Starry Night

I slept well and woke up with the devil at my side. One of the ten glass bottles had fallen over. Funny that I didn't hear that. The kitchen door was ajar. It's rained again and the air outside was fresher than inside. It stinks.
I heard the raindrops on the tin roof. It's an awful sound, like hail being shot, or are they whiplashes?
I stood outside in the rain while the devil pressed his snout against the glass inside. I let him out. His paws were wet from standing in the puddle. He didn't seem to feel it.
I stared at the man with the big sack. Does he have any helpers? The elves whose footsteps I hear tripping on the attic can lend him a hand. I don't like them. They are worthless and never extended a hand when I was chained to the wall.
I wore the executioner's coat because I've never set foot outside and don't have one myself. My hair is wet and triple trap, triple trap, there are 12 pigeons on the roof. Are they prophets of peace? Get off the roof, I shouted. I've had enough of pigeon poop. I'll never clean another day; I've done enough cleaning.
Ochre is a colour that doesn't combine with blessings. I refuse to play host and pour tea. Not during the night or during the day, the voices in my head warn me of hypocrites. I put yesterday's diary in a bottle, it kept raining.
Do memories show themselves, and will they replace the threats from overseas aliens with the truth? Were bricks baked from kilns on the river and shipped? I held the bottle filled with my day against the light. It seems raindrops love to stick on it.
The kitchen is empty; there's no kettle on the fire, nothing to eat, and the pantry is empty. There is no window with a view on the river.
Will the rain ever stop I want to send my message in a bottle to the one I imagine waiting on the riverbank. What if she needs help? I grabbed a potato peeler from the drawer and pushed it into the bottle before I put the lid on it. An empty champagne bottle from which I haven't had a single sip. Will those voices in my head ever end?
I stood on the river bank holding my bottle, and in my mind, I saw the place where I believe it will show up.
A voice couged behind my back and started whistling, Devil attacked, Diary. He wouldn't if you hadn't showed up I told the intruder and wondered if did leave the kettle on the fire.
I swung the bottle into the river. The water dragged it along which is a good sign. At least this one didn't sink. I emptied the intruder's pockets. A hundred and fifty euros was enough to buy a loaf of bread and fish.
4:00 p.m. - tea time - I forgot to mention I bought some tea biscuits.
The rain has stopped. It's a starry night. Devil sings lika a tomcat in heat.
Prompt: starry night - @freewritehouse
hmmm :)
I slept well and woke up with the devil at my side.One of the ten glass bottles had fallen over.
The night train ... thats been quite a while lol
as for the rest id go easy on the amanita perhaps hahah
0.00 SBD,
0.43 STEEM,
0.43 SP
it's a series of dairies meant to show, or is it proof, something, a bit of writing in turn.
The night train is always on it's way even if it doesn't drive.
How was your night?
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0.15 SP
better than the day , as usual lol
in dantes frozen hell under a full moon almost time itself stops for a moment
and under the full gleam i can see all the way downhill while on a night they turn on
the streetlights to ward of the mini-demons the humans conjure at their doors while sleeping i can only see the end of the street, very small place for a very small place
in daylight its even worse
everything is equal in the dark
light brings out the ugly details
but as for the rest so so
nothing more nothing less
the world ended already most humans just seem to be oblivious to it
0.00 SBD,
0.23 STEEM,
0.23 SP
If I read you it sounds like a poem... one about life many live but no one dares to speak about. Stary nights and even dark nights are never as dark as walking on an avenue on a bright Summer day and feeling miserable because everyone started at his phone.
LIfe oh life.. wasn't it once a song, unless it snows all that's left are indeed the ugly details
so, so, the average.. you wonder too how it's not noticed?
New generation, a new world, one we don't fit in no matter how flexible we are.
0.00 SBD,
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0.17 SP
shin sekai as the japanese goes but in many nuance as always there, its a very contextual language (tho i havent mastered more than a bit of animenese)
The resonance is all around , if you have been born living outside yourself and you talk about "the boy" and "the kid" in the third person most of it seems like a story (a bad one lol)
but ... as that guy who didnt get stronger said :
"those who were seen dancing were deemed crazy by those who couldnt hear the music"
i might have a td-vaut inthere ... my gremmar on exact wording of elder german depressionists isnt 100%
actually feels like sleepwalking for a few months now
maybe the aliens land and fix it all up cleanly soon
Hi @wakeupkitty, Could you put me again in the club5050, pleasa , because I did a power up yesterday. Thank You. Have a nice day .
Done. Don't worry if the label isn't always updated the weight of the vote is not measured by that label. It's also not a crime if you are not in a club.
A great Sunday
0.00 SBD,
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0.12 SP
Thank you so much my dear friend. ♥️♥️
you are welcome
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0.12 SP