Una medaglia per Photochain
Locket on black dress [ita/en]
Sapere accostare gli accessori d’abbigliamento e i colori dei vestiti è il segreto dalle persone eleganti.
Knowing how to combine clothing accessories and the colors of clothes is the secret of elegant people.
ITA - Testo e fotografie di @adinapoli per
Photochain Challenge
EN - Text and photos by @adinapoli
My proposal to participate in Photochain
ITA - Soggetti-Chiave: MEDAGLIONE e NERO + FIORE
EN - Key-Subjects: LOCKET and BLACK + FLOWER
ITA - Le fotografie appartengono all'autore.
What a lovely locket. It looks very elegant. Good luck in the contest 🤞
Thank you for the kind opinion, but in reality it is an old-fashioned look probably suitable for my wife's mother.