The Story of My Life so Far - Part 56 - Creating a Computer Game on the Corvette Georges Leygues: Coding

in #story7 years ago (edited)

This is the story of my life so far: 68 years and counting.
Prequel: A Brief History of my Family in France

The story starts here
Previous episode: Part 55

Programming my Computer Game

There was no support for me to program the computers of the Georges Leygues.

Programs were usually written in a high level programming language such as FORTRAN, that I had been using at the École Navale. Programs written in a high level language are converted to the language understood by the computer, its machine language, with a compiler. There was no compiler available to me.

The lowest level of programming language on any computer is call the assembly language. An assembler is used to translate assembly to machine code. One instruction in assembly code is translated to one instruction in machine code.

The instruction in assembly "move,w # 0x5a1e,0x0120" is converted into one instruction of machine code on 3 words of 16bits.

I had no assembler available to me either. All I had were the manuals for the assembly languages of the two computers, the P2MS and the Mitra 15.

So this is what I did: I wrote the code of my game in assembly code and I translated it manually on paper.

It took me weeks and months to do that, but I was determined to have a game that worked successfully.

Inputing and saving the program of the game

Another problem that I had to solved was that there were very few ways to enter the program in the computers or to save it on some medium so that it could be loaded again later.

The program was to be run on the Mitra 15, the visualization computer, that was directly connected to the consoles on the CIC. There were no possibility of input or output for the program on this computer.

The only way to load a program on the Mitra 15 was to send it from the P2MS.

There was a way to input instructions on the P2MS using a row of 32 switches and pressing a button for each word of 32 bits. It was very slow, but this was the only way I found to enter the program.

Fortunately, when I started to enter the program on the P2MS, the computer was already installed and there was no tests that needed to run on it. So, I was able to keep the program in the non-volatile magnetic-core memory of the P2MS for several weeks.

However, at some point I had to save the program on a medium that I could use later to load it again.

The only device available for this was a teletype with a tape puncher and reader using a five-hole punched tape.

Five-hole and eight-hole punched paper tapes

So, this is what I used: I wrote a small program on the P2MS to write the game program on a punched tape on the teletype.

Then, to load the program and run it from scratch, this is what needed to be done:

  • input, using the switches on the P2MS, a "pre-loader" program that had only 23 instructions.
  • with this pre-loader, input a small program that I called the "loader" from a small punched tape.
  • using the loader, input the game program from a larger punched tape on the teletype. This operation was taking around 45 minutes.
  • finally, start the program on the P2MS manually

The program on the P2MS was very simple:

  • send the real game program to the Mitra 15 and instructed it to start the program.

After months of trials and errors, the game was finally running and we were able to play tennis in the CIC of the Georges Leygues when we were not at sea.

Continue to Part 57

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That must have taken heroic patience! To be able to concentrate that long to conquer a goal is what it is all about.

I have computer engineering colleagues and its a joy to see them using FORTRAN,Q-BASICS and other programing just have to be one of them to understan coding.good job

wow. not only coded in assembler but even translated to binary by hand. debugging that must have been a bitch. one of my former colleagues at the university fondly remembered the days of punchcards. I am pretty happy that I only have to work with higher level languages. we did have a compiler course at university where we had to translate from c to assembler (cant remember which assembler language it was though) I am a happy c++ and python programmer and consider myself lucky to not have to think about what happens down at the metal

one of my former colleagues at the university fondly remembered the days of punched cards

I have met professional programmers that had the same feeling. They were saying that you thought carefully when you wrote or changed your code, as it was taking a long time before you could see if it was correct.


True, I atmit that i have had days when I was tired an less concentrated where i just changed random stuff and recompiled, because it was only a few seconds. I was actually just having this conversation with my colleagues yesterday. One of them was compiling to a raspberry and it took forever(3-6 hours), but most compilers are so fast nowadays, that we have started blaming it on neural networks training or simulations running. Btw how fitting that they play with swords

good blog...
i realize it so much...
thats awesome...
i like it..
keep it of luck

Good blog ..
I am really appreciate to see this post ...
Carry on. best of luck dear 😊

your all the part is fine dear
I appreciated by your post
resteemit done

Incredible job, I love what you do. Keep it coming!

this is a really great masterpiece. we really admire you my friend, if possible ?! I will draw and absorb a little knowledge from you.

That's a very inspiring story.You have shown that if you are dedicated then nothing is impossible to achieve.Whenever i read your post it gives me a lot of courage.Thank's for such nice and inspiring post.@upvoted and resteemed


No, you didn't.

Now i have done this,that time some how i missed it.