Alphabet Story

in #story7 years ago

a confessed to b that c was torn between d and e even though f was but a figment of g’s imagination conjured up by h’s intolerable lust for i’s silken skin that had been devoured by j long before k met l and before the world knew that m and n were in fact ghouls from a world that until now only o had inhabited and p so lustfuly desired whereas q preferred the world of flesh and thorns and liquids not unlike r s and t that had succesfully entangled their bodies in ways that mere mortals only dreamed of reaching levels of pleasure that until now only u and v had managed to accomplish the same night night that w immolated x and sunk her teeth into the belly of y just as z gazed into a’s eyes that were filled with crazed tears of trust and derision...:Ipad photos 494.JPG