
Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell unfroze!!!!!!! โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ Love wins!!!!!!!
And I'm a ....... Demon.
Wait. What the....


I loved it!!!! They were the other half to each other's soul.

Thank you for finishing the story for us.... It was an amazing concept and I really enjoyed reading it. Now I'm looking forward to MORE of your writing!!!!


I'm on my phone and I can't move my slider up past 38%... When I get on my computer... I'll change the upvote to 100% ๐Ÿ˜Š

Those damn phones! Steemit needs a serious mobile overhaul :P

Changed to 100% ๐Ÿ˜‡

Ahem... Notice the correct emoji

not seeing a demon? so not sure what you are on about?

Maybe you just need glasses!!!

Even with glasses on I don't see no demon emoji :O

Yes damn you demon woman >.> !

Ha good! It is done now! :P no more! Now wolv can have some peace! xD

I think you meant angel....

And peace???

When I get my daily dose of writing from my new favorite writer...... THEN there shall be peace.


The end!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I get what your saying, an angel indeed yes. But then like completely the oposite.

Well... Who is this writer and I'll approach him/her so I can have my peace :P

Right!!!!! Opposite meaning.... They're in heaven!

You get it now!!!!!! I knew you were a smart cookie! Hehehehe

I will show you the writer. But first... Find a mirror

Yes exactly! So the oposite of an angel... a demon.
So you are a demon.

In the mirror I only see myself :O I'm more an artist than a writer

Right so opposite.... Would be..... ANGEL!

CORRECT!!!! gold star for you sir. Gold star!!!

You can be more of an artist. I'll allow this.

But...... Wriiiiiiterrrrrr toooooooo.

Me likes it.

Can't wait for more!

Yes you are the opposite of an angel :D
So the story is right B-)

You might have to wait a bit ;P