The VALMY File: Chapter 29, by @vincentleroy (translated from French)
This is an authorized translation in English of a post in French by Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy): LE DOSSIER VALMY (Thriller) : chapitre 29 (Troisième partie)
As my primary language is not English, there are probably some mistakes in my translation.
Remember that the person who speaks here is NOT me, Vincent Celier (@vcelier), but Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy), a French guy.

Chapter 29: The scramble
The year 2010 is the year of all madness.
The banks that lent me money initially for 300,000 Euros decided to get their money back. I knew it from the beginning, to close the companies, it is to take 300,000 Euros in the teeth. And here I am alone. Alone. The other partners are not concerned. Good for them by the way, already they have lost their capital, I feel more morally comfortable knowing that I will be the only one to pay the piper.
My Luxembourg lawyer played the clock as long as possible. He has already won two years. We know that the case is lost in advance. I will be condemned and in the next day of the bailiffs will be at home. The bank has introduced a new action to preserve its rights. They asked the court to seize my bank accounts to be sure to have the money after the judgment. On the merits, the procedure is regular.
Except for one detail. They have seized 8 accounts in Switzerland, yes in Switzerland, for the amount of 300,000 Euros. Secret accounts and life insurance in the name of Le Roy. Problem? Think about it ... I have no account in Switzerland. They have seized 8 accounts of French residents who have just the same name as me and who are probably not clean with regard to the French tax authorities. Besides, none of them contests. If they appeal, they face a tax adjustment that probably exceeds the amount that will be withdrawn ...
It's amazing but true. The judgment in 2011 confirms my conviction and authorizes the bank to draw the escrow accounts. Nobody will appeal. It became definitive. And I am sure that they punctured the poor homonyms because I never saw a bailiff come to the house.
It may seem surreal, I agree. More than the fact that benefit from this, what is important to remember from this aspect is the super power that banks have and that Justice confirms each time. No morality. It's terrifying but it's just the reflection of our society run by the financiers. They have all the rights.
And for once, I will not pay the price. All the better.
As for slander, the High Court of Amiens will relax me. The company will be heavily condemned and the court administrators will close it. It suits everyone. We have almost lost all recourse against our opponents. It remains only the computer and the famous supplementary indictment strangely lost ...
In July 2011, the file is sent to a new investigating judge. A young one. He decides to reboot the file that he did not even read. He sends the subpoenas. Clearly, the interrogations of the protagonists: the chemists, Alex, Mathieu and Kojak. I often say when we ask the wrong questions, we have only the wrong answers. Little or nothing, that's what will happen. The judge did not even indict those named by the expert he appointed. They are all heard as a simple witness. They are asked for their version. It is simple and concordant:
"They did not know anything, Le Roy is a thug who has engineered everything"
Normal that they stick together. Kojak too is questioned. He provides testimonials against me that Alex sent him the day before. The acknowledgment receipt of the e-mail says:
"To color the file ... Alex."
Nobody is upset about it. The judge does not even mention it. We flirt with the bribing of witnesses ... and yet, the judge will tell our lawyer:
- Unsavory your client ...
October 2011, I receive this file. Our lawyer is aghast. It's almost a miracle that I will not be indicted in my own case. All the thugs are released. There was indeed a crime, but Justice wrote in black and white that they could not find the culprits. We prepare eight pages of answer, overwhelming. They will never be read. Neither by the prosecutor who wishes a nolle prosequi, nor by the judge.
We discover that at the meeting of April 26th, 2006, my opponents recorded all the conversations. They are in the possession of the Luxembourg liquidator. What is on these tapes does not interest the investigating judge. In fact my story does not interest anyone. Today, this dismissal is final. All businesses are closed and there is nothing to hope for. We must turn the page. Sit on morality, accept to have lost everything and understand.
I need to testify too ...
Continue to Epilogue
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22 - Chapter 23 - Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Chapter 26 - Chapter 27 - Chapter 28
good story for a fight, at least you already have more experience about this, I love it. Maybe one day they or I will be the same as your story this one.
Hello my dear i hope that you're good and everything's goes well with you.
This is a humble gift for you hope you accept it and like it.
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This is the video: