The Art Storytelling

in #storytelling7 years ago


The art of storytelling is something different for everyone. It can be a beloved tale that someone told you as a child or your favorite book. You could be the storyteller, crafting your own worlds and tales. Then you have the story within a song, that draws you in and captures you. The combinations are as endless as the imagination that creates these masterpieces, and the art that it takes to put them together to share with the world us breathtaking.

My own storytelling has been in two ways, as a writer and a singer. A long time ago that would be called a bard. This is a title that I have always been drawn to. In that, I feel like it resonates with my soul. Tales of all kinds have been a part of my life from my earliest memories of my mother reading to me every night before bed. Being sent off to the land of nod while flying with fairies.


Stories have always been there for all of us, going back to the dawn of time. People telling one another where the best places to set up camp or hunt. Trading stories about the dangers that a traveler may face if they take a certain path. We use our tellings for entertainment, teaching, and to connect to one another.

Our stories are happening all around us. We all tell them in different ways. I read once that we are all just stories so we better make it a good one. That is how I live my life by trying to make my story better every day. What’s your story?



I enjoy how you put this into words!

There are times when you sit and want to convey something and it actually works out really well. This was one of those times.

Really enjoyed this one.

Thanks so much!

nice story always motivated thanks

I agree stories always seem to inspire me to want to find out more. When I read a fiction story I always want to know how they lived on after the last page.

"I read once that we are all just stories so we better make it a good one." That is a beautiful way to look at life. 😊

Thanks so much.