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RE: Reflections on My Life's Journey

in #story6 months ago

We never know what is better for us and often we try to grasp different ideas and gain different skills. Even we could be very good in some field but the life and environment may force us to leave it and to decide to do something different.

It is good if we have time, resources for developing that but also some people who support us in those beginnings.

At least you definitely try yourself in different fields. There are definitely two things that you should continue Art and Crypto, actually three you are also very good in teaching, at least the way how you explain things and talk it is make people to listen and that is one of the feature of a good teacher. I hope you will develop that. At least on this platform we have potential to show up our skills and hopefully to gain something from our activities.


You're absolutely right! No one knows what's best for us, and hard work and dedication are essential. But seeking advice from people close to us leads to better outcomes. I've always been one to take the lead and rush ahead, but lately, I've started thinking before taking a step, which might be a good thing.

Your guidance has really boosted my confidence, and I'll definitely put it into practice . I used to be super quiet and introverted, but now I'm more expressive on Steemit than ever before.

Your art skill has always impressed me, and your explanatory style is even more amazing. You've earned my respect, and I wish you all the best and happiness in every aspect of life.