Journey to the end of the world - Chapter 3, by @vincentleroy (translated from French)
This is an authorized translation in English of a post in French by Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy): Le voyage au bout du monde • chapitre 3
As my primary language is not English, there are probably some mistakes in my translation.
Remember that the person who speaks here is NOT me, Vincent Celier (@vcelier), but Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy), a French guy.
Journey to the end of the world
Chapter 3
Once on the ground, the islanders are busy. There is of course the reunion between the young people who have embarked and the old ones who have to live on the island full time. There is also all the cargo that is quickly unloaded on the dock. Everyone leaves with his due and the newspaper!
On the spot, it will also be necessary to realize something. We do not have a network. Marine said nothing but she thought she would have been able to continue working on her laptop. Personally, I am delighted. She will really be able to unwind. The fact remains that as for each trip, I did not prepare anything. I do not know anything about the island, its history, its geography, its points of interest. We will find out as we go along.
We cross the fisherman's zone and go up the wharf of the Paimpolais (inhabitants of Paimpol). The stream of tourists rushed into the hut known as the "tourist office". I have another strategy and start with a good coffee on the terrace. At the end of the quay, there is this somewhat unlikely stall that is restaurant, bar and second-hand shop. We settle down. Marine checks again: sadly, no network. I smiled internally, placing the order with the boss.
This little piece of a woman is obviously overflowing with energy. Taking advantage of her cheerful good mood, I ask her how to go to discover the island. She explains it to us, plan by hand. We should take advantage of the big tide coefficients to start a crossing on foot and visit the small Kélaourou island. While listening, I took a look at the menu of the day. Lobster. And so I reserve a table for lunch after paying for the two coffees. The friendly boss agrees and throws us: me it's Nathalie, see you later.

Wharf of the Paimpolais
(to be continued)
Exciting story that is. Really like the deep sun with shrieked heat all around. The visible rays make the picture look so great. Thanks for sharing. This was really touching and breathtaking. Attractive and impressive work @vceiler.
Wow that's crazy
This seems to be non fiction, I enjoyed reading.
Yes, this happened IRL
Been a while @vcelier. Hope you're doing great? Your multilingual ability always amazes me. Like seriously! 😃 How many languages can you speak?
Just 2. Nothing amazing here.
Lol... Funny how you say it like it's nothing special. Well, it is. Although I thought it was more than 2.