Gulelbajh boy (fiction)
When reading in the sixth grade were classmates of my kind. A Harbans boy's name, which all used to be unique. It is up inkstand ink does not come into question when it p. Kept telling him that someone intelligent black ink drinking becomes faster. Master G Angry being killed Lgta- "screaming in a high voice raised hands on it! Master Ji killed!" He yells so loud that come out Ustad out around the groups that's what happened.
Master G Tikk be able to hand down. If he takes to beat him Harbans direct is clinging to him and say in high-pitched sounds Lgta- "now excused two G! You are the king live! You Akbar great live! You Ashoka law! You're mom and pop Yes, grandfather-in-law, grandfather, man! " The start laughing boy in class and Master G Jenpakr up beating him. It was he Harbans. Everyone came to get hold of the frog of the day the garden and says Apply frog fat at hand does not affect the cane Master Gee. Not realize the hand moves so that cane. Was another classmate ... Bodharaj. That we were all afraid. When she twitch has been bitten by snakes bites you think. It was a bloodthirsty boy.
On the street drain when Barre takes hold Barre bare hands then sat down to remove the sting and then thread tying the scores of Barre tries to blow him like a kite. Then go to the garden puts clings to seize the butterfly sitting on a flower and muscle between the second moment fingers. If Mslta not pin Khons the fluttering butterfly takes him stitch in your copy.
It was said of him that if Bodharaj takes bite scorpion dead themselves scorpion. Bodharaj's blood so bitter that he did not feel anything. All times are slingshot in his hands and unmistakable his target. The nests of birds was always his special grace. Of standing under the tree binds him to attack that gives the very next moment you hear 'children-children "of birds and seem Chitrne air break-down straw and Thiglian of the nests, or he quickly climbed the tree and nest eggs brings out. Until he put nests not sabotage to, did not get her rest.
He never had any such games fail to see that it has not hurt anyone. Bodharaj mother also were called monsters. Such Bodharaj pocket-like things kept swirling, ever-egg baby starling, or like, or barbed tanrec. That all students were afraid. So the fight with a Bodharaj direct hits bump in his chest, or cut his hand account. After school we were going to go to their homes, but Bodharaj remains where swirling go. Sometimes he will tell us all kinds of stories. Say one day you- "have lived a Gohar in our house. Know Goh are you?"
"Otherwise, what is Goh?" "Iguanas, snakes like an animal, Balist long over, but not his legs are eight claws. Snakes do not have legs." We were simmering. "Live Goh down the stairs in our home," He said, "The thing that took hold of his feet, he leaves no never leave her, no matter what happens." We were simmering. "The thieves are your near Goh.
They used Goh wall Fandne. They have a rope tied to one leg Goh, then skip to the wall, rope throwing upwards of Jhulakr wall. The wall start with Goh clings to the wall of his toes. his paw is so Mjhubt the rope ten men pulled even, then leaves no Goh wall. thieves wall through jumping through the same rope . "
"The wall is how to leave your Goh?" - I asked. "If thieves came to drink a little milk on suckling the claws of iguanas are feeble." Similar tales Bodharaj tell us. At the same time elevated my dad and we stayed to go to a big house.
The house was not the house, but the old-fashioned and out of town. Floor bricks, roof high-rise and molded, room large, but filled slurry seems like the wall. Outside was open land and vegetation. Home was good, but was a bit empty. A friend of mine due from the city-man was not there. Then there Bodharaj began.
Maybe he knows is that there is a victim get good, because in the old house and the nests of many birds in the courtyard, used to wander around and monkeys were also two bills mongoose Outdoor bushes. Home was a large room in the back, in which the mother was made to fill the scrap warehouse-bit. There was camped on pigeons. The day goes on Quack-Gun-Quack-Gun. There was the nest of a bird near the broken skylight on. The room floor scattered straws feathers and broken nests.
Bodharaj comes then I get to hang out with him. Once he brought tanrec, see the black snout and barbed hairs, I was scared. The mother was walking does not look good with my Bodharaj, but he knows that I will do so, so lonely house was. Mother was calling him monster and it was explained that it did not bother the poor animals.
One day a mother I quote "if you enjoy breaking friend nests then tell him that he can clear the nest of our warehouse. Birds have very dirty the room." But mother, then you used to say that nest Breaks, her sin soar. "" I killed the birds that he says little. It then runs slingshot on birds, kills them. Nest removal is another matter. "
Thus when Bodharaj came home I home detour by taking in the warehouse of her ass. Was locked in the cellar. We lock opening on the inside. The evening was getting was dawn-bit shadow inside the warehouse. Arrived at the room I felt like we moved into the lair of an animal. Bala was the smell and scattered on the floor of feathers and droppings of birds. Strictly speaking I was afraid.
I thought, here Bodharaj play their slimy victim, he can break-break nests Giraaga, Nochega the birds had their eggs break, all will help Dhlta my heart things. Why was told not to let mother take her to the warehouse and clean the nest of the warehouse that say it. I then had also refused to play along and say that nest Break. Then I saw the Bodharaj he was watching the nest starling below deck catapult was taken care of and with great relish.
She makes molded ceilings triangle in which the warehouse, was killed two doors were cast down and down across a long beam room. Similar to the beam near the broken skylight was a big nest, emerged from which straws, Fahey Rui and dropdown Thiglian were we can see. It was nest starling. Pigeons were Quack-Gun-Quack-Gun on the other hand, Chevron separately and the whole time you were hanging out on the beam.
"Nest starling baby" - Bodharaj said and kept his slingshot.
Then came me look a little pale little small children Chonchen poking out of the nest.
"See?" - Bodharaj was saying "These cherry Maina, here nest not devils. Their parents must have must have separated from its fleet and made it come to nest.
"Where are their parents?" - I asked.
"Lure to have. Just be on his way" - says Bodharaj raised by catapult.
I run not catapult the nest that wanted to stop him. But then came the sound of Frrrrrr the slingshot Bodharaj and then came the sound of loud Tnn. Catapult was thought to be a direct roof looks not with gravel nests, where there was tin sheets. Both were disappeared somewhere between the beak nest and again came to little. It seemed as if starling children were quiet consent. If Bodharaj another attack by catapult. This time putting pebbles beam. Had big hammer. Two birds he raised overwhelming case of failure.
This time he was silent for a while. At the time Maina children began seeing raised the beak again and peeping out of the nest, the same time Bodharaj was the third attack. This time, hit the gravel nests. Three came on the four straws and cotton Galle skimming and floor scatter-scatter. But dropped nest. Bodharaj had slingshot stretched again. If the room was a horrible little shadow Dole. We looked up look. Incoming light from the skylight was covered suddenly. Spread was sitting on a big eagle on Sinkche skylight.
We began to look at it both a grinding halt. Sitting skylight eagle was feeling terrible-C. "It will nest of eagles. Eagles have returned to their nests." I said. "No, eagle's nest to be here? Eagle makes his nest trees. The nest starling." Then came the nest to loud to children-children. Sitting in the nest began flapping and screaming child starling. We will do what stood out both passive, that eagle now to see it. We were watching the two gaze transfixed eagle. Came inside the eagle skylight.
He had to gather himself and engaged across the warehouse down on the skylight came off the beam. He seems to see his little head shakes, never right and never left. I was silent. Bodharaj was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.
The nest was chiming equal children-children, but was already moving Ggjyada anywhere. Maina children were terrified. "It will come every day here" - said Bodharaj. Now I live my understood why scattered Lothde of places fins and meat on the floor. Sure would hit pounce on every coming day eagle nests. Pieces of meat will fall on the same bill at the blood-soaked. Bodharaj was still looking forward to gaze transfixed eagle. Now the eagle was slowly began to move towards moving nests on beam and sitting starling baby nests were flapping and screaming. When sitting down to eagle skylight, starling children were shout.
Bodharaj was still going shelves the Statue stands eagle. I was terrified. I puts kills repeatedly Khta- "What difference does it, that eagle starling children with different heart Bodharaj hitting them with his slingshot? If Kites does not come Bodharaj this time would put scrape nest of the bird . then Bodharaj raised by catapult and reaching directly targeted eagle. "Do not tease eagle. He Jptegi you. "I told Bodharaj. But Bodharaj had listened to me and slingshot out the. So it did not hit the eagle. Fall down into the gravel roof and eagle made its large wings spread and head down staring engaged. "Let's get out of here." - I did not. "said the fear, we have gone to be eagles eat children." "so this sentence I found it weird to her mouth.
Himself brought it up slingshot to break nest. Bodharaj Shuffle and targeted. But eagle floating spread on the inside of Uri and warehouse from the Chevron-C sits on half circle beam to cut again. Sitting in the nest child the same children-children were being made.
Bodharaj had quickly catapult handed me and take five to seven pebbles from the pocket placed in my hand ... "Fuck you run drive catapult the Eagles., Let her sit." He himself fled, and went up on the offer of a broken chair at the table laid along the wall and then jumped on the table and stood on the chair there. Then Bodharaj raised both hands up who somehow maintained his balance, he slowly lifted from the beam to the nest with both hands and slowly came to the table down from the chair and holding the nest leap imposed. "Come on, get out." ... he said and ran towards the door. We arrived at the warehouse. There was only one door in the garage and a small wall which a window. There was also a beam across the wooden garage.
"Can not access eagles here." - Bodharaj said and began to look around. While sitting in the nest in late became silent starling baby. On Bodharaj boxes were peep at nest mounted starling. I thought it would take two right hands raised children together, as he had done often, even if they turn around and put in his pocket. But he did no such thing. He sees in the nest long and then shouted "Get some water, they are thirsty. Will drip water in their beaks." I went out and brought a little water in a bowl. Both tiny baby beak were sobs raised. Bodharaj refused me touching the drop-drop into the water and children in his beak, nor self touched them. These children's parents to arrive? I asked. "They will come out of this window. They'll take you to find them." We are sitting in the garage for a long time.
Bodharaj makes plans for a long time know how it will turn off the ventilator, so come inside the eagle ever warehouse. That evening he was talking eagle. The other day when Bodharaj came to my house had brought neither pebble was slingshot in his hand or pocket, but throughout much of the lure in the pocket and we're putting lure children Maina both late and watch their feat.
image source = Google
gulelbajh boy i remember my childhood day i like it gulel thanks for share .
Thank you bro.....and me to same things like yours.
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