of the Metropolitan Police in exploring the corruption Mr. Farrell describes and in paving the way for enforcement of the judgment in Seven's favor, returning to her in full the intellectual property stolen from her as well as all monetary proceeds from its unlawful global sale.

    Far from being “a malicious spreading of content,” my reportage of crimes, cover-ups, and injustice is openly truth-seeking, and my guests—many of whom have experienced great suppression of voice by powerful criminals--are permitted to express themselves.

    Please be advised I will not be responding further to any comments you choose to post. I reserve the right at all times to remove malicious, hostile, libelous, threatening, or stalking comments from my video channels and websites.

    Ramola D

    Here is another interview with Seven exposing the continued harassment campaign against her being interviewed by a former International Criminal Law Judge Alfred Webre:

    As written underneath the video in the description: "MUST SEE & SHARE! TruTube News Anchor Alfred Lambremont Webre Interview's UK concepts innovator Seven about recent diabolical UK Deepstate campaign of stalking, bullying threats and harassment to remove evidence from Social media of the 15 year horrific cover up and hidden court audio's proving Seven's Court case Victory and horrific targeting abuse.

    In desperate attempts to completely remove the evidence from social media, ringleaders of the UK deepstate crime syndicate, in the case Seven Versus Gossage and Nine Others aka SEVENGATE, previously won in British Courts, have now resorted to BLATANT LIES, OPEN GANGSTALKING, THREATS, SMEARS to remove evidence proving ALL UK deepstate crime syndicate members GUILT.

    These desperate attempts to remove the evidence, is to prevent paying the owed outstanding 15 years worth of Copyrights and Royalties after 15 years of illegal/unlawful worldwide trading after the thefts and criminal racketeering with UK concepts innovator Seven's stolen intellectual property."

    Here is the latest up-date in Seven's case of exposing organized harassment and cyber bullying by Richard J Hannah (one of the many defendants Seven won a high court case against for Intellectual Property Theft of her creations of popular TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing). Seven has made a crime report to the Metropolitan police about Richard J Hannah's crimes and vexatious harassment and retaliation to defame and destroy Seven for her high court case landmark victory where Richard J Hannah owes a large amount of compensation to Seven. Seven also explains in this podcast interview with investigative journalist Ramola D the crafty way this crime syndicate tried to kill Seven off in assassination attempts whilst simultaneously trying to wipe her court case evidence and victory from public record which Seven was quick to gain a judge order ordering the public record of her court case win:

    This is what Ramola D has written under the description of the above video link to her interview with Seven:

    "An update on new developments in Seven's case where she and journalists covering her story including myself have recently been accosted, cyberstalked, and threatened online by one of the chief defendants in her case Charles Seven vs. Gossage and Nine Others where she won by default her claim of Intellectual Property Theft by a powerful and apparently criminal media syndicate who retaliated against her with fifteen years of criminal targeting and terrorism.(Seven has also recently suffered the death of her relatives in the Grenfell Fire, and reports extraordinary matrixing of her name and life-details with terror-events such as the 7/7 London Bombings and others, which investigator and Intel analyst Tony Farrell has reported on.)

    This person Richard Hannah who Seven states has now been reported to London Metropolitan Police has also written to me—and been responded to—with threats and admonitions, saying Seven's claims are false. I have re-examined Seven's documents, and reports, and listened to audio recordings of Judge Pumphrey's verdict and authenticated for myself the truth of Seven's claims. The writer ScribendoCogito has also covered these events including my letter to Mr. Hannah in an article: https://steemit.com/strictlycomedanci...

    Seven's story is astonishing and breathtaking: major concepts for television shows she had such as Dancing with the Stars, Strictly Come Dancing and many health and fitness concepts were stolen from her and used by a media syndicate; her manuscript The Walk was stolen and plagiarized in its entirety and used in film and television; her own life details were taken and used in television shows. To learn more, please watch all of Seven's videos here at this channel, Ramola D Reports, at her own channel Soulutionaries TV on Youtube, at CCN/Reclaiming Perception, and at NewsInsideOut.

    Should Seven be paid her lawful earnings for her intellectual property as she should be, she would be in possession of a sizable fortune, which she would like to use for humanitarian purposes, including financing her new media network, which she hopes to start up soon.

    Please support this channel and subscribe at Patreon/RamolaD: https://www.patreon.com/RamolaD"

    After the above podcast interview of Seven about the continued cyber bullying and retaliation Seven is receiving for her court case win of Intellectual Property Theft, and written threats to journalists like Ramola D and a journalist and former International Criminal Law Judge Alfred Webre for supporting and reporting on facts and evidence that these journalists and myself have looked into that show Seven is being targeted and victimized for her court case victory and a cover-up preventing Seven from receiving the compensation she is owed as well as the rights to her Intellectual Property back, Richard J Hannah has left another threatening and badly spelt message under Ramola D and Seven's latest video exposing Richard J Hannah. Here is a screen shot of his message:

    Screenshot 2018-10-27 19.01.06 Richard Hannah threat.png

    If Richard J Hannah is so confident that the Metropolitan Police, if they conduct a fair investigation, will go in his favour, then why is he is cyber stalking and cyber bullying Seven and highly educated intellectuals who have assessed independently Seven's court case, evidence, and continued victimisation and retaliation against her? These are all crimes Richard J Hannah is committing in the so called name of pursuing justice - yet in the court case Seven won against him, he couldn't even muster up the courage, evidence, or defence to attend court proceedings. Now, Richard J Hannah has come out of hiding to defame and harass Seven because she is still pursuing justice with her court case win and trying to put a stop to her 15 year battle against being targeted 24/7 by a highly organized crime cartel where Seven is constantly harassed, stalked, and repeatedly has crimes committed against her to silence her and destroy her life and evidence of her court case victory to avoid having to pay her a vast amount of compensation that criminals like Richard J Hannah have intentionally stolen from Seven.

    This is Seven's latest interview with Alfred Webre (former International Criminal Law Judge) exposing the evidence of Richard J Hannah's continued harassment, threats, and defamation and lies regarding her high court case victory against one of many defendants which included defendant Richard J Hannah. They play during the interview the court case audio recordings of Seven's court case victory that Richard J Hannah has been trying desperately to cover-up and defame Seven as delusional. Seven's evidence is public and has been independently assessed by highly educated professionals like Alfred Webre:

    This is Alfred Webre's article on this matter on his own website newsinsideout.com https://newsinsideout.com/2018/09/uk-court-seven-award-why-are-uk-usa-truetube-co-co-news-anchors-harassed-by-vexatious-perps/

    Please help share this important information. These types of organized harassment and stalking campaigns are used on anyone to silence everyone that governments, police, Intel, hospitals, authoritative bodies, and global crime rings want to silence.

    Please do not just share this article, create your own articles, post these links and other links in support of Seven's case to all your own social media platforms, email your friends and colleagues with links and express in your own words why Seven needs our support, exposure of crimes committed on her and others.

    Christmas will be here before you know it, write websites like Seven's the Farrell Report and her You Tube channel into Christmas cards - what better way to thank your friends and relatives than providing them with essential information and support each other in getting justice against evil. Please include links to websites like https://everydayconcerned.net/ by investigative reporter Ramola D who supports true warriors like Seven exposing heinous crimes against humanity and has created a niche for herself reporting news and crimes that mainstream media actively cover-up.

    Thank you.



    Fantastic coverage and article! Thank you for this immense coverage of Seven's very important case and for highlighting the continued slander and online cyber assaults against her name and reputation. As you say. Seven's case is rock-solid: her creative work was clearly stolen and exploited, as the paper trail shows. Seven has done a great job publicizing the crimes committed against her and others, and also done the world a great service by showing us all how top criminals in corporate media networks make trillions of pounds off others' intellectual and creative work and are actually engaged in running terrorism operations. In conjunction with Seven's story is the whole story of the 7/7 London Bombings, which Investigator Tony Farrell analyzed and discussed with his Police division before he himself experienced retaliation for his whistleblowing.

    Thanks also for covering Richard Hannah's threatening letter sent to me and my response. As you say, the evidence in Seven's case speaks for itself.

    The notion too that the reading public can participate in informing each other and help publicize the wrong done to Seven in the theft of her brilliant television shows and seek reparation is outstanding. Indeed, in this situation of failure of corporate media, law enforcement, and the court system, individuals of conscience everywhere can help speak for humanity by simply sharing and spreading the word.

    Wonderful article and I will share widely!

    Thank you Ramola.

    I appreciate & recommend your journalism to all which expands on and explains the type of illegal surveillance abuses and harassment that Seven in the UK and others globally especially in USA , 5 eye countries, and Europe experience which include and I quote from your article "Surveillance Abuse Today is a Lot More Than Email/Cellphone Surveillance & Comprises Bio-Hacking, Neuro-Hacking, and Radiation Assault" https://everydayconcerned.net/2018/09/11/9-11-2018-expose-the-treason-challenge-end-domestic-us-fusion-center-military-terrorism-masquerading-as-surveillance/

    The article also goes on to expose the types of character assassinations used on knowingly innocent targets to defame and distract from the targets truth, activism, and whistle blowing: "Community Blacklisting & Character Assassination — as mentally ill, pedophiles, prostitutes, child molesters, pornographers, terrorists, suspected terrorists, potential terrorists, putative terrorists, violent extremists, troublemakers, all to discredit our witness and testimonial to these incredibly egregious USAF/DOD/CIA/NSA/DHS/FBI assaults.
    (These are not idle accusations; I recommend that uninformed readers kindly explore the articles, interviews, and videos at my website, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and my Youtube/Vimeo/Bitchute channels Ramola D Reports; in particular, pay special attention to my interviews with highly significant whistleblowers from the CIA, FBI, and NSA, engineers, NASA scientists, and Emeritus Professors; finally, please peruse all letters from whistleblowers and activists supporting my journalism shortly after a Quincy Middle School principal questioned my reportage specifically on DHS/FBI/USAF abuses, including my unanswered Letter to the Quincy School Board, which provides acutely relevant information on General Dynamics, the FAA, and the City of Quincy — a subject still under investigation for further reportage.)" https://everydayconcerned.net/2018/09/11/9-11-2018-expose-the-treason-challenge-end-domestic-us-fusion-center-military-terrorism-masquerading-as-surveillance/

    I thank you and applaud you for your continual dedication to research and report the truth rather than mainstream media's watered down, controlled narrative version of the Snowden file leaks, 9/11, and other such important events in our world history as part of the cover-up complicity and gas lighting of the public on the stone cold hard facts of what surveillance abuses really entail.

    It will shock the public to the core, but this vital knowledge will also set us all free as the public raises its voice one by one and takes a stand against Orwellian states of control which include the usage of stealth/neuro- weaponry for mind-body remote control, hacking and tracking.

    Everyone do your bit by sharing these articles, spreading the truth, and doing the research for yourself. Contact your local MPs/senators with these articles, research, information, podcasts with whistle blowers and victims testimonies. If the public stands up and refuses to allow these illegal surveillance abuses and what can only be described as voyeuristic torture and organized mobbing via harassment & stalking in coordinated groups of people within the community on knowingly innocent targets for profit and control, then these types of illegal torture/surveillance programmes will have to be stopped and stealth weaponry on the public banned.

    Ramola has written about and interviewed former fbi agent and whistle blower Geral Sosbee on "How the FBI (& DHS/NSA/CIA) Wrongfully Targets Innocent & Stand-Out Americans with COURT-ORDERS from Bought Judges For Purposes of Criminal Community Takeover" Please share widely: https://everydayconcerned.net/2018/06/12/geral-sosbee-fbi-whistleblower-murderous-corruption-of-fbi-and-federal-magistrate-judges-sample-secret-fmj-court-order-requiring-inhumane-community-persecution-of-innocent-targets/