The tale of two wicked friends; Leke and Ade. EP6
Ade had gone to the market; he had sold some of his palm trees and some of the lands he inherited from his parents. He bought a piece of land, he knew by experience, would be more fertile and had bought 500 pieces of yam seeds to plant.

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Leke had bought 1,200 seeds of yams too and had given a very large piece of land by the father of Nui, who he had proposed to marry once the harvest seasons are over.
They both had planted their yams and were waiting eagerly for weeding season, which soon came. Ade, as usual, and deligent with his farming had weeded his farmland in no time. Leke on the other hand, had relied so much on employing labourrs to work for him. He was till searching for labourers, soon the first weeding period was over.