“ …Don’t Go Falling Now..! ”

in #story7 years ago (edited)

A Short Story by:


To Bear & Bluey :

Chapter 1.
Was it a ‘busier- than –usual’ day...?

Was that even possible in Cape Town, previously a sleepy coastal city that had, over the years, mushroomed into a mini metropolis with a few larger Businesses moving Head Office to this breathtakingly beautiful City.
Nevertheless, not too much changed. It maintained sleepiness, somewhat. There’d been nothing that was too urgent. Nothing that could not wait until tomorrow.

Yes, there was discussions about what to expect with the clock rolling into the year 2000, but if it caused major concern amongst the “Let’s see what tomorrow brings” mindsets, It had gone unnoticed.
So the busyness had been in my mind.
I lived in Cape Town for many years, and it’d left its mark, not that I minded! Growing up in a big city, I found Cape Town to be a breath of fresh air.
I also did not mind, over the years, becoming not quite as concerned about too much else - other than eking out a living, in the beautiful but not particularly lucrative, as far as salaries went, City.
The Hospitality Industry gobbled up so much of it!
Peace of mind came with a price I reasoned. Living in The Mother City was well worth sacrifice, of sorts.

Back to the busyness of the day. I finally decided, (Typical! As it had been a New Year’s Resolution and now, well into the year) I’d have to find a permanent position. I loved Temping. Before one tires of faces, or they of yours, the Assignment would be completed and I moved on to the next assignment.
New People, New challenges, possibly better salary.
But I knew that, that was all about to change and that I had to become more responsible.
My son, Jethro, who’d been away for a while, returned. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been on a field trip or something quite as simple.
I married and divorced his dad, then remarried him. Ten points for trying.
I awarded myself that.
Brendon and I had a heady relationship, he’d just completed his Army conscription and being eager to get back into the civilian life, met and wooed me.
I found him to be a little ‘crazy’, and vulnerable. He believed that one ‘walked on the wild side… or not at all.’
I became pregnant some months after that, and he did the ‘honorable’ thing.
As much as I admired him, being the only daughter with a bunch of brawny Celtic lads, five of them- to be exact, as brothers… made “Honor” top of Brendon’s priority list!
There’d been no blame game, no brawling… much to the brothers’ collective disappointment.
It was a little late-in-coming to be asking for his daughter’s hand in marriage, my father had told Brendon, flatly.
He had, however, been planning to celebrate my 21st birthday and handed me a Silver key, despite the fact that I’d left home years before.
Brendon saved him lots of money, he joked. So despite the timing, he was thrilled at the news.
Brendon and I knew each other for close on six months and tried our hand at marriage, but we parted before an anniversary could be celebrated.
I left the option open for another attempt, should Brendon ‘grow up’ and thought it worth pursuing.
Jethro was left with the ‘tougher’ of the two parents and he was the ‘Apple of my eye’.
A couple of years later, we tried again. The abuse of drugs, which, at that point I decided, was the first sign of not wanting to grow up, crept into the second marriage.

Not at first of course, but soon after that, there would be a relapse.
Worst of all, I followed suite and found myself lost, again.
I loved Brendon Jonas and defended him as viciously as a Vixen mother, when he was accused of “getting me into all sorts of trouble”.
Brendon did not hold a gun to my head, was my defense, and the truth.
I just needed to ‘get inside his head’ and find out what made him “tick”.
I never ever found out.
I came to a place where it was no longer worth any more ‘trying’. Even though it was a huge decision to make, I made it.
It cost me enough already. Our son, was no longer with us, Thanks to ‘ever- helpful’ Social Services.
We were about to divorce, for the second time, when Brendon disappeared, “Into the Mist...”!
To hide the disappointment, at the time, I joked about it because, sooner or later… From “Out of the Mist” he would re-appear, wanting to ‘start again’, right where we, or rather – he, left off.
Sometimes it was a week, a month. Sometimes, a 24 hour Absence.
The last disappearing act had stretched into years. But that was all a thing of the past now! I reminded myself.
Jethro returned, I had more than one person to take care-off.
It was a nagging reminder that my previous care-free days needed a serious adjustment.
My decision to start ‘Perm’ job- hunting had stemmed from that.

My mind was wandering, it was a busier than usual day! If only in my mind!!!
I passed the address of the Company, where the Interview took place and had to back track, arriving five minutes before the agreed time.
Looking back, there I was, ready to be a responsible adult. Way overdue. I was 36 at the time.

The Interview went well. Admittedly, at that stage, I had been to so many job- related meetings and Interviews, I took it in my stride. I had “more than enough experience” - Greta, Head of Finance, found in me the ‘Perfect Candidate’. I had to report to her. I knew that things were about to change. At that point, I truly
weren’t aware of just how much!!!

Chapter 2.
The open plan offices at R&R Admin seemed uncomfortably smaller that morning. Although I chose to sit in the Pool, the continuous drone of a voice, made me wish I was miles away.

I was actually ‘introduced’ to Steven, before I met him. As with almost every other company, there was the ‘Office Chatterbox.’ Cheryl Carstens. Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of R&RMUZIK, Jeff Smythe. She re- introduced, by word of mouth, of course, The “Management” at R&RMUZIK.
“Jeff’s the Managing Director” she re-informed me.
“..And I’m his PA.”
I remembered thinking that I met her a few minutes before then, but already humored her. It was (I reasoned), the ‘first few days’.
Cheryl seemed awfully chatty that morning and I guessed, me- being
‘The new kid on the block’ (hardly!), was someone who’d still be prepared to pay attention to her. She continued, taking a huge breathe…
“Then there was Steven..” She smiled broadly.
“….He only recently ‘settled down’, over the last six or seven years; Having spent many, maybe fifteen years ‘on the road’ with their Band - Gig to Gig , City to City. No particular ambition other than to have fun. He was a Bass Guitarist…”
She paused for breath, or effect!
“He was a widower. He lost his wife just over two years ago. A son, Storm, lived with him.”
Cheryl seemed to have gasped for another breathe,
“He ….”
I recall how I tried to block it out!!! I tried to turn off my antennae and simply refused to listen!!
Laughing now, but I thought, almost desperately, of HOW I was going to get her to Stop!
It was unending!!! … I didn’t want to know about… Steven and I didn’t want to know about his tragedies!
There was an echo in the background …
“…. He’s also the Managing Director of YZ Distributors, the ‘Sister Company’, they had ties with R&RMUZIK.” AND The Juiciest bit, Cheryl had, at that stage, was left breathless, as she reported that he, was… ‘Coming out of mourning’.
Was that the term she used?

Apparently, quite a few young, and not- so- young ‘hopefuls’ was sure they’d “catch his eye”, she advised me.
It sounded Medieval to me. Surely that happened quite naturally, I remembered thinking. Or didn’t it?
The rest of that day was probably spent in a bit of a blur. As with each new Assignment, there was the usual perusal of documents, manuals, - how things were done at R&RMUZIK.
There’d been quick tour, a ‘meet n greet’ that was offered by Greta soon after I’d arrived at R&RMUZIK.
I met the Office Staff and went to Retail downstairs. The Main Distribution company had been in another section, part of the Complex- but Admin seldom dealt directly with them, so Greta skipped that detour.
It was a usual rushed first day.
There were other Updates… Dead Lines, Bi - Annual Stock Takes, Sundries. It was an average day in the Life of ……..

Chapter 3.
Five o’ clock could not come soon enough that day. I rushed home, ready to take a hot, relaxing bath.
I loved showering. It was quick, invigorating and ‘done in two ticks.’
The Commune where we stayed , there were many in Cape Town, Had ample Bathing Facilities, but guaranteed, there would come a day when someone would be standing directly opposite the bathroom door, as you exit, with that :
‘Did you have to take that long’ look on their faces.
That evening, after an extremely long day, I remembered thinking that nobody’s facial expression was going to matter, I was taking a long, relaxing bath.
Unfamiliar with relaxing; the long, relaxing bath had lasted all of five minutes!
A very happy Jethro greeted me, as I walked into our Pad.
“What tickled you?” I asked, rubbing my wet hair with a towel.
He grinned, “Nothing really, it’s just great to see you happy again”
“Happy? How?” It had been a nerve wrecking couple of days!
“Smiling?” he’d volunteered.
Was I smiling??
“Tell, you what, Jeth … If I’m smiling, it’s because I can’t believe I’ve made it this far in the day!” I said.
“That Bad, hmm?” he’d frowned.
“Worse. But hey, what’s a day without a challenge?” I asked, rubbing his mop of blond curls.
“..How was your day at College?”
“Totally Awesome!!!”
He looked as if he was about to tear up but had rubbed an eye ..
“Mom,” he’d started, Hugging me... “Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.”
I’I knew known he was referring to my insistence on reinstating my guardianship over him.
I’m his mother. I’m been drug free. I insisted so strongly on a drug test at the time, that the ‘Powers that be’ had thought it a waste of time, and funds, to even bother with a test. My insistence, and appearance, had, according to them, proven my innocence already.
“Thank You!! …” I’d said, hugging him closely,
“Thank you very, very much Jethro, You’re an Angel.”
I didn’t know what Jethro’s reaction would be, once he heard that I’ve been successful with the reinstatement.
I wondered whether it would’ve been… “Too little, Too late?”

But it wasn’t!!!
When Jethro left the Establishment, I was waiting outside, with a colleague friend, who offered to give me a lift.
I remembered how Jethro walked up to me, without a tear in his eye and simply said: “I’m so glad you’re here. For me”
And we left, he moved into my ‘Pad’ at the Commune, and we took it from there.
“So you like College, then?” I asked, eager to talk about anything other than another accounting procedure.
“Mom, I Love College!!! I Love the freedom!!!” he beamed.
I frowned, slightly …
“No oo Mom – Don’t get me wrong!!! I would never abuse that. It’s just wonderful, freedom of choice- with the subjects,”
He grinned, “Pretty girls, too.. Thanks!”
“Stop Thanking me and produce good grades” I’d retorted, playfully.
Jethro always brought home good grades, only then – he’d be bringing them home with a smile on his face.
Happiness is….
I mumbled about my exhaustion, feeling drained!
“I’m off to bed. ‘Going to lie down before I fall down...” I joked, and retired, yawning.

Chapter 4.
I blinked in the dimly lit silence. Outside the birds begun to welcome a new day in The Mother City.
It was way too early to get up and I scrambled around to check for the time. 4.30 a.m …. What on earth? I wondered, finding myself going through the last few days’ events.
This was not unusual. My days of temping allowed me varied, exciting, ‘scary’- as in a ‘Big- Bad- Wolf’ Boss, Huffing & Puffin’, assignments.
There’d always been something to mull over and smile.

R&RMUZIK seemed like an ideal permanent position. The name, R&RMUZIK, had been derived from the original sole Shareholders, brothers ‘Royce and Royce’, but the Logo depicted a guitar player and leaned, cleverly, to the “Rock ‘n’ Roll” idea.
I noticed that it was more of a younger crowd, but the ‘Senior Positions’ was filled by … ‘More Senior’ staff members, so I fitted the mold well.
Unavoidably, my thoughts moved on to Cheryl Carstens..‘Wondered if she ever took a break, other than to gasp for air, to continue..?
I was thinking too much. Way too early to have even started.
I looked up at the ceiling, a blank canvas, and had it filled in no time!
New faces, names ..
I wondered about “Steve” and what he’s doing, whether at all, he’d be awake.
As much as I tried to ignore Cheryl’s unrelenting updates, the name “Steve” was deeply imprinted in my mind.
I continued with the train of thought, almost curious. There was no face I could picture, but it left me wondering.
Nonsense, No one was awake at four unless they were finishing off a night shift..
I found my bombarded mind, fully focused on Steven. I’d wondered whether Storm slept next to his Dad.
Jethro shared a double bed with me for years.
When I remarried his Dad, he’d reluctantly moved to his own room. Delighted at the reappearance, but disappointed, nonetheless, that he’d be saying Good night and making his way to his bedroom.
I ended each night with a bed-time story.. But we never shared a bed again.
So many busy thoughts, so early. The morning crept in. The hand on the clock moved onto just after five. Still too early.
I hoped the day at R&RMUZIK would be uneventful. I hated not getting enough sleep.

I slipped into a track suit and headed towards the kitchen area.
The Coffee smelled like heaven and I know it would, thankfully, work its wake up charm. Strong. Without milk.
Jethro squinted as I quietly opened the door, “What time is it?”
He asked, yawning.
I apologized for being restless and begged forgiveness, we had such an easy going relationship – this son and I.
Jethro jumped out of bed, startling me . .
“…It’s not that early!! You’re not that restless!! You’ve a job to get to!!”
So typical of Jethro, he always had a practical solution or reason for everything.
I replied, a lot calmer after being startled:
“Thanks, My Love. You know me a lot better than I thought you did, Coffee?”
I took the train to work, and loved it. I pretty much was a loner, as far as relationships went, but other than that, I simply loved being surrounded by people.
That’s how I ended up at the Commune. Having my own ‘Space’, but having someone to chat to, at a drop of a hat... with no strings attached!
Jethro loved the idea as well. We had that much in common.
We never wanted to do anything particularly ‘traditional’; we had fish and chips on Sundays and “Sunday Roast” on Tuesday.
We loved thinking Out of the Box. Experiencing as much diversity in life as possible.
Ironically, he’d been traditionally named after his father but that hadn’t even warranted a minute of discussion from Jethro.
His name is: Jethro.

Chapter 5.
I arrived at R&R Admin that morning, feeling a little bit ‘perkier’ than earlier, thanks to a strong dose of Coffee, but only just. I felt was going to be a long day.
With the second Cup of Coffee, I noticed a lot more focus, which was good. It was a new position.
Staff had trickled in and by 8:30, a new day at “R&R” (Rock ‘n’ Roll!) had begun.
I was working towards the first few deadlines of the week, much of the morning spent looking at earlier work rather than bothering Greta, who’d been settling into her new position, as well.
There was no rush, but I made it a habit of always being prepared and seldom left with unexplained or overlooked situations. I also thought of a simpler, more specified way of filing certain docs, there’d been a few challenges.
The phone on the desk rung quite sharply and I wondered whether the call would be for me, given I’d barely arrived.
“Accounts, Good day” I answered.
“Hello Yvonne Tyler?” was the response.
“Hi ..um.. ” I remembered being taken quite aback.
Giggle. It was a call from Retail.
She composed herself. “It’s Jade. At Reception. I believe you’re interested in standing in for me during lunch times?” She stated.
“I wanted to…” I attempted an explanation, which she had not allowed..
“Could you come down, just before one?” she asked me, adding:
“So, take an earlier lunch, okay?”
“Ok ..See you then. Jade.” I managed.
Lunch in ten minutes, I was quite relieved and decided to take a walk, get some fresh air.
I needed it. Wow. Cheryl was an earful and then some.
It certainly didn’t help that she’d been with R&RMUZIK for the last ten years and acted as if she had shares in the company.
Shares in everyone’s personal business, if you asked me!
What didn’t she know about ‘Steve’? I wondered.
Was she also a … ‘Hopeful’?
I arrived at Retail with ten minutes to go before my first “Reception Relief Duties” would be explained to me.

As with being ‘part of the Pool’ and not having a separate office, I also volunteered to do a bit of receipting and switchboard duties for an hour, once
a week. Just to get the “feel” of the Company … and that I had!
The Retail Store was breathtaking.. Almost like a musical festival all on its own. Guitars – Fenders, Ibanez, ... Percussion Section - Huge Collections, Basic sets, Trumpets, Amplifiers, Synthesizers. .
It was a phenomenal experience, I recall. Although bedazzled, I felt quite ‘at home’!
[Although I never played a musical instrument in my life..
No, I take that back. I vaguely remembered two years of music lessons at school.
Piano, to be more specific, but I was so adamantly left-handed at that age, my right hand refused to cooperate!
That was the end of music for me.
I had, however, dabbled in poetry.
I called it ‘Lyrics’, believing that the words would, eventually, dance on the lips of Celebrated Stars – I tdidn’ care too much for the idea of Lime Light, but had thought it an eventual Excellent way of earning a huge income.
I begun the walk to reception, conveniently situated just passed the center of the showroom.
Surrounded by shiny musical Instruments and doing the walk of … Fame?
It seemed like forever, I remember, before I got to the Reception desk that afternoon. All eyes, where possible, was on me.
“Hello, Yvonne. I’m Jade. Welcome to R&RMUZIK” she beamed.
“Yes, Hi.” I answered, not even attempting to begin or complete a sentence!
The Welcome had wasn’t necessary. I met every one, for about two seconds, on the brief tour on day one.
“Come.. Come.. Sit” Jade beckoned.
“Here’s the extension list. You’ve got one upstairs so I won’t make you a copy, ok..? So, you can use mine.” She explained.
I remembered thinking.. “Was she Serious?” Followed by: “Young”.
I questioned my noting of age and hoped it wasn’t one of envy. I had fun-fun-fun, I smiled.
With the sudden upheaval of my moving from ‘foot loose’ to ‘ever so responsible’; as proud as I’d been of my decision, there’d been a niggling, unrelenting thought that I wasn’t going to cope. Everyone seemed younger – and with far less responsibility.
I was 36 at the time. Some politely guessed me at 28, 30 or 31(at Most!) were the most popular guesses, which was still a huge Compliment!
My ‘Secret’ had often been quizzed from me and I had a standard answer. .
Stay Single! Less Hassle!
(I had, however, been thankful for the good genes!)
Although I’d been married twice, mostly ‘on paper’, Brendon was on A.W.O.L. most of the time. So I was ‘Single’, most of the time.
Single and devoted to Brendon-Jethro, The Apple of my eye.
Looking back, we joked about it, being on A.W.O.L., Brendon having just completed his military service. His immaturity frustrated me, but he was so vulnerable and I found myself loving him all the more.
Desperate to get him to make decisions, there’d been a delivery of a summons, an uncontested divorce and I’d become “Ms. Yvonne Tyler”, once again.
Fiercely independent, I had had my Identification Document changed.
(With the second marriage, I had never gotten round to reverting back to Jonas. Guess I never was much of a Mrs. Jonas, then.)
I yanked myself away from my musings, and back to reality. And Lunch Time Reception Relief.
“Yes, I am 36, twice married... ” I answered Jade’s incessant questioning. The first questions were: are you legit? Are you married!
“WOW! So you’ve got a Guy, then?” Jade responded to my full answer, which she allowed!
“No ooo... And I should be the one asking questions, Jade!” I reminded her.
“Sorry, just getting to know each other...” she gulped.
I felt bad. I’d been sharp, however truthful.
“I am Sorry Jade!” was my immediate response, adding
“Too many questions... All at once. Yes, we will get to know each other.”
was my consolation, “.. Bit by bit.”
Two ‘earfuls’ I thought. Jade, being definitely the bubblier of the two!
She grinned. Genuinely. I felt a sense of relief. I didn’t mean to snap.
I’d just recently come from Admin. And Cheryl. Enough Already!
Relieved at not having caused any animosity, Jade continued as if nothing had happened.
“OK – So these 6 Main Lines are R&RMUZIK; These 2 Red ones are for YZ Distributors. They do have direct lines” she’d pointed out, “but calls do come through the ‘board.”
“Ok ... ” I managed as she answered another call.
“R&RMUZIK Good Afternoon. How May I Assist you? ...Certainly! ‘Going through!”
Jade turned to me “You were saying….”
“Heck, honestly, ‘Can’t remember! … There’d just sooo much going on in my head and names and departments and..”
She laughed, “Don’t make a fuss, Girl, you’ve been here, what? ... all of two days ?”
I liked her carefree attitude.
After all, she said: “You can only do as much as you can do, at one time!”
There seemed to be an awkward silence, and I wondered whether I ‘snapped’ a bit too sharply, earlier?
We looked at each other and both begun speaking at the same time; and burst out in laughter, attracting a bit of attention.
“No, you first.” I volunteered.
“OK, so, lunchtimes are pretty quiet... Jade began, smiling almost shyly,
“We get busier days, month-ends ...But other than that, Everyone in the Music Industry takes lunch!”
I smiled… “That’s Good news, right?”
We laughed again, not as loudly as before but I remembered how good it felt. I thought to myself how much I enjoyed this ‘Permanent Position’.
We sat in silence again as I checked the extension list.
Not for too long though, Jade cleared her throat, determined not to let the comfortable silence become too comfortable.
“Ahem, so… If you’ve got no guy, . . I’m just saying, . .ok... so, just for interest sake, if you could spend time with any one of the Guys here on the floor . . Just say… which Guy would you choose? ” she asked the question that was probably burning on her lips.
I looked up, across the floor. All Young-ish, Cute-ish, ...
“Do I have to do this, Jade?” I asked in an exaggerated plea.
“Oh come onnn... Yvonne, lighten up!” Jade made sure she got answers when she made an allowance for them!
I scanned the floor once more, wondering what on earth the point of the exercise was.
“Umm, this is a crazy question and I don’t know...” I eventually answered
“Just Look. Just say!!” she insisted.
Eventually, she ‘wrestled’ Jesse Goode out of me. He was OK. Boyish, Nice Hair?
I hated choosing anything suddenly. I usually deliberated for quite a while before I made decisions, but – I was pushed and had chosen, who’d seemed to be, the most outgoing of the Sales Team. Sales Team by day, some Muso’s by night – Always waiting for that one break. The Big one.
Obviously, Jade told the Guys of her scheme to get me to ‘make my decision’.
Jesse was cocksure, and “not Surprised” at my eventual choice.
He refused to go unnoticed.
There was another call and Jade answered..
“R&RMUZIK, Good Afternoon..”
I looked up from the board, totally thrilled at my current situation.
From the left passage, I noticed this guy – well, Older guy.
He hurried passed, from the back, two staff members on tail, and left a large bunch of keys at reception.
Didn’t He take ‘Lunch’?? I asked myself aloud.
Kinda Nice… Kinda Cute… Kinda Sexy…
“Who’s That?” I quizzed, Curiosity, or Jade’s igniting my sudden interest in ‘boys’, got the better of me.
“Why wasn’t he part of ‘The Choice’?” I asked, completely intrigued.
The board started buzzing, the lunch time lull was over.
“R&RMUZIK, Good Afternoon! Certainly Sir, One moment please” Jade paused,
“He’s not part of R&R, anyway …” she grinned.
“Ooh” I replied, more curious than I felt all morning or afternoon about a thing involving R&RMUZIK.
After All, I reminded myself, this was just a Company, I’d be ‘doing the books’, these were the extensions, this is what they…. But Who was that guy??
I didn’t ask. I decided not to. It didn’t matter. Much.
Jade paused from taking calls and turned to me, imploring,
“Please could you take these upstairs” She handed me a pile of paperwork, smiling.
“You are here! I needn’t send it up later..” she paused,
“We’ll chat a... R&RMUZIK, Good Afternoon! ”
Jade smiled and offered a small wave.
She entertained the Guys wishes, much to Jesse’s delight and gave me a few ‘useful tips’ regarding the stand -in Lunch Time Reception Duty.
“I hope you’ll come down tomorrow lunch time.” She offered.
We hardly chatted, the Guy’s Egoistical game taking most of the time and things got busier, almost at the stroke of two past two.
There would be quieter lunch hours in the near future. Once a week was more than enough, I thought to myself.

I smiled walking back to Admin. Everything had seemed so refreshingly new and exciting. That was it, then. ‘Lunch time Duty’ over.

Chapter 6.
Back upstairs to R&R Admin.
I passed Jeff’s Office and had noticed a visitor, a business associate deep in conversation.
Jeff forfeited a trip to Germany, his wife being in her seventh month of pregnancy and with her family in Australia, he decided not to leave her unattended.
The visitor looked familiar...
I saw him earlier down at Retail! He left a bunch of keys at reception.
Wow, he moved fast! I thought.
Yep, ‘Old School Rocker’ hair still shoulder length, not greying ...
Veryyy easy on the eye...
I thought he was -“Charismatic” .. Was that the word I decided on when searching for one to best describe my first impression?
He placed a bunch of keys on the ledge at Reception, I said to myself,
How charismatic could that have been?? I remember, Ilaughed.
My gut decided, though, that there was ‘Something about him…’
The side view of him, of course, I laughed again at myself.
It had been possibly, a five second encounter.
I wrestled with my choice of words though, and wondered how significant it was in the bigger scheme of things.
I always enjoyed a language challenge. Charismatic..? No, that sounded too “placed on a pedestal” for me, but whatever it was, he had it!
That must be Steven! I thought, unable to contain an extraordinary amount of adrenaline which had surged through me.
Jade had said he “wasn’t part of R&R...” Steven hadn’t been.
It had not taken a stretch of imagination to see why ‘Girls’ had thrown panties, phone numbers and whatever else he received, all those years on stage, but he was older.
A Year Older than I was, I decided, was “too old” and - Way out of my League.
Younger was better. Less complicated. Not complicated at all, in fact.
Motivated by the fact that “whispering sweet nothings” were unfamiliar to the younger crowd; ‘Settling down’ even further from their thoughts. It was a perfect solution from life’s entanglements.
I didn’t want to hear it and they felt totally ‘Liberated’ by the fact that life, as I knew it, was not a Soap Opera. There were no “Happy Endings.”
My motto had been: “Fun- Fun- Fun .. Kiss- Kiss ‘n’ Go !”

I tried getting my thoughts on track, checking for an incomplete list I started earlier..
I settled in, found the relevant sheet, determined to keep my mind ‘on the job.’
“Ms. Tyler?”
Startled, I looked up from my desk, into piercing blue eyes.
“Umm, you can call me Yvonne. ..or Vonnie? ..Or Bonnie?” I remembered mumbling..
(I accumulated a number of nicknames at various assignments).
He laughed, “Quite a Choice on offer, Ms Tyler!” and paused. “Yvonne. ..”
It was almost a whisper. I think.
He extended his hand. Artistic hands. … Do you get Artistic hands?
“I’m Steven”, he smiled. “or Steve.”
He took a deep breathe, indicating that it stopped there.
“ Rousseau” he concluded.
“Yes.” I answered lamely.
I remembered the word tripping off my tongue.
He. Was. Gorgeous!
“Could we find some time to chat about the Schedules I need to take with me, on the trip to Germany?” He purred. A Lion’s purr.
“Yes, Sure! When? I’m all yours!” I replied, too quickly. I felt as if every pint of blood rushed to my head. I attempted to contain the flush, but it was useless; reminding myself to get a grip, wondering when I started losing it. Steven, or Steve, Rousseau was, well, Quite delicious, to say the least, but I decided, not my type.
According to my understanding of how things worked, “You’re mine and mine alone.” (If only for ‘those moments we’re together’!)
I would have hated to live with all the attention he probably got.
Cheryl made it obvious that, he was, well, .. ‘Not your average guy.’
I was sure he enjoyed it, wanting to come across as “just an Ole’ Bass Guitarist.”
I decided that I was sure he would be known among the older crowd and the Younger. He earned their respect.. And a little envy, I guessed.
I was sure he ‘lived the Life’ ... If only on a smaller scale.
And of course, the bevy of ladies hanging on his every word!
I cringed at my small mindedness. I almost imagined I felt awful! I didn’t give’ this ‘Steve’ a “snowballs chance in hell.”
I was sure .. I was sure ..
I had, at that stage, just met the guy!
The idea of him being anything but extraordinary didn’t sit well …
It was then that I decided: I, Yvonne Tyler, was not going to fall under the spell he seemed to have casted over the ladies, I was not going to fall, At All!
At that time, First and Foremost, came Jethro, who had recently returned from a ‘Youth Centre’.
All my extra time and energy would be required restoring broken ties.
It was wonderful to have been given that second chance. Before it was too late.
Jethro was fifteen. I assured myself that I was not going to let him down. Not for anyone or anything, at any time.
I still found myself smiling, though.
While everyone, well, every women, was lapping at his heels, or trying to find some way to get this soon-to-be “Eligible Bachelor” and Managing Director of YZ Distributors’ attention, - it was handed to me on a plate.
The Managing Director of YZ Distributors needed something from me.
The luck of the Irish.

Chapter 7.
Although it was a full two months before the proposed trip, a list of Suppliers and Products concerned was handed to me, the Information needed to provide a good overview for what Steven wanted. It was all data to me.
I provided accurate, well- coordinated Schedules.
“Part of the job description,” I joked.
The Schedules were returned on a few occasions, with Amendments, but given the fact that I only recently joined the company, each adjustment was regarded as a learning curve..
Steven seemed to be enjoying every opportunity to ‘show me the ropes’ as he put it.
I knew he mentioned it as work–related but he sounded almost ..Playful? .. Flirty?
I wondered whether I’d been reading the signals incorrectly, or had this ‘Big Catch’, who had his choice of women, been flirting? With me?
Once again, I made the resolute decision: I was not going to fall, At All.
I felt butterflies in my tummy but could not understand why, but put it down to ‘nerves’.
There was so many new and, soon-to-be urgent things I needed to pay attention to, in such a short space of time, it had obviously left me shaky.
Steven and I spoke on occasion, sent each other work-related emails regarding the Schedules and generally, we had a very ‘satisfactory’ work-related relationship.
I was employed by R&RMUZIK, so other than the already completed task, there were very little reason for either to have kept contact. I put my earlier blushes and bumbles down as reaction to the complexity of the first ‘Task’, that were requested so soon into the new job.
Late that week, I received an unexpected email, from Steven. An invite to a quick drink, after work.
He wanted to Thank me for a job well done.
He also mentioned that it would be to Welcome me to Cape Town, although I had no recollection of ever having told him I only recently relocated.
I mentioned that it was my “first Permanent job” though.
I imagined he needed more than one reason to ask me out, only to remind myself that Steven had not, in fact, ‘asked me out’.
It would be a ‘Quick Drink to Thank me’ for a job well done.”
I figured I deserved that much.

It was a formidable task, not easily accomplished … without his help, of course!
I accepted. I simply couldn’t resist even if I tried.
On short notice, I called Jethro, but other than a voice asking to leave a message, I received no response.
More than likely, he’d be at Carl’s place, watching movies, and /or playing ‘games’!
I asked him to defrost the Pizza’s and to ‘stick around’, or to let me know whether he’d be sleeping over.
As arranged, I met Steven, in the Basement Parking, a while after the Close of Shop. He had something to ‘tie up’ before the weekend.
I went to the Mini market close by to get some gum, when my phone beeped. It was a message from Steven.
He’d sent: “Where r u?”
I responded with : “b there soon :-D ”
I arrived at the near-empty parking lot. He’d been waiting in his Midnight Blue Audi, a huge grin on his face.
“Here” he called, waving his hand from out the side window. I walked over.
“So Sorry about that” he apologized, once I got into the car.
”Rather sort something out before you go off and spend the Weekend thinking about it, Nes Pas?”
“Oh, you speak French, I see!” I remarked.
[It sounded French. That was another class, my mind refused to cooperate with!]
“Oh No, someone mentioned that to me once, it means: ‘Not so?’ in French.
It kinda stuck. Sounds good, right?” He’d smiled.“Nes Pas. Right, where to?”
I stammered “The choice is yours, really.”
Was it meant for me to recommend a place?
“Tell you what, let’s make a quick turn to O’Reilly’s – just ‘round the corner. Decent Pub.” Steven suggested.
“Ok” I agreed.
We arrived there in no time at all. It was pretty empty for an early Friday evening.
“What’ll it be then? What would you like to drink?” He asked, rather hurriedly.
“I drink just about anything” I replied.
He frowned, not sure he understood. I found myself laughing. .
“That,” I explained, “came out All wrong”
“Ohkk” He grinned at me, with ‘Mock Sympathy’.

I found myself bumbling again.. “I don’t have a preferred drink. I don’t really drink that much.” I tried explaining.
Steven’s response wasn’t convincing: “Ohkk...” He answered slowly, smiling.
“Let’s make it..” I decided to stop dawdling, “An Ice Cold Draught! I drink that with my pals at the Commune.”
He gave our orders to the waiter and turned to me.
Ohh Man, I thought.. He was Gorgeous.
“So sorry about the rush, now!” He started to explain as he sipped,
“I meant it when I said ‘quick drink’, I don’t want to take up too much of your time… ” he purred, looking at me, expectantly.
Was it my cue to insist that he had not been ‘taking up my time?’
I made it obvious that that hadn’t warranted a response.
“.. And a ‘Thank You’ was definitely on the Cards.” He continued.
“No, No problem at all!” I finally said what he needed to hear.
“Storm,” he begun, taking another gulp, “You know I have a son, right?”
I nodded.
“Well, the mother- in- law, my late wife’s mom, had some sort of crisis” he began explaining again, “and can’t pick Storm up from the After-School Care Centre, I’ve been given an extra hour and a half but I really need to be there quite soon.”
He rushed the first few sentences through and seemed to have relaxed.
We clinked our glasses, raised a Toast to the Future! I was not sure to whose future, but we did it anyway.
He began in a rather slow drawl..
He was now, he thought, ready to start dating again.
I fully expected a tirade of compliments regarding my excellent standard of work and wondered why that wasn’t mentioned yet, it’s the reason for the ‘celebration’, after all.
He decided to start dating again, he explained, because he needed to find a Mom for Storm ASAP.
I interrupted by asking whether he’d been 100% satisfied with the final schedules. This caused him to grin broadly, and laugh – embarrassed at getting so far ahead and so far off track.
“Yes, Yvonne. I could not be happier!” and he raised his glass, “to a job well done!” and smiled.
“Do you enjoy the game of dating?” he continued, well off track again.
“I don’t.” I said, taking a sip, “date.”
He broke out in peals of laughter, I had felt embarrassed. He laughed lots.
“Touchy subject, then” he’d prodded. “Not really, do you?” I seemed to have lost the battle of keeping things ‘on track’
“No, I don’t either!” his eyes had a twinkle in them, “not yet.” He winked,
explaining that he’d not been looking forward to the venture as he never ‘dated’ before.
Women had literally ‘thrown themselves at the Band Members, so his ‘quests, as he put it, was without effort.
His late wife were a ‘Faithful Follower’ of his, whom he found at the “Reception” of the Hotel where they performed.
Her room had been broken into, she had but the clothes on her back. He took her in. She needed his help. He fell in love with her, and decided to ‘settle down’, and got married to Jan. Storm were born sometime after that.
Then came the unknown, until then, the spread of Cancer which seemed to have overtaken Jan’s body, their lives, causing the sad ending to a rather sweet, yet short union.
There still was just sooo much to talk about...
We rushed through the basics but Steven checked the time and in a flurry of apologies, made a rushed exit.
The Only Definite memory, for me, had been iced cold drafts... And Steven, rushing off through the crowd that gathered during our fairly brief conversation that evening.
Steven stopped and spoke to Max, the Owner of the Pub, who nodded, as Steven placed a card in his hand, shaking the other in greeting.
They’d been friends for years. Steven had often brought Clients, or Board Members over, after an arduous Meeting.
The cuisine at O’Reilly’s was “of note” as Steven .. . ‘noted’.
Max made his way to where we sat, explaining that the taxi fare had been settled, as well as any further drinks I may order, assuring me that I just have to advise him on my decision to leave.
I smiled, it had was awesome of Steven.
I ordered another draft, wondering what on earth just happened. Later, I asked for the Taxi.
It was an unusual evening, to say the least. I fell into bed… into a dreamless Sleep.
It was One Helluva week.

Chapter 8.
It was still weeks before Steven’s departure.
All the documentation in order, I emailed the final draft for a second time, ending with: RSVP…
I needed the assurance that it was 100% and there were no further amendments.
I knew there would not be, I just had to hear from him again!
Steven’s reply had nothing to do with the schedules, which I ensured were finally, faultless.
It read: “without sounding lewd but – doesn’t rsvp mean ‘are you coming or not’? :-D”
I burst out in peals of laughter. Steven seemed to love laughing and knew how to get a smile out of anyone, at any time!
Cheryl shot a panicked glance. I had a strange feeling that she had a feeling. She looked upset.
In the weeks that followed, I almost wished I made a few ‘cock ups’, a term Steven seemed to have used often enough, during that time.
(‘Cock ups’ usually followed “No ..” !!)
There’d been drinks celebrating the ‘job well done’, and the chances of any further one-on-one contact with Steven was zilch. And so What? I asked myself.
I did not fall directly under his management so, apart from the odd schedule or two that he might need – well, I guessed that I wouldn’t be seeing much more of him….. And so What?? I asked myself again.
These crazy conversations I had with myself did not bring any further clarity, I thought.
Quite frankly, I found all the new methods, Account categories, new names and faces became a bit too much for me.
Jethro found me, fast asleep, in front of the TV. It had just gone seven.
He gently tugged at my arm, “Wouldn’t you prefer getting into bed?”
I mumbled that I was fine. We’d chat in the morning.
I woke up to the distinct smell of Coffee.. So close, I could almost tasted it.
“Good Morning, Mother!! Coffee?”
It was pretty unusual, to say the least. Jethro never woke up late, but seldom earlier.
“Yes Please! Wots up?” I asked.
Jethro seemed to be fidgety, unsure …
“Out with it!” I smiled, almost nervously. I wondered what it was all about?
“Mom,” he began..
“I don’t really know how to say this..”
“Well, that’s the end of the story, then!” I smiled, taking a sip of the coffee.
Jethro had not ended the ‘conversation’ yet, pulling all sorts of faces.
“C’mon, Guy… what is it?” I asked, more than curious, myself.
“You know I’ll be turning 16 soon, right?” he said, almost desperately.
“Yes…” had been the answer that had came to mind.
(Did he want me to answer that?)
“Well, a few guys at College would like to come around and celebrate, we’ll have a Braai .. Maybe a Cider or two..” was Jethro’s urgent request.
It didn’t sound like a bad idea, The Cider story didn’t ‘sit right’, but I knew they were going to have some, whether I gave the Okay or not.
I wondered what the problem could be.
My response was spontaneous, I sometimes forgot how much older Jeth was, to the image that were fixed in my mind.
“Wow, time flew! Little Jeth…16!”
I ruffled his hair, and reminded myself to ‘Stop doing that’! - Jethro’s earnest plea.
“Well, that sounds like a plan, so where do we have the problem?” I quizzed.
“Well…” He began dragging it out.
It became a waste of time and I pleaded for something concrete.
“Well, Mom, the Guys would like to sleep over afterwards. We only have a Pad, I love this Pad but … but you can’t sleep here as well, then.”
I remember I felt dazed. Dazed at the fact that my son already decided on his own celebration arrangements, without me – excluding me.
Time had, in fact, marched on triumphantly.
I asked him whether he thought of a solution to the problem, as well!
“I don’t really know, Mom.” He replied, already sure of the solution.
“What about Alice, the friend who’d brought you to fetch me, couldn’t you stay over there for a night?” He thought it out already!
“Or.. Oh, forget it! You give so much and all I do is ask, ask, ask …” was the next response.
“We’ll think of something,” I found myself saying. I knew I would. I couldn’t disappoint Jethro.
He responded with “So I can say it’s OK for the following weekend?”
He knew already that there’d be no way I would let him down.
“Yes” I answered.
He left that morning with a skip in his step. Mission accomplished, I guessed.
Jethro placed the first challenge I had to deal with, since our reunion, firmly in my hands.

Chapter 9.
I boarded the train that morning, deep in thought.
The idea of staying in a two star hotel did not sounded inviting. Cape Town, being the Tourist attraction it was, had lots of hotels. Expensive hotels.
I loved having Jethro back! The initial start caused expenses to pile up and although almost out of the red, I was in a position to make lavish decisions, yet! I wasn’t parting with spare cash to spend on expensive hotels.
Alice left Cape Town soon after she assisted me with fetching Jethro. You either loved living in the Mother City or had a hard time adjusting to the pace of things.
She went back to Pretoria. Her Mom had asked her to take over the small family business, which became a bit too much for her to handle alone.
My second thought fell on Petro! We worked together using the same Agency and I had, on occasion, accepted an invite or three.
Apart from her Dad, who swore he knew me in a previous life, and sometimes embarrassed her with the detail, I enjoyed spending time with the Parkers. They’d been hospitable and quite entertaining.
I made a mental note as the train stopped at Rosebank Station.
The morning at R&R Admin rushed by, and left me with little time for personal calls but I knew that there was one that had to be made,
I dialed the number, recalling her jolly banter, hardly forgettable!
“Hello, Petro? .. its. .”
“Yes, Vonnie! How are you, my dear?”
She loved the “Dears” and “Dearests”!
“Very Well Thanks, and yourself, Petro?”
I paused, almost waiting for her usual joke, before getting to the “nitty gritty” as she labelled anything that was not ‘hilarious’!
There was an unusual silence so I continued:
“I’ve taken a Permanent Position now. Remember Jethro?”
(Everyone who met me, ‘knew about Jethro’!)
A further silence.
“Well, we’re back together! He’s attending College …” I boasted.
The silence on the other side was deafening.
“Petro?” I asked
“Remarkable, Dearest! I’m so oo happy for you!”
I noted the smile back in her voice. A sense of relief swept over me.
“Yes, Well… ”

She almost returned to her old self, the ‘old self’ I knew!
“Well what, my dear?” She laughed on the other side,
“He hasn’t made some one pregnant, has he?”
I wasn’t too shocked by her response, often thinking the unthinkable. “Goodness, No, Petro! .. he’s about to turn 16 … ”
“Well that’s a relief! Not all news is good news, you know!” she chirped.
Did that remark have something to do with silence, I wondered.
“Are.. You pregnant?” I ventured.
There was another short silence.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the response, but asked anyway.
“No… of course not!” I seemed to have irritated her.
“Dad and Mom,” She said, rather soberly.. “They’re ‘calling it a day’ ”
“Are you Serious?” I asked. Unsure of whether I heard correctly, but she sounded serious.
“Yes. I’m serious. We’ve been trying to get them to reconsider, but there’s just sooo much tension at home, one wonders if that wouldn’t be the better option”.
I recall wondering whether I was more upset for them.. or for myself.
This was not happening! I flinched, replying
“I am so, so sorry Petro…. Never in a million years… ”
“Yes” she answered “Never in a million years.”
I felt as inflated as a broken balloon and bad, at my selfish reaction. There’d be no more fun ‘n’ games at the Parkers’. I couldn’t suggest another get together … and I had Jethro , well.. He was relying on me.
I took a deep breath, genuinely sympathetic.
“I’m so sorry about the news, Petro. I really hope things turn out ‘Just fine’ - We must get together again, sometime soon.. But ‘gotta hang up now..”
My mind had already started racing, what was the next option?
“Yes, Yes my dear.. We must! ” Petro added but not suggesting a date.
I bid my friend a fond farewell. I also bid the chance of a cozy
sleep-over a fond farewell, too!
R&R Admin was deathly silent and I wondered where Cheryl were.
I was placed in a tight squeeze. All the obvious things that was supposed to have happened, such as Petro’s warm invite to “join them some time” did not happen!
I hadn’t readied myself for the seemingly impossible fact that Bill and Dot Parker called it Quits.
“Damn!!” I said in exasperation, I honestly could not need Petro at a worse time. “It can’t be that bad!” Steven replied. He stepped out of Jeff’s Office. Engrossed in conversation, I didn’t notice his entrance to R&R Admin, earlier.
He walked passed, in time to hear the exasperation.
“It’s Worse ..” I grimaced, leaning back with my arms behind my head, a usual reaction when I tried to ‘figuring something out’.
“How many guest rooms do you have?” I blurted, surprised at my own voice and question.
“Why?” Steven frowned slightly, this really got his attention.
“Only Kidding!” I smiled and wished I could’ve retracted my question. “Just in a bit of a situation”
“Really?” Steven asked, “a bad one?”
I looked at him, glumly. Not sure of my next plan of action with the dilemma I’d found myself in.
“A quick drink after work? ‘Want to talk about it?” He offered.
I thought about the previous “Quick drink”
Way too “Quick” for me.
I did not clearly remember what we spoke about that night.
“Thanks, but Nooo Thanks.” I replied, and added “This’ll sort itself out, I’m sure!”
These offers for “Drinks” came way too frequently.
The day raced by, as with most days since I started at R&R MUZIK. The position posed many challenges!
I’d been successful at starting the procedure of clearing long overdue, outstanding claims which the clerks seemed comfortable carrying forward month by month, sometimes year after year. It wasn’t happening on my shift, I explained! Not a clock-watcher, I eagerly awaited the end of the working day.
I checked, once more. Four forty five. ‘Home time’ soon, I thought. Thanking my Lucky Stars, It had been ‘one of those days’!
I still had one unresolved problem though. What was I going to tell Jethro?
The phone had been buzzing, I wondered whether I could deal with another call.
It was Steven.
“ ‘Sure you don’t want to accept my offer? I’m all ears! Storm is spending the evening with Grammie - so, there’ll be no rushing off tonight.”
He sounded confident, refreshed and ready to take on another challenge.
Ironically, it was everything I had not been feeling.

Oohh.. And it sounded so good. Anything but Account names, numbers, Dept. codes and lists of unresolved queries…
“Yes” I found myself saying.. “Why not?”
It was a week night. The Pub, quiet. The music softer.
“So..” Steven began, “You have a problem- I’m all ears!”
“Oh Steven” I sighed, wishing every problem would simply ‘go Away’!
“There are no problems”.
I found myself swimming in those intent blue eyes,
“No problems, at all.”
“Okk..” He replied, “Let’s have a less rushed drink, anyway! I’ll get you home in one piece.”
He ordered, and we sipped, not talking.
Steve eventually broke the silence.. “Let’s take it a little slower this time”
Ohh, that slow, leisurely smile!
“So, tell me about yourself, who’s Jethro?” he enquired.
“My Son” I replied.
He acted surprised “You have a son too, how old?”
“Much older than Storm,” I took another sip, “Either you started late or I started too early!”
I found myself smiling, everything was going to be Ok.
“I started late” He admitted.
“We had Storm when I was 40, too much else went on in my life before then. My wife was much younger though.” He sipped, indicating that it was my cue. I obliged, “Jethro is, well, he’ll be 16 one of these days”
“Really?? How young did you start then?? ” He joked, laughing.
His eyes questioning, as he took a long sip.
“Ok…” He was doing the math.
“I’m 36”
His eyebrows shot up. In Surprise?
“You’re kidding me, right?” he placed his glass back on the table.
“No, I’m not! Too old for you, then?” I shot back.
He said his wife had been much younger. I was unable to resist the jab.
Steven burst out laughing. A genuine ‘Belly laugh’.
“Whatever made you say that?” he chuckled.
I remembered another flush. It was not a blush. 36 and blushing sounded ridiculous.

“I don’t know!” I roared with laughter, it felt so good!
“I don’t know at all! Cheers!” I laughed, surprised at my own joviality.
“Cheers?” he quizzed.
I responded with a raising of my glass “I’m having a great time, Steven! Cheers to that!”
Our glasses clinking.
“That’s good to know!” he grinned, becoming more serious..
“Jethro’s father?”
“Long Story. Let’s not waste time.” I sighed.
Another stretch of silence and deep sips of Draft.
“What is the problem, Yvonne? You can talk to me.” Steven ventured.
It was another long day… Before I knew it, I explained to Steve about Jethro’s plans and how I’d not been able to meet my side of the bargain.
“Is that why you asked me earlier about guestrooms?” he asked, becoming suddenly quite alert and eager to be of any assistance.
I felt stupid. I recalled asking that, I did not know why I had.
“I have three Guestrooms,” he announced. “You are more than welcome to spend the night. In one of them.” He added.
He sounded so genuine.
“Steven…” I sighed.
“No, I’m Serious, Yvonne. No hidden agenda. Promise. I just want to help you.
It’s One night! You’ll meet Storm, too!”
He did not prepare himself for a “No”.
It sounded ‘Safe’ enough. Why safety had suddenly become an issue was beyond me.
I replied, rather sheepishly,
“Oh, I don’t know, Steven. Why make my problem yours?”
“Because I want to.” He became a whole lot more serious.
I paused, thinking.. Well, why not?
“Ok,” I announced, having had more drafts than I thought I was able to,
“That settles it then!”
“Thanks!” he smiled. That smile.
“Why are you thanking me?” I asked curiously.
“Because you’re accepting my help.”
“Cheers!” I raised my glass, taking a huge sip. “Steven, can you take me home, now. Please?”
I gave directions, I lived close enough and fell asleep on the way home.
“Yvonne?” Steven’s voice interrupted the snooze..
“Hmmmm?” I managed. “I think you’re home now” he said softly.
I roused myself awake, a little embarrassed, and blurted
“Thanks Steven, I’ve totally embarrassed myself. Thank you for the lift. See you tomorrow.”
He did not pull away until I was safely indoors.
Oohhh, I remember just how welcoming that bed felt.

Chapter 10.
I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Not a Good Start.
“Coffee, Mom? …. You got in a bit later last night”
Jethro chirped, he surprised me with yet another ‘very early morning” rising.
“Yes, thank you!”
‘Coffee’ sounded great. Glad for his offer of temporal but immediate help.
“So! Have you managed to contact Alice?”
I was sure the question was burning on his lips, since five that morning.
“Jethro,” I sighed “Alice left Cape Town some time ago…”
I knew what to expect next. That little pout…
“But! I’ve made an alternate plan, the weekend is yours!”
I sounded ‘ triumphant’!
“Weekend?” Jethro asked, over-the-moon!
“Sorry! Wrong choice of words!”
I’d been doing quite a bit of that lately.
Small Pout.
“Only kidding, Mom! One night is all I need.” He grinned,
“Thank you, Mom”
He hugged me, tightly. It had definitely been the biggest hug I’d ever received from Jethro.
Although I had to admit, he grew by the day, and that was almost a ‘manly hug’.
Immediately, my thoughts went to Steven. He haven’t even tried to hug me, once.
Should he have? What would it..
“Oh, CUT IT OUT!” I said aloud.
I laughed. “Talking to myself, Jethro!”
He smiled and once again, it was “Thanks, Mom!”
“Thanks, Jethro!”
Thanks Steven. I couldn’t resist the thought.
Jethro had not much else to say, given everything had now been comfortably arranged.
“I’m going over to Carl’s Place Mom, is it Okay if I slept over tonight? – we’ll leave for College from his place.” He announced.
“Okk .. Don’t forget your toothbrush,” I smiled. He never forgot a thing.. If I didn’t know better, I could’ve sworn he’d been born in September, Meticulous to a fault.
“Ok then, Good Bye, My Angel!” I smiled,
“Take the bin bag and drop it off on your way out. Please” I asked sweetly.
“Will do too…” he answered, obedience dripping from his lips. It was the least he could’ve done!
He blew me a kiss and was gone.
I was a happy Mom, Jethro’s the best son ever! ...
At times I felt as if I was crazy, deeply, madly in love with him.
It’d not been anything “weird”.
He reminded me so much of Brendon and yet being so much ‘himself.’ Quietly Confident.
No Rules unless we needed them. Very Intelligent.
As a youngster, I once mentioned how ‘clever’ he was, given he memorized so well, at an early Age...
He answered that monkeys were ‘clever’ and that he was intelligent. Did I mention confident?
I found the being alone too liberating that evening. I had a mind crammed with data I did not want to process.
In two days, two sleeps time, I‘d be sleeping in a Guest room in Steven’s house!
I promised myself earlier on in the day: NO more thoughts about ‘Steven’.
So I disappointed myself but it was just so hard not to think of him.
With Jethro absent, absolutely nothing demanded my attention.. except Steven.
Actually, It had been the abode I found myself thinking about.
I wondered whether it would be ‘Posh’. He didn’t come across as snobby but he wasn’t broke, that was obvious.
Well, I said, gathering my thoughts, and shelving them. I learned the signs of my overthinking, I would see soon enough.
What Did I Get Myself Into, I thought panicking. My heart pounded hard against my chest, everything happened so fast.
Those past few months came with so much change.
I reassured myself that, all I needed to do was.. “go with the flow.”
Go with the flow? Where on earth did I hear something that crazy, I asked myself. The overthinking was not put to rest.
I went through it again.. I needed a place to crash for a night. Steven obliged. He’d be off to Germany soon. I already wished ‘the weekend’ was over. Jethro,happy. I – eternally grateful.
Oh, I felt I didn’t have ‘room in my brain’ to take on another thought.
So, what if he tried to seduce me?? .. I seemed shocked at the thought!
We were not children, I’d been..
“Go to Sleep!” I told myself. It was late, I was tired. I was overthinking.
Last thought that night was …But he was rather yummy. Very yumm…
It took a few seconds and I was lost to the world, I had fallen into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 11.
I remembered waking that morning, having a shower and boarding the train.
The day flew, in pretty much a haze, particularly work- wise.
I was going through the motions, doing what needed to be done but my mind was miles away.
Emotionally, I felt dizzily .. Dizzy.
I fought against the butterflies having a field day in my tummy and reminded myself new encounters were always nerve wrecking.
I then questioned that, because- over the years I’ve seen interviews as something that was ‘all in a day’s work’, confidently securing Posts without a nervous twitch.
It’d been as if the battle within, fighting for my very life with all that was within me. My cocksure stability wavering.
I had the craziest visions in my head.
I was thinking about Steven, remembering his lips as they curled in mock derision of something I might’ve said, over the second not- so - “Quick drink.”
The thoughts were unrelenting and would not change its course!
No matter how many Music magazines I picked up and glanced through to change the train of thought.. I could think of no one else.
My mind was playing tricks on me. I felt the urge to ‘back out’ but I knew there was no way of turning back.
We caught a glimpse of each other, occasionally, he had that gorgeous smile,
“Hello, Yvonne!” with a twinkle in his eye.
We had a secret!!
I ‘doodled’ sometimes, scribbling on bits of paper . .’found myself writing . .



It was a bit over-dramatic, I said a few words to the guy, but he was gorgeous. All of the other words, had flowed.
We seemed to be bumping into each other a lot more, thereafter. I wondered if Steven had anything to do with it, but I didn’t mind. Simply talking to him about the weather became an intoxicating experience.
We’d bump into each other down in Retail, in the passage way, walking up or down the stairs….
I found myself hoping I’d bump into him around every corner, to the point of silently praying that I would!


I was going on a rampage with the blame game. I blamed Steven for my seeming lapse of sanity. I founded him incredibly distracting.
I reassured myself, once more that I was Vonnie Tyler, this was one exciting game.. I was not going to fall.
At all.
Sometimes, I’d get really ‘Bold’- but it was my personal doodling, the incredible adrenaline rushes I found impossible to keep bottled up.. Besides, these lyrics had not specifically written for Steven, I reasoned.
It was something I added to my increasing collection of Lyrics, many of which he had suddenly sparked off the inspiration.

(TO ME!)
(TO ME.)

Chapter 12.
Friday morning arrived.
At last? I wondered to myself.
The fantasies, Lyrics and every wild imagining left its toll.
Restless nights, I so disliked not getting in a straight seven hours sleep.. but it had been restless and seductive. Dreams of words and whispers, my imagination fully ‘on call’, as my collection of lyrics increased.
The shower was invigorating..
I wondered about wearing something ‘Special’ and whether an extra set of clothing would be necessary.
NO, Yvonne! I argued with myself .. You are going to be ‘bunking’ for the night, Sleep in your clothes!
My mind finally rested on something or someone else.
Jethro. If he’d be having a bit more fun without me around, I’d do whatever I could to make that happen!
A sleepover.
It wasn’t as if I was on a mission to seduce, I reasoned.
Steven was great fun to chat with, was incredibly yummy, but given the situation, that was farthest from my mind, I assured myself.
Besides, Seduction had hardly been my middle name.
I’d hit them hard and fast with a few straight questions and that was it.
“I am not a seductress.” It became a mantra, as it rolled from my lips for the fifth time, in that many minutes.
I was not being responsible, I blamed it on Steven, for the broken, startled dreams I was having, where I’d found myself in his arms.
I could not control the flow of words that came streaming from my lyrical mind. Besides, there’d be millions who might be going through this.. My collection started growing, and so I wrote. And thought.
I am not a seductress! I repeated.
In fact, I honestly never purposely initiated intimacy, being totally defensive and disinterested. Other than the odd occasions, when we partied too hard, forgot where or who we were and got ‘down n dirty …’
The thought of seduction itself, sounded like a lot of work.
I was over thinking again. .
The one-on-one’s with myself happened quite frequently. It was necessary, I’ve been acting slightly ‘out of character’.
“Calm down. Deep Breathe. Relax.” I suggested, exhaling.

“Get dressed. Comb your hair and catch a train.”
The train’s were running late that morning, the trip was uneventful.
The brisk walk to work from the station, felt exhilarating.
It was one of those warm, breezy Cape Town mornings.
I once again were deep in thought, working hard at keeping the emotions in check. Adrenaline, at an all-time high.
I tried but could not get the “couldn’t give a damn” look all over my face, unable to hide the excitement.
For some reason or other, Ms. Chatterbox Cheryl, had been none the wiser.
Yes, she was a ‘Hopeful.’
And no, she had not thought of any one, other than herself, most suitable to be the next Mrs. Rousseau.
Steve needed to make his own choice, she reasoned, but she was there at his side from day one! She supported and encouraged him when the sad news of Jan spread throughout the company. She saw him often enough at work as Jeff and Steven were more than colleagues, spending time in each other’s offices, discussions from the latest gig to guitar.
She chatted to Storm for quite a long while at last year’s “Picnic in the Park”, a yearly function held for Staff Members, and made him laugh.
So, yes, she knew Steve better than most and should he be looking for someone at R&RMUZIK, it would most probably, be her.
I dared not smile too broadly as I walked into R&R Admin that morning, arriving later, the shower took longer than the usual ‘two ticks’.
I stood under the steaming water that morning, unable to turn off the tap once the soap had rinsed off. The warm water rushed over my nakedness, making me feel protected.
I wondered about the sudden need for protection and who needed it.
My mind, pulse and much everything else went haywire recently.
Jethro’s party was about to happen. That problem ironed itself out.
I found myself wondering whether I’d be ready for.. whatever may happen, on my ..evening.
I stood and stood, not wanting to turn the water off.
My thoughts was jolted back. I heard someone, from outside the door :
“Helllooo, are you still gonna be a while?”
It jolted me back to the steamy shower- and a clock that said I was running late. Peak hour worked perfectly with Public Transport.
I left later that morning, glad there was train delays. I knew of a few staff member who would arrive later as well.
I stepped into R&R Admin an hour later and literally skipped to the vending machine. I arrived late and needed to get to my desk asap. I was also floating on cloud nine.
Cheryl noticed the skip.
“We’re starting gym, one of these days..” she remarked aloud, to herself, of course.
Looking back, she was the last person I expected encouragement from! “Starting gym soon” – Yeah, Right!
…Oh Vonnie, you’re vicious! (smile.)
I made the second ‘cuppa’ for the day and walked to my desk, switching on the computer to run the daily reports.
There was mail. >>>

“Everything still on for tonight?” It was Steven, leaving me tingling.
“Why wouldn’t it be? Busy. Chat later.” I replied, trying to sound as distant as possible, glad he was not in front of me, to witness the pleased smile or flush of colour to my cheeks..
That was an early ‘check!’
By lunch time, I calmed down. I was going to ‘go with the flow’ whatever that meant.
Nothing was worth getting into a knot over, I reasoned.
I didn’t saw Steven yet but he was around somewhere. I received the mail.
As if on cue, Cheryl said in her louder ‘Megaphone tone’
“Has any one seen Steve? I need to speak to him urgently! Please! If you do see him let him know …”
So his absence was not something I imagined. I decided to ‘take it as it comes’ or rather.. go with the flow.
He arrived at 16:55, Minutes before the close of the working day.
He was with Jeff at the Expo in Sea Point. Cheryl must’ve known.
There was a message on my phone:
“Ready To Go ?? ”
“YES.” I replied.
We met in the Basement Parking a bit later, as usual.
There was nothing to hide. Neither of us needed to be victims of speculation.
“Tell you what,” Steven said, as I slipped into the passenger side,
“Let’s go and watch the Sunset”

“Wow, that sounds awesome” I gasped.
“But what about Storm? Weren’t you meant to pick him up this evening?” I checked.
“Umm Yes, Well..”
I loved the way he tilted his head, almost. . ‘heaven-ward’, before he explained.
Was he an Angel, I thought, dreamily .. Angels were Beautiful, right?
“There’s a Movie he wants Grammie to take him to this evening. I’ll pick him up tomorrow morning, or afternoon. You’ll still meet him, if you’d like to!”
That smile again. It caused him to close his eyes slightly. Dreamy. Dark Lashes. No, it was not make up.
Although that was part of the Act back then. This was au natural now.
So oo au natural.
“Okk .. Sunset it is then.” I agreed.
It was an unbelievable start to the evening.
The drive to the beach was silent. It wasn’t awkward, or one of us would have, at least, tried to make conversation.
It felt comfortable, the silence. But Electric. Comfortably tense.
Steven had took a right turn, drove closer to the beach front and stopped in the parking.
“Here we are!” he made the announcement.
The beach cleared for the day.
Once we found a comfortable spot, he opened the wicker basket he carried along, the beach became quite deserted.
“Some Wine?” he almost whispered.
“This is awesome Steven! Yes! ”
I clapped my hands, an excited kid on their first ride on a rollercoaster.
I didn’t want to spoil the moment with whispers…
We sat, side by side, not saying a thing for a while. The red glowing sun moving further and further away into the horizon.
“This..” I eventually sighed, taking a sip..
“… Is Heaven.”
“Really??” Steven seemed chuffed.
“Let’s not change this moment.” .. I lifted my hand to silence him.
It was myself I heard Whispering..
Silently the sun edged its way over the horizon.
Steven decided it was “time to get cracking” as we packed the basket and stood up.
I wished the sun would wait, for at least another hour.
We headed back, the cool breeze introducing the oncoming night.
“Hey Steven! ..” I smiled, sleepily,
“This was great! When I accepted your invite to sleep over, I’d meant just that. You definitely didn’t have to entertain me!” I sighed.
“Nooo!” Steven laughed. That laugh.
“This’ not ‘entertainment’! .. I was thinking about doing this for quite some time now. Just needed someone to do it with. I hope you don’t mind!” he reassured me.
He. Was. Absolutely. Gorgeous!
The trip home was disastrous.
While on the beach, I felt a playful ‘Headiness’, it was a lovely Topsy -Turvy feeling.
Unfortunately, having added movement to. . ‘Topsy – Turvy’ had was not a good idea.
“Pleassse, Steven ..” I pleaded, “Stop at a Garage, I need the Loo.”
Was that concern etched over his face?
“Yes, Of Course, Vonnie! Are you ok?” he asked.
“..Hope so!” I tried smiling but wasn’t up to it.
We stopped at the BP.
Toiletsss !!
“Are you, ok ..Vonnie?” Steven probed, “Can I help you?”
Steven. Always ready to ‘help’.
“No Thanks, I’ll be a sec” I said hurriedly, making my way to the Ladies. I just made it in time.
A couple of minutes later, I left the Ladies.. Pretty much mess-free.
Wow, I felt heaps better!
Was that my reaction to wine? Anyone’s reaction to Too Much wine, I admitted.
Steven smiled sheepishly when I returned to where we parked.
“Dis I give you too much wine, my dear?” he asked apologetically.
“You’ve done no such thing!” I answered, defensively.
“I well remember doing most of the pouring . .And drinking!”
We laughed.
“I need a mint!” I announced, and fumbled around in my bag, finding some …
I started feeling better, already…
“ Are we going ‘home’, I mean, to your home now?” I checked, more than ready to drift into a hopefully dreamless sleep.
Steven looked down at my pale face, rattled by the over indulgence, and smiled, “I think that would be a good idea!” he said, softly.
Involuntarily, I gave into sleep, we arrived at Steven’s house some time later.
“Vonnie…” He gave me a gentle tug.
“Hello! I’m wide awake!” I quipped, waking from the nap, feeling tons better.
“We’re home.” Steven whispered.

Chapter 13.
We left the garage and walked to the back. There’s a large swimming pool on the left. Surrounding lights encouraged a soft rippling on its surface.
“Care to skinny dip?” Steven laughed, but he sounded serious.
“I will have you know, Mr. Rousseau” I informed him,
“That I do not jump into swimming pools, even on the hottest day of Summer!”
“What a Pity!” He replied, smiling “I imagine you’d fill a Bikini quite well” Was that a compliment?
I flopped down on the well-manicured lawn which surrounded the pool and looked up at the stars, in a clear sky ..
“This is Heaven…” I murmured. I used the word “Heaven” twice, in a matter of hours.
I also wondered where the whispers came from, falling from my lips.
My eyelids felt heavy, but there was no more spinning. Only a soft cool breeze.
My nipples hardened, I opened my eyes. . . .Steven’s face, inches away.
His breathe felt warm.. I tilted my head, opening my mouth slightly, deciding not to turn away from what was about to happen.
His lips came crashing down on mine.
I imagined it would’ve been hungry, hurting, needing . .
We’d been ‘dancing around each other’ for long enough now, but he was gentle. Slow, purpose full...
Steven pulled away, looking deep into my eyes, questions dancing in his,
“Stop.Stoppp….” I heard Steven groan to himself, to me, almost painfully.
Thowing back his head in agony.. he leaned forward to nuzzle into my hair, unable to ‘stop’ the flow of things, and not wanting to..
“No stopping now, Steven..no stopping” I think I said dreamily..
There was music in my ears, in my head, in my Soul.. a Crescendo, a myriad of instruments ..clanging loudly . .
I groaned and arched my back in delicious pleasure,
What a sweet surrender!
“You are sooo Beautiful, Steven” I whispered, unable to contain myself.
He placed his finger across my lips . .
“Shhhh …”

And moaning, he grabbed me closer and surrendered to the shudders of a mammoth Orgasm. It was worth the abstinence. It was worth the wait. Whatever the reason.
I wanted to pinch myself but I knew that This.. was Real.
Every word and wild imaginings I rushed through on bits of paper over the last weeks became my reality.
Incredibly surreal. Incredibly real, as I turned to my side and nestled against his chest.
I realized this was not going to happen again anytime soon.
It was fun-fun-fun, kiss-kiss .. tomorrow was go.
I drifted into a heavenly sleep, under the stars.
I awoke some time later, under cool cotton sheets. Steven must have carried me in.
He huddled behind me, gently smelling my hair,
“You smell sooo beautiful” he murmured, as he licked my back,
“You taste like heaven.”
I turned around, knowing full well that I wanted to give to Steven until there was no more of me to give, He moaned as he pushed into me …
How can something so commonplace be so magnificently beautiful, I asked myself.
He was an Artist. Gentle, undemanding, strong.
I searched for his mouth wanting to confirm to my body that this was indeed happening and that Steven, yes, indeed –
Steven, happened to me.
Later, we drifted off to sleep. Again.
I didn’t want the night to end.. as it continued.
I was gently woke by Steven who kissed me. Head to toe, Meticulous. Marvelous .. Murderous.He’d done this ..Again. and again . . .
It was a long night. At round about 4:30 am, Steve stood up and made some Hot Chocolate.
I joined him, enjoying the warm, sweet drink.
Before the mug was left halfway through, I succumbed to sleep.
This dream I wished upon myself could not have been sweeter.
But the dreams I had, when sleeping, were not of Steven.
I dreamed of Cheryl and how she would’ve reacted, and I questioned my motive. Never wanting to be second. And I wasn’t... Next to me, breathing sweetly and deeply.. tattooed and naked, laid Steven Rousseau.
And at that point, that was all that mattered to me.

Chapter 14.
I woke up to the smell of percolating coffee and the sound of birds’ greeting the morning in glorious song.
I checked the time. 6:45
Steve was still asleep. His Rhythmic breathing sounded like deep sleep.
Was he dreaming too? I smiled. About Cheryl?
It was quite a night, for me .
Between dreams .. and nightmares, I didn’t have enough sleep.
I turned to look at Steven, gently moving a lock from his face.
Wow, I reaffirmed my suspicions.. what an absolute Beautiful specimen of a man.
Absolutely beautiful, he was lying there in restful sleep …
Absolutely Beautiful the way he opened his mouth saying “I’m here to help” and Beautiful . . Perfection as a Lover.
This, I feared, was going be a tough one!
Fun-fun-fun , kiss-kiss . .
I slipped into a tee and made my way down to the kitchen.
“Three Guest rooms and then some!” I thought to myself.
No one in sight.
There stood the coffee pot, brewed and warm.
He obviously had ‘Help.’
I filled two mugs and made my way back to the bedroom.
I walked into a very serious looking Steven . .
His face lit up as I approached.
“Coffee! Thanks. Wonderful!” He smiled broadly.
“You have ‘Help’?” I questioned.
‘”Yes,” Steven sighed, “A dear old lady.. who comes in a few times a week, I have a son, remember!” He playfully tousled my hair.
“And you have a life!” I joked, kissing him on the cheek.
“Come Here! This Instant!” he groaned.
I ran out of the bedroom.
“Not on your life!” I announced.
We showered together afterwards but there was no more passion, much less strength. It was a long night.
It was a gentle stroking of each other’s bodies, hair, faces. As if we made sure, in both cases, that yes – This happened.

After the shower, we got dressed. I didn’t bring, or wanted fresh clothes, I would go home to change. Thanks.
We left the house 11-ish. The area, I noticed, as we drove out was new to me. Platterkloof. Very Nice. Ohh and so was he!
I was biting the inside of my lip, battling against a broad smile.
Very, Very Nice.
We chatted about the weather, how different it would be in Europe, the expectations..
“So, you’re leaving on Tuesday, then?” I asked, scrambling around for some light hearted chat.
Steven had grimaced. “Please let’s not talk about R&R… Please.”
Silence. I could not make head or tail of it.
He cleared his throat, “Ahem..”
“You know all of this wasn’t supposed to have happened, right?”
“It wasn’t?” I thought.
He reached out to touch my hand, reaffirming,
“Nooo, don’t get me wrong! Last night, and this morning ..” he smiled.
“Was the Most ... Mind blowing experience I’ve ever had”
He continued . .
“It’s Red Tape .. These little clauses you bypass while checking for the Nett Salary figure, when you’re given the contract to sign. .”
He took a deep breathe,
“I’m not permitted to be involved with a Staff Member, Vonnie. It was clanging loudly in my ears.. The minute I offered to help you! No, the minute I laid eyes on you! I just couldn’t .. Or didn’t want to, help myself.”
A brief, pregnant silence.
“Look, I’m off to Germany for three months, on Tuesday” he paused,
“We’ll have some time to figure this out, Ok?”
He gave me a ‘little helpless boy’ look.
“Meanwhile …” he continued. .
“Let’s keep this between ourselves, ok?”
“Are you kidding me??”I asked in mock exasperation…
“Ms. Carstens is the First person I report to, on Monday!”
We turned into the road at the Commune, Steven turned a shade whiter..
“Relax” I reassured him, “I’m only kidding!”
I stepped out of the car, pulled a gun ‘sign’ with my fingers and said,
“Take Care, Steven! Your secret’s safe with me”
I turned to walk away and looked back ..
“Beautiful Guy” I breathed.
He smiled and was off.
I turned, with a rather triumphant march and made my way to the entrance gate.
I looked up at the looming mountain, so majestic! The Table Top towering over this beautiful city, on a beautiful Day, in a beautiful year.
Beautiful. The words had rolled off my tongue. Over and over. … And over …

“You’re Beautiful, that’s for sure …..You never ever fade . .
You’re Lovely but its not for sure, and I wont ever..


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